Recent content by Stene

  1. Stene

    Lombardi: We may show Episode Three at the very end of the year

    Valve always sucks in this. With Episode Two, they had that nice teaser. Then, like a year of silence, and after that they basically spoiled the whole game. They released the benchmark thing so people found out how for example Eli was going to die, the whole chapter with the car in Ep2 was shown...
  2. Stene

    Decadence Mod Surges On

    They've done one hell of a good job with Source Engine. I give all my respect to them as they have done everything 100% custom, no HL2 props or textures used anywhere. This is how mods should be done, totally custom content!
  3. Stene

    Elderly or Young looking Vortigaunts?

    The new skins look much better, but less like the HL1 vorts. I find it weird in HL1 their skin was dark brown, and then it has become lighter all the time.
  4. Stene

    Back to school!

    School began here in August 12th. New school and new people. Good place I gotta say, the teachers are much better than in my former school.
  5. Stene

    How will Adam effect this episode?

    What is this, first when Minerva mod came out everybody was like WOOOH it's the best, now for some reason people complain about it and even Samon says he hates Adam. What the shit is this?
  6. Stene

    So do you like that they went the episodic way?

    Yeah, I remember when Ep1 was released and this was how they told us about the dates: "Ep2 on December 2006, and Ep3 on December 2007". WHAT THE HELL SERIOUSLY. Also, if they'd just done HL3, then we would probably see much more mods coming out for HL2. And they could've hired some other...
  7. Stene

    New piece of concept art appears.

    I am even more dreaming of meeting the Xen animals again. I miss them from Half-Life 1, and as I've played a few mods I even more miss them! I want those badass bullsquids back and killing the Combine! Enough of some stupid antlions and repetitive zombies.
  8. Stene

    Half-Life 2 Black Mesa?

    Seriously... this was so stupid thing...
  9. Stene

    Why do i kill vortgaun in Hl1 and ally them in hl2?

    Vortigaunts were enslaved by Nihilanth, which was controlled by Combine. You see they had those attachments on them in HL1. Then Freeman freed them as they like to say in HL2. Also the Alien Grunts in HL1 were most likely Vortigaunt/Combine hybrids, then they moved to do the Combine Soldiers.
  10. Stene

    Is the mod absolute redemption canon?

    I think the Gearbox games should be considered canon, as Valve keeps releasing them always packed along with HL1. Also mods, well some mods like Poke646 have nothing to do with Valve but the story fits in, it just tells a story of a different man.
  11. Stene

    So do you like that they went the episodic way?

    I dunno. I just think Ep1 was very very short, I wonder what really took them so long on it. Maybe I might have rather waited for them to release Ep1+Ep2 together as one game, because it was bullshit to wait 2 years for basically nothing but some stupid 2.5 hour lasting shooter. It brought...
  12. Stene

    Earth's ecosystem is almost completely ruined?

    Bear + Headcrab = ZOMBIE BEAR
  13. Stene

    Strange Face on Advisor Picture

    The image is becoming even more creepy :D I wonder can it really be just some JPG error, there's always them, but how does it look so much like a face of a man?
  14. Stene

    Another GMan theory.

    The Great Flood was caused because God was disappointed in what humans were. Then he told Noah to build the Ark so he could save his family and the animals. The other humans were then wasted, it was the punishment for them.
  15. Stene

    Phoenix finds ice centimeters below Martian surface.

    I doubt they would show it immediatly if they found an E.B.E. somewhere in the ice.