Aperture Labs Collaborative Disposition Test Recovered


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Those <strike>crazy</strike> genius scientists at Aperture Laboratories have unearthed a personality test designed to <strike>crush your soul</strike> reveal your true identity under cooperative conditions. The test asks <strike>ridiculous</strike> deep, penetrating questions that probe your psyche, and grades you appropriately.[br]Should you wish to take this test, just click here. You can even post your results to facebook, should you wish everybody refer to you as <strike>idiot</strike> 'turret-number-3' from now on.
"Have you ever sued a scientist for any injury you've recieved?"
Another weighted companion cube here. Crying shirtless people like me when they use me as stairs, apparently.
he looks like the ex-disney animator working for valve, what was his name?

Yes, I found him! He's Bill Fletcher! :D

I'm a weighted companion cube. The weighted part is probably accurate...
Chell. I continue fighting against all odds, which makes me a poor collaborator when paired with companions who give up when faced with any odds at all.

I love Portal's writers.

Stuck this in your playlist. Lead Composer Mike Morasky implemented a procedurally generated music system, so that in certain areas of Portal 2 the score is generated in real-time based on the player's actions. There is at least one piece of music that only repeats itself every 76,911 years, 125 days, 7 hours, 56 minutes and 30.3 seconds.

wtf how does this work?
wtf how does this work?

So.. instead of music built around the encounter to give the proper amount of drama or ambiance it just gives some random crap? Well, at least it's just in some areas. I'm sure there will be a regular OST in the proper parts.