Recent content by Edcrab

  1. Edcrab

    'Half-Life: Singularity Collapse' Short Movie - Must See!

    Good stuff! Sometimes the viewpoint character seemed to be moving a mite slowly during the "running" scenes, but I guess realistically it'd be hard to do much else without making half the audience queasy. And yeah, while I'd agree the CG wasn't always convincing the actual camerawork and scene...
  2. Edcrab

    Nanowrimo - Are you doing it?

    Aww! That's sad to hear. But that said, while Nano is an interesting exercise it's not necessarily conductive to good writing if you have other projects you'd rather be working on! I skipped it this year, but last year the end result was at least semi-coherent. Ended up butchering it into a...
  3. Edcrab

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    What the hell has this forum come to
  4. Edcrab

    Beyond Black Mesa - Trailer

    Little "canon niggles" aside I thought it was pretty good. People clearly put a lot of time and effort into it and I like to see that...
  5. Edcrab

    Best Discworld Novels?

    Yeah, I'd say the Watch series is an excellent first step for people new to the universe. Plus it includes Night Watch, which is one of the best in the series assuming you've read enough to become acquainted with the backstory.
  6. Edcrab

    Novint Falcon Left 4 Dead Support and Giveaway

    It does look a little odd (and let's face it, a mite gimmicky) but if Pi likes it, I'm willing to assume it's awesome. Either way, I imagine it makes the Source staples a lot weirder! Feedback all up in the place.
  7. Edcrab

    Q_Q - "wut?"

    Hmm. Vegeta, would you offer to leave in return for a document (aka post) storage/sharing feature?
  8. Edcrab

    Behold, the Great Devourer is come

    ...please tell me that old chestnut isn't cropping up again. Anyway. Looking awesome. I'll miss Chaos, but I'll get over it- especially because they'll likely appear in an expansion.
  9. Edcrab

    New Judge Dredd Movie

    A man after my own heart. It'd be nice if this new offering has a reference to the occult/supernatural/fantastical elements that sometimes cropped up. My favourite story arcs always featured things like Dredd's ludicrous willpower and the fact he was practically psi-immune. Judge Fear learned...
  10. Edcrab

    Best moments to be had in TF2

    TF2 is full of frustrating moments but man, sometimes you get such awesome situations. This happened a month or two ago.
  11. Edcrab

    new zeno clash trailer

    Yeah, I was just thinking about Dark Messiah and the Crossing. DM was an especially good first-person-slasher and The Crossing is another Source title with a combat system that might turn out well- mostly because the DM team is involved, hah. Oh, and although Escape from Butcher Bay was a...
  12. Edcrab

    The Christmas Russian Roulette Game!

    5. And "Veteran Incompetent" for user title, please.
  13. Edcrab

    I have the Powah!!!

    Neither do I, but I'm still curious how the moderators' conduct has been objectionable? And be careful not to conflate forum moderation with neutrality. This isn't a political hearing or a court, this is a forum that deals with content like our favoured mass media- moderation here is more...
  14. Edcrab

    We're back!

    Huh, you're back? Did you ever leave? Ohh, downtime, gotcha.
  15. Edcrab

    So do you still exist? I miss the days that you me and Sulkdodds would write a lot. Golden age! ;)

    So do you still exist? I miss the days that you me and Sulkdodds would write a lot. Golden age! ;)