Recent content by MetalNinja

  1. M

    German Consumer Agency Warns Valve Over Steam EULA

    Wow. The customer declined the terms. It's his/her own fault that they screwed themselves.
  2. M

    Water Media Update + Release Date

    I was looking forward to this, but there's no way I'm going to have time between Skyrim and Saints Row. Ah well.
  3. M

    Would more Valve protesters get us Episode 3 news?

    "Pack your bags, kids! We're going to Seattle!" is what I would say if I had money...Or kids.
  4. M

    Terraria summary.

    This. It makes me avoid building big houses because I never feel like placing 4,000 walls. I also agree with lord_raken; they're definitely different games. Plus, Minecraft is a lot more fun and has sucked up a ton more of my time than Terraria has.
  5. M

    so, is it any good?

    This game is absolutely amazing to me. I don't know about you people, but I definitely got my money's worth; I've played through the single-player two-and-a-half times so far, plus the co-op. I say yes, buy it.
  6. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    And what gives you that idea? They haven't made a single-player game in a while that I know of. And from what I've seen and not heard, Portal 2's gameplay and level design look quite spectacular. Although I do agree with you on the fact that they do overhype and overstate things a little more...
  7. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    What's your problem, Viperidea? Valve is saying that the story of a game THEY made, is better than the story of another game THEY made. They aren't saying it's the best single-player experience out there; they're comparing it to a game that they also worked on and spent time writing stories for...
  8. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    If he knows where all of the Easter Eggs and such are, then he's obviously played through it before. Going through it for the first time will take longer than someone who knows where every thing is and how to solve it all. Portal 1 took me about five-six hours to beat the first time; now I can...
  9. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    Simply because one person does, doesn't mean anything. Or he possibly could have been sarcastic when he said that.
  10. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    Ha! I highly doubt that people are buying this because Valve said it would be good; all companies say their own games are good. We base it on the fact that every single other game Valve has made (with the possible exception of L4D2, in my opinion) has been of excellent quality.
  11. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    Goddamn you guys are whiners! As if this is the very first game that's seven hours long (co-op not even included) that costs $45. You guys are ridiculous. Also, Portal 1's single-player was top-notch in my book, so I won't be surprised if this is better.
  12. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    I'm not saying it was entirely fair of the restaurant for doing that; however, I also said, in a post some odd pages back, that this wasn't a great idea of Valve's. Having said that, I just think it's ridiculous that people get so worked up about something that wasn't promised to us; we just...
  13. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    How did they trick anyone in any way? As Vegeta said, we all made a choice as to whether or not we bought the games, and they never lied; we ARE getting the game early. And the whole 4/19/2011 thing had to do with the release of the site, not the release of Portal; it's our own faults for...
  14. M

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    I still don't get what all of the complaining is about. Sure, it wasn't the best idea ever. Sure, we all would've loved to have been able to have played it on Friday. But I myself am just happy we can get it even a few hours early; this game has been on the top of my list since after I bought...
  15. M

    Crasher Competition

    Amazingness right there, haha! Come Race At Some Hurtful, Earbursting Race Psh, winner right here for sure ;P