Recent content by chriso20

  1. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    thanks for the reply guys. Can someone just say that if i go for the PCI-E upgrade that i won't need to upgrade the mobo/cpu/gpu in 6-9-12months for vista? Technology is going THAT fast that i think i'm have to upgrade everything again by time i get into DX-10 and vista. and having just...
  2. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    After a year or so of a PCI-E PC + Graphics card, won't it start showings its age? at which point technology is going so fast i'l have to upgrade AGAIN! So my Q is, would i be going PCI-E for the upgrade posibilities that infact, when the time comes, won't be there? I'd just be buying a new...
  3. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    Another thing - A few people have said that by time you need a better graphics card, you'l be better off getting a single, high-end card rather than another of your already purchased low-end cards to go in a SLI rig, what do you think of that?
  4. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    well i can get ; XFX 7600 GT XXX EXTREME EDITION - £140 A64 3700+ - £93 - LINK (top) Asus A8N-SLi SE - £67 - LINK (6 down) TOTAL = £300 ish And yes i'm planning to take my 550w PSU, 1gb 3200 400mhz ram, 120gb IDE HD and 200gb SATA HD into the new PC.
  5. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    cheers for that. I must say pci-e is looking mighty tempting atm.
  6. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    no one else got any views on this? :(
  7. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    well i have £350 to throw at it but really just want enough to get my by but being able to play latest games. I play: hl2 (duh) css doom3 quake4 cod2 movies prey riddick etc... LATEST games.
  8. chriso20

    Need a new graphics card (AGP/PCI-E)

    Hey guys, Wow, haven't been on here since before HL2 came out! :D Anyways, recently my computer had a hissy fit and i had to replace the mobo+cpu. Shortly after it was working again my 9800pro started getting coloured lines all over the screen+gibberish. I checked, it means its dying...
  9. chriso20


    Software Development Kit. for making mods/maps/skins. EDIT: GOD DAMNIT!"!!"!1"!211!!!
  10. chriso20

    saved games

    skipper type "maps *" in console without quotes. Then find from the list, one thats called nova/prospekt/prison etc.. then load the 0_0_a of that (or which ever looks the first) Good luck :)
  11. chriso20

    Re-Selling Half Life 2 - Not Possible ?

    I'm selling my retail copy to a mate. (i have a steam account with the steam-silver on but it got hacked - i can still get it back tho so dont worry). So i bought retail so i cud play the game, registered to the account : "playhalflife2" and am giving my mate the box/disk/password. That...
  12. chriso20

    Stuck in "prison"?! level.

    try going back to an older saved game then replaying it a bit. I had a prob later on in the game.
  13. chriso20

    Help! I'm Stuck

    if you're still outside: After you see a pipe thing going up the cliff face with some guys on catwalks, just climb the ladder, then jump onto the trail again (there's some boxes) and you get to some zombies under a wooden shelter thing. Kill them then knock out the legs of the shelter to make...
  14. chriso20

    Funny Faces

    ^ yep...someone else had this prob so PLEASE!?!?
  15. chriso20

    Wtf@the Crossbow?

    well sniper rifles are in every other shooter and are just too certain, the extra gain you get from shooting far, is countered by the fact its slow. If you notice, guards will stop and shoot, you'l get used to knowing how to use the crossbow. I love it! :D Also do other sniper...