The start of Episode 3 and Gordon being mute. (spoilers)


Nov 11, 2007
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Ok, so her dad just died, and is obviously going to be really upset at the start of play in Episode 3. How do they fill the void of Gordon being completely mute?

Gonna be an awkward helicopter ride, that's for sure :LOL:
Well technically Gordon does communicate as implied by conversations we just can't hear him talk.
Like Lassy does?

Did Lassie go to MIT? I thought not. :p

I trust Valve completely to make the introduction to the episode intriguing and epic. Who's to say we'll be jumping into the helicopter right away with this unexpected, and morbid, turn of events? It is a likelihood, but the possibilities to which the episode could open are endless. :)
I don't think it will change anything really. Alyx is used to Gordon being mute and therefore it'll just be her pouring out emotions. Or you'll go back and talk to Magnusson and Kleiner about something regarding the Borealis. Eventually, you'll set off in the chopper and then about 2 mins into the journey you'll get shot down (probably) and the meet up with Barney! :E
He'll stroke her hair gently with the crowbar.
I doubt we'll even have time to hear Alyx talk about what happened.

Hell, knowing valve we might just wake up right next to a crashed helicopter, unarmed and alone in a snowstorm.
He'll have a very important part in helping Alyx come to terms with it.

He'll use the gravity gun to put the coffin in the hole.

Oooooooooooooo below the belt... sorry. :(

Like Citadel said, Valve will probably find a way to make it work.

If this was real life and I was in there, I would probably put a hand on her shoulder, and try and comfort her in that awkward fashion I have. Later she'd cry and hug me, I'de hold her "there there...there there, let it all out" so on so on, somehow this would end in a peck, then a kiss, and before I know it I've somehow managed to turn my empathetic show of caring for her loss to somehow using her vulnerable state to get laid. :|

Aside from the whole someone dying bit, this has worked. Seriously...

But being HL2, a game, with a mute hero with limited ability for freedom to interact, especially at scripted scenes, we'll be an observer as we have always been, trapped in the horrible hell that is impotence to act or say anything.

Or you'll go back and talk to Magnusson and Kleiner about something regarding the Borealis.

Indeed, its also highly probably you and Alyx will run back to tell them, or they'll run to see whats going on, and Alyx will pour her emotions out to one of them, they'll give the hugs and support, and you'll be left standing their like a noob. Either way sudden grief is a tricky thing to handle. So far its been characters talking at you (rather then to you) and thats been fine. But grief is really the kind of interaction where you should be giving most of the expression and feedback. Somehow "I know you care" type of speech to Gordon will be cheap, and the above mentioned watching Alyx go to someone else while you stand and watch will just be bleh.

Wouldn't it be sweet if gaming eventually got to the stage it had real time voice interaction, you say something into a headset, and the AI/game actually has the ability to respond. Sweet. :D Half Life 2 would be sooo much more immersive and interesting if it had that.
i don' want to jump into the action immediately like in ep 1 + 2
also i hope gman comes into that room where eli dies and says something or like pause time and explain stuff
then reveiling that hes not exactly a 'good' guy
I think Alyx is going to wrap her arms around you for a couple of minutes and cry. She hugged you in ep. 1 so I wouldn't doubt it.
THe funny thing is, I sent an email to Gabe explaining how I wish they'd expand our ability to "interact" with others, particularly Alyx in this upcoming episode.

I think when she breaks down, instead of helplessly standing there and staring at her, it would be nice if we could approach her, press the "interact" button and she would respond as though we were trying to show our support. Perhaps turn to Gordon and begin sobbing on his shoulder. At least something that would make the player feel as if they have SOME method of being there for her.
Ok, so her dad just died, and is obviously going to be really upset at the start of play in Episode 3. How do they fill the void of Gordon being completely mute?

Gonna be an awkward helicopter ride, that's for sure :LOL:

Please put a sentence before your first so that anyone who leaves their cursor over your topic by accident will not have the ENTIRETY OF EPISODE TWO SPOILED FOR THEM AND MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL TRAUMA SCARRED ACROSS THEIR LIVES!!

Aaah... CAPS are so beautifully refreshing...


Edit: And please make the word "spoilers" more obvious in future. This forum is not dedicated to spoiling things, unlike the Mythology section.
I don't think Alyx will be talking to anyone at all after that, only possibly giving you a few brief hints if you're stuck in a place, but otherwise, i think she will be completely quiet.
Gordon will make his move while she's in a weakened state, this is exactly the oppurtunity Gordon's been waiting for! Yes, he's a bastard.
Alyx will cry on your shoulder

"Gordon is that a crowbar in your pants??"
THe funny thing is, I sent an email to Gabe explaining how I wish they'd expand our ability to "interact" with others, particularly Alyx in this upcoming episode.

I think when she breaks down, instead of helplessly standing there and staring at her, it would be nice if we could approach her, press the "interact" button and she would respond as though we were trying to show our support. Perhaps turn to Gordon and begin sobbing on his shoulder. At least something that would make the player feel as if they have SOME method of being there for her.

What's this, the sims? Tamagotchi?

I don't know, this "show emotion button" seems quite stupid and "cutey". If they are going to implement something like that they could go all the way and actually give lines for Gordon to speak.

Anyway, I guess Gordon doesn't care about Alyx or Eli, he is that hardcore and badass. Show emotion and support? How about tossing stuff at alyx and mock her for her weakness?
My money is on a Semaphore mini-game during the Helicopter ride.
All the ideas about Gordon taking advantage of her weak status, even if Gordon is a bastard; two words:
Two words.

