Recent content by Jonathan9427

  1. Jonathan9427

    Half-Life 3 Reveal in 60 days

    Oh, ok thanks Glenn for the clarification.
  2. Jonathan9427

    Half-Life 3 Reveal in 60 days Ok, now things are starting to really pick up. Getting really excited. Hopefully this will lead somewhere. :D
  3. Jonathan9427

    List of 30 Portal 2 Easter Eggs (Spoilers)

    I just thought i'd post up this well done and informative list.
  4. Jonathan9427

    Post- Half Life future hinted at in Portal 2 (SPOILERS!)

    WOW. My head just exploded. Nice observation.
  5. Jonathan9427

    Post- Half Life future hinted at in Portal 2 (SPOILERS!)

    My head just exploded.
  6. Jonathan9427

    Portal 2 Delayed Again

    Portal 2, which was supposed to be released in February, has been delayed again and now will be coming out on the week of April 18, 2011. Valve also stated: "This two month slip not only marks the shortest delay in Valve's proud tradition of delays, it represents the approaching convergence of...
  7. Jonathan9427

    vBulletin 4.0 Feedback

    Like the new look, it feels cleaner and easier to navigate and read.