Recent content by CLASSIFIED


    ValveTime Top 5: Episode 3 - Unforgettable Narrative Sequences

    You have to stop using that phrase.. someone might be getting a heart attack someday because of over excitment and disappointment.. (I'm reffering to "Episode 3")

    Eternal Silence 3.2 Available This Friday

    Does it look like potentially the best mod developed on Source or what?

    Major Left 4 Dead Update Coming Very Soon?

    Com'on! Be a YES man!

    Left 4 Dead 360 Anti Cheat Fix Has Been Released

    Cheats.. over XboX Oo man you gotta be reaaaal low cheating over XboX. I mean, it's low anyway but..

    Peggle Extreme is Now Free

    I just realized, if I bought Orange Box it means I own it already but I haven't noticed that it's not on my games list. Why is that?

    Team Fortress 2 for $9.99!

    Sounds more like he lost track of time. Anyway I really liked TF2 back in the day (before Orange Box). Then I got real busy so I couldn't play.. then I came back to play and the game looked different 'n stuff and I was out of tune (form a pro to a n00b -- real fast after updates) so I've...

    Left 4 Dead matchmaking details

    That's AWESOME !! :laugh: When I first read about the dilemma of how to go about the servers, I had the very same though of "Having dedicated servers which link you to others listen servers". And now it's "Lobby servers". I like it! I really hope though that there will be a minimum...

    Day Of Defeat: Source Free Weekend

    There was a time it did. It used to give you your killers position from far. Mostly a general position. But now they do it with style. And hey! The screen freezes so the info is less relevant. Works good against campers. (And I "camp" with a sniper rifle and still manage to stay alive...

    Day Of Defeat: Source Free Weekend

    You mean like.. "Drop your weapns!" works fine for me.. If you really want to mess around with people, I really like "Whisky Tango Foxtrot". Especially when I play with the Germans and the taunt goes in English anyway :dork:

    Portal: First Slice available free to all Nvidia Customers

    So if you own an Nvidia card (which I had enough of by the way.. I'm really am happy with my new ATI) it means you get a DEMO of portal? which means that ATI owners do not even deserve a demo? I say again.. a DEMO? which means that if I buy an Nvidia card I gonna get only a demo :) anyway, I...

    If you could have ONE thing from the HL universe....

    I want a zombie so I can show off to my friends and how c00l I am, I would bring one for the ladies in college. I just really got put my hands on one of those ZomBines.. I would just hid it in the closet and wait for someone to open it up, it would be so cool getting the guy's face on camera as...

    New update makes TF freezes

    Alright, I got it back to default (all Zeros), it fixed the problem although it still lags at the beginning then it sort of fixing itself (or "adapting" the memory). Somewhat I suspect it works slower than it was with the tweak. It works okay but not as fast and it also require of me to wait...

    New update makes TF freezes

    I get weird freezes during the run of TF2. Let me explain: When I run the game, the Logo of Valve having a small freeze for a sec, then comes the background music of TF2, and it's freezing for mini-seconds all the time. Also the game play. I have a feeling it could be something to do with the...

    Games you'd like to see on Steam

    C&C, HOMEWORLD, Gunman, Savage, Americas Army, Worms, Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and of course HL3. Edit: Oh and the missing Hitman: Contracts

    Gordon must be wearing a helmet...

    Yeah there is an helmet. Flaws don't live forever.