Recent content by seinfeldrules

  1. seinfeldrules

    Good Article

    I'm not here to argue the article or debate anything, just thought I'd share this and see what everyone thinks (and yes I am interested to hear what you say, even if I dont respond).
  2. seinfeldrules

    Physics Professor Reports WTC Destroyed by Controlled Demolition

    haha someone asks for credible sources and wacky clarky merely posts links from a site that should just be called Everytime you start one of these nutso threads you just keep getting owned. Give it up.:laugh: /fades away again:laugh:
  3. seinfeldrules

    Bill O'Reilly on the Daily Show

    Yeah, I never did watch during that time. I still think his show is hilarious (same with the French guy after him). If he was just as hard on Clinton that works for me.
  4. seinfeldrules

    Bill O'Reilly on the Daily Show

    It will be interesting to see his show if a Dem gets elected in '08. If he focuses mainly on Republican leaders and ignores the Prez, you know there is a problem because all he ever does is make fun of Bush on his show.
  5. seinfeldrules

    Increased solar intensity not to blame for global warming

    Dont even go down that road KMack. Extreme generalizations like that are no good.
  6. seinfeldrules

    Burning in Headphones

    Sigh, nevermind. Just move on...
  7. seinfeldrules

    Burning in Headphones

    Heh, nevermind. Found the information at some random website:
  8. seinfeldrules

    Burning in Headphones

    I think it is when you leave them running for a long time after you first get them. Its supposed to increase sound quality. I remember doing it with my first pair, but dont remember exactly how.
  9. seinfeldrules

    Burning in Headphones

    Well, I just got my new set of headphones. This is the first pair I've gotten in a few years and forget the process of 'burning' them in. Can anyone give me a hand?
  10. seinfeldrules

    Weekend Anti-War and Pro-War Protests In DC

    I'm only posting this because I am basically right next door to this demonstration. The whole idea behind it is wrong. Whether you are for the war or not is irrelevant when talking about bringing the troops home. It would be completely stupid for us to pull out now that the country needs our...
  11. seinfeldrules

    Headphone Help

    I was looking to replace my headphones. I've narrowed it down to these choices. Any opinion on either of these for gaming? SENNHEISER PX100 Sennheiser EH-150...
  12. seinfeldrules

    FEMA Saw Hurricane Coming, Bush Cut Funding by 40%

    Do you have absolutely no respect? I need to focus on school. That means all this extra waste of time (ex. this entire thread) needs to end. That is a much more reasonable explanation than your theory. How did I know you couldnt just say good bye in a respectful manner and move on (as I did)...
  13. seinfeldrules

    FEMA Saw Hurricane Coming, Bush Cut Funding by 40%

    Sigh, I've been posting here for far longer than you, that means you of all people have no right to say anything about me leaving. Now get off my nuts (go back to stern and no limit's) and say something constructive. And yes, I will be spending most of my time doing work (along with other...
  14. seinfeldrules

    FEMA Saw Hurricane Coming, Bush Cut Funding by 40%

    Neither have you. Furthermore dont blame me for other's attacks against you. I've stayed out of that 99% of the time. I dont need to argue on a halflife 2 forum for 15 minutes a day to hold political opinions. Easy way out? Nah, I've been here debating for almost 2 years. I've been spending...
  15. seinfeldrules

    FEMA Saw Hurricane Coming, Bush Cut Funding by 40%

    I find it funny that you say this after I have been posting about politics here for what, almost 2 years? Oh man, I am clearly running away:rolleyes: College started Monday and my goal is to do the best that I can. The time I used to spend here will be better spent on learning a new language or...