Recent content by coheedswicked

  1. C

    Eurogamer: "Devs Owe You Nothing"

    so epic...
  2. C

    A very merry Christmas giveaway!

    Pretty cool.
  3. C

    SPOILERS!! Vortigaunts speaking in Portal 2?

    I always thought the take your daughter to work day thing was supposed be hinting at how Chell originally got there. GLaDOS probably took all of the daughters and told then that their parents abandoned them... also why would Alyx (Vance) be at Aperature's take take your daughter to work day...
  4. C

    New Valve IP "SOB" Found in Dota 2 Leak

    Shortness of Breath?
  5. C

    Easter Egg In Lower Aperture

    Thats one of the best easter eggs ive ever seen. LOL!
  6. C

    Weird creature (spoilers)

    Ya im pretty sure thats one of wheatley's box-turret things
  7. C

    The impossible space? SPOILERS

    Ya I was wondering exactly what they meant by that as well. I was thinking they meant that one door was actually still a portal instead of a door and so if u noclipped through the wall next to it you would not end up where you might think...
  8. C

    Valve realeases game early?

    probably not the only one thinking this but did valve just release a game 9.5 hours early??? Thoughts
  9. C

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    right... so the suprise must logically be... a morality core.... or a deadly neurotoxin i guess
  10. C

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    Doesnt GLaDOS say something about a surprise in Portal? I'm trying to think of what she was refferring to now.....
  11. C

    Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

    This is great... I lold
  12. C

    Another Portal Update (Alternate Ending Added)

    I did ;-) On a side note, I think the level of complexity of these little teasers says something about how Valve perceives its fans.
  13. C

    How I would solve the Half-Life 3 vs HL2 Episodes debacle

    Im pretty sure valve were gonna put all the content of episode 1,2, and 3 into one game and call it Half-Life 2: Aftermath (i read an article about it in PC gamer in 2005), but then they decided to go with the episodic content for faster releases and so they could improve the engine as time went...
  14. C

    Can you pick up objects on 360?

    I think the OP asked this question because console versions of games tend to have less features of this kind.... like Oblivion for example, on pc you could pick up and object and throw it around and what not without it actually being in your inventory, however on the 360 there is no such...