Recent content by Hellrider

  1. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    It's a Steamworks game. You end up having it on Steam even if you buy it retail.
  2. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    Yes, essentially after you sign up in the same session of pressing the link, your account will receive 5$ whenever you buy a game.
  3. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    To be clear, my intentions were to help spread the word about a good site with legit ways to buy video games cheaper than anywhere else, thus supporting a good site as well as good video games (I personally think the new Deus Ex is gonna be great from what I've seen, as well as the other games...
  4. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    I personally recommend the regular version since you get it for 29$, and the Deus Ex GotY copy of GMG doesn't have a Steam key anyway (along with the fact Deus Ex GotY + Invisible War are gonna be 5$ together on Steam at some point). About the HR keys. When the pre purchase started there were...
  5. Hellrider

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Here's a list of many FPS games ranked by tiers that was made on /v/ through the course of a few threads: Pretty nice in my opinion, and works well for someone interested in FPS games as a means to get to know more.
  6. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    It was about a specific voucher and game, and didn't really inform about the site. No one has to use my link and I'm clear about it, I'd obviously be thankful, but it benefits both parties so that shouldn't matter.
  7. Hellrider

    Greenmangaming, like Steam but cheaper for pre orders.

    If you haven't heard, Greenmangaming sells Deus Ex HR for 29$, and Dead Island for 29$ as well, and Red Orchestra 2 for even cheaper, as well as Tropico 4 and Stronghold 3, all being Steamworks games. It also sells various other steam games (Here is a list of Steam games that are sold on GMG...
  8. Hellrider

    I'm close to tears... RIP bvasgm

    Makes you wonder about other people who stopped posting here..
  9. Hellrider

    Find the best Ingame Nuclear blast!

    Holy shit I remember I loved that game, never remembered it's name. Thanks! By the way, I think supreme commander wins.
  10. Hellrider

    Stalkers report in! (best modpack ever!)

    Does it work with the Steam version?
  11. Hellrider

    Top 20 mugshots of 2008

    How badass is that! ... o wait
  12. Hellrider

    Freedom of Speech, Censorship, and Lolicon: The First Amendment and You

    This man should be charged for committing idiocy.
  13. Hellrider

    Valve's Lifetime Retail Sales Revealed

    He was sarcastic.
  14. Hellrider

    Grand Theft Auto IV Now Available

    I can't buy it off Steam, it's not available here. I might download it sometime...