Recent content by lordkarnage

  1. lordkarnage

    Am i going crazy?

    I don't know if it's the paranoia all the args have given me that's talking or what i the only one who thinks something fishy is going on here..? Besides the big halloween update and 2 bug fixes, there was multiple updates (about 5-20 mb in size) that went unreported between then and...
  2. lordkarnage

    Gamescom 2013

    well technically i didnt say they HAD to,but after keeping quiet for so long,how can they NOT have something to say? especially after completely skipping e3...
  3. lordkarnage

    Gamescom 2013

    The only cold hard evidence i could find of them going is that on gamescom's site it shows the exact location of their conference.otherwise the internet has 0 info..
  4. lordkarnage

    I love you gabe newell

    I love you gabe newell
  5. lordkarnage

    Gamescom 2013

    SO like where can i watch valve's gamescom conference or is the internet being a lying sack of [REDACTED] [REDACTED] as usual and they're not attending?
  6. lordkarnage

    Where the heck can i see gamescom live? ;n;

    Where the heck can i see gamescom live? ;n;