Not that it isn't really lame.
Now Alyx is going to be EMO through the whole game. I can't possibly imagine her saying "NICE SHOT GORDAN!" with that :D face. No way at all, valve will have emotive sense not to do that.
frostxian said:
All the ideas about Gordon taking advantage of her weak status, even if Gordon is a bastard; two words:
narvi said:
Two words.


Not to mention that its been clearly stated that the suppression field was a contraceptive device, not a "gee, I like sitting being miserable in this dystopian hopeless future that I will sit here some more enjoying it, and totally ignore the possibility of sex with my wife/partner/hand".

Soulslicer: Aye, I cant help imagine basically her looking like a miserable grumpy depressive for most of the game. If she's all smiles and lollipops 5 minutes after the start, It will kill what little immersion this came has given me.

Edit: what would be really clever is if they make her angry at Gordon, like in her grief she has decided that this super hero man didn't do anything to help Eli, who trusted him with his life (even though Gordon is clearly as useless against psychic powers as anyone), but she goes along with him anyway because of Mossman and the Borealis and all that.

Probably wont happen because gamer nerds like their female sidekicks to get along with them if not outright flirt, but personally I think it would be a clever twist.
what would be really clever is if they make her angry at Gordon, like in her grief she has decided that this super hero man didn't do anything to help Eli, who trusted him with his life (even though Gordon is clearly as useless against psychic powers as anyone), but she goes along with him anyway because of Mossman and the Borealis and all that.
I don't really see that as true to her character. Whilst i'm sure that that is exactly your point - irrational grief - I just think that if she was going to put unfair expectations on someone, that someone would almost certainly be herself (though I can imagine a particularly heated scene between her and Mossman, where they blame each other for not being able to save Eli and for putting him in unnecessary danger due to their past actions). Alyx is the kind of person who can and has looked after herself. It is notable that Valve deleted the Bridge-peril scene from Episode Two: it just seemed too out of character for her to fail in such a trivial way.

She isn't ungrateful of Gordon's help, but she equally doesn't see Gordon as any kind of superman either. It would be jarring for her to go from her selfless 'Gordon, Thank God you're ok!' after the first Advisor encounter to a selfish rejection of Gordon (the one human protector she has left) after the second.

I reckon we'll see a business-like Alyx in Episode Three. No happy go lucky, Zombine joke-cracking, zombie-que shouting from her for a while, but equally I don't see her sobbing every five seconds. falling into the hero's arms and failing to open key combine bulkheads because she is busy posting angsty poetry on her livejournal. She'll still selflessly look out for Gordon at key moments, but other times, she's over zealously focused on the mission and her revenge, not allowing her Emotions to get the better of her, because she's better than them. But as a side-effect, she will be unresponsive to Gordon, not wishing to saddle herself with anyone who may die (or disappear as quickly and mysteriously as they first arrived). Rather than dwell on her Father's death, she will put it at the back of her mind to be dealt with later. After all, if there's one down-to-business emotional brick of a hero that you can count on to not mention a near-relation's recent death (or err... anything at all), it's Gordon Freeman.
The only awful thing about Alyx in ep2 was the fact that the player wasn't thanked at all for retriveing the extract.

"Yeah, thats Gordon"


The only awful thing about Alyx in ep2 was the fact that the player wasn't thanked at all for retriveing the extract.

"Yeah, thats Gordon"



You wouldn't believe how many times I (Gordon) was volunteered for something or risked my ass in game, and didn't get any real thanks, and I sat at my computer just thinking "ingrateful [expletive] lol!".
yeah uh..i really thought it was funny in ep 1 when alyx gets assaulted by the stalker(which took me a really long time to figure out so she was there for like 6 minutes "gordonz..omfg..healps mEH please")
then shes all like 'brrr...its not sold but im warmings my arms lols'
and i sit there like " hey bea- that took me like 10 minutes to figure out all u had to do was move into that stalker poder thing you come here and give me some suxxing bish"
The only awful thing about Alyx in ep2 was the fact that the player wasn't thanked at all for retriveing the extract.

"Yeah, thats Gordon"



I think at the start of ep3, Magnussen will stroll in and say something stupid before being whacked by the almighty crowbar.

Only then Alyx will thank you :cheers:.
The only awful thing about Alyx in ep2 was the fact that the player wasn't thanked at all for retriveing the extract.

"Yeah, thats Gordon"



Yeah but if she wasn't completely infatuated with Gordon before that her "next to me" line pretty much confirmed it.
I would hug her, but the HEV suit has let's see..

Radioactive waste from previous areas.
Combine blood, and flesh.
Antlion juice.
Smells like shit in hell.
Dirt and muck on his boots.

Alyx should comment that his suit is nasty. Oh yeah and the rubble from City 17 all over him.

Other than that, Gordon needs to comfort her, cause he doesn't do more than help her in battles, etc.
He DOES have a voice, try jumping off a high place, when he lands, he lets out a grunt.
I would hug her, but the HEV suit has let's see..

Radioactive waste from previous areas.
Combine blood, and flesh.
Antlion juice.
Smells like shit in hell.
Dirt and muck on his boots.

Alyx should comment that his suit is nasty. Oh yeah and the rubble from City 17 all over him.

Other than that, Gordon needs to comfort her, cause he doesn't do more than help her in battles, etc.

She didn't have a problem hugging him in Episode One. She probably doesn't smell much better than him. :|