Recent content by Frraksurred

  1. F

    What about Lammar

    Actually, if you read's last interview with Mark Laidlaw, unless you closed the door to the rocket (which is not possible to do) there is no garuntee he stayed in there. I'm sure Valve will bring this up in Ep3. ;)
  2. F

    What about Lammar

    Actually, if you read's last interview with Mark Laidlaw, unless you closed the door to the rocket (which is not possible to do) there is no garuntee he stayed in there.
  3. F

    First bit of Episode 3 news!

    I also cannot see Alyx dying any time soon. They have invested too much into her and Gordon. Perhaps she will fade into the background between Ep3 and whatever comes next... but not by death.
  4. F

    Fighting partner

    There are plenty of games out there that pit you all alone against your enemy. Thankfully, Valve did not take that route. There are certainly times I like to be on my own, but I hated how every other game would kill off anyone and everyone the moment they were of no use to the player. Doom 3...
  5. F

    Hl2 and Ep1 updates

    Gabe has responded to several emails on the subject with the confirmation that the PC would be getting the updates, but after "things settle down". He mentioned bandwidth in one email I saw quoted. Apart from that, I can only assume that getting the PS3 version out was also a priority. Btw...
  6. F

    Achievements broken

    Agreed, but I have been online multiple times since and I don't use cheats, so I've never entered "sv_cheats 1".
  7. F

    "Interrogate" in ApetureSci website

    Indeed. From what others have said and everything I've tried... it seems like the only response.
  8. F

    what guns do you want to see in EP.3

    This is true, but regardless of what he has refered to it as, the title on the box still says Half-Life 2: Episode 2. So whenever they get around to whatever comes after Episode Three (full game or more episodes) it will be called HL3 or some other naming convection (such as "HL:Revenge of the...
  9. F

    Achievements broken

    My achievements seem to be broken. I played in "offline" mode (PC) about a week back and ever since then none of my acheivements have updated in any of my games. Anyone else experience this?
  10. F

    The start of Episode 3 and Gordon being mute. (spoilers)

    THe funny thing is, I sent an email to Gabe explaining how I wish they'd expand our ability to "interact" with others, particularly Alyx in this upcoming episode. I think when she breaks down, instead of helplessly standing there and staring at her, it would be nice if we could approach her...
  11. F

    The citadel in Portal? (Spoilers?)

    It does look like Barney... hmmmm. *postulates*
  12. F

    (Your favourite episode 2 Moment)

    There were so many great moments. Dog dismantling the Strider. Alyx saying: "Come on Gordon, next to me." Ambush at the Inn. Magnusson in general. Jumping anything in the car (wish the driving sequences were longer and more open. I'm going to have to hack this thing into HL2...
  13. F

    what guns do you want to see in EP.3

    Agreed, but that is not what they are officially calling them... so the release following Episode three will still be HL3. :thumbs:
  14. F

    Full Force(SPOILERS)

    I mentioned something similar to this in another thread. I agree, I think we will be facing predominantly Combine in the next episode, though hopefully some new variation thereof. Perhaps a poisonous Elite Zombine just to mix it up. The idea of an Aperature Science Military Android also...
  15. F

    Do the combine....

    Well, they attacked Mossman in the Artic and she knows where it is... so it's not too far a stretch. Not to mention: