Recent content by Deadlor

  1. Deadlor

    Golden Eye (N64) - Source

    I don't know if anyone remembers this but back in the good old original beta versions of CS (I think it was 2 or 3) They put facility from Goldeneye in. Man that map was ****ing sweet, although it eventually degenerated into AWP fests down the long corridor. Some of my best CS experiences (back...
  2. Deadlor

    How to get the "real" ithems over Steam?

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that 100 percent of the money from Steam goes to Valve. That's why they can afford to ship all this stuff and still have more than enough to pay for all the extras while not breaking the bank. I think the gold will be similar in price to the CE...
  3. Deadlor

    boats and missles

    We add the u in Canada as well, but I interchange them constantly. I use colour and color depending on my mood. Neither(is it neether or nither? Another British/American thing. I interchange them as well.) looks odd. But gaol is weird to me.
  4. Deadlor

    July 30th Release Candidate almost impossible...

    Who's to say that HL2 will not be released just as CS:S comes out of beta. That's what I expected to happen all along. Maybe they just put the beta CS:S on the disc and it updates through Steam when HL2 is released?
  5. Deadlor

    Things to come...

    I'm actually happy that it's not coming out in August as I am going to be in field school in Germany all that month. Hopefully it is released right after I get paid for my first week right before it's released so I can go and buy it right away.
  6. Deadlor

    Looking for the "maybe I can send u an envelope with some money" graphic

    I almost shit myself when I saw that... then a rotating steam engine crammed it back in.
  7. Deadlor

    in the e3 video , he shoots a tree with a rocektlauncher and nothing happens to it !

    Have you noticed that he now faces directly at the ladder instead of being able to climb it from all sides? That was what I was looking for to be fixed and it was.
  8. Deadlor

    did hlradio actually have anything?

    Yeah they are rerunning it. I really hate this false advertising stuff.
  9. Deadlor

    did hlradio actually have anything?

    The show is still ongoing. Have faith. That was pretty funny Valved Ray.
  10. Deadlor

    Translation for those who are confused.

    It's ongoing btw.
  11. Deadlor

    Lots of new info coming tonight at 8

    Who gives a damn about neutering the damn dog? These guys are morons. And this isn't site bashing, it's moron bashing.
  12. Deadlor

    Lots of new info coming tonight at 8

    IT'S CHRIS DEGARMEAU's DAUGHTER!!!! Sorry I had to.
  13. Deadlor

    % rebate on source updated products

    Everyone's talking about these updates like all that's changing is the graphics. What about the freakin physics? I mean that's one of the main sell points of HL2. They made the manipulator for crying out loud because physics are so popular. I mean look at the CS vid where the barrels go flying...
  14. Deadlor

    how old r all u hl2 fans?

    19........ 10 char limit
  15. Deadlor

    day / night cycle?

    Also HL2 is supposed to be loading all the time like HL1 so conceivably they could change the sky little by little. I mean no one is going to notice any difference between that and a dynamic system unless they stay in one spot for a long time just so they can throw the fact that it's not dynamic...