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I just saw Pepsi's "Play for a Billion" and HL2 Stone and I were discussing what we would do with 1 billion dollars. My thoughts were starting some kind of computer company maybe. I dunno, I would most likely hire people to tell me what would make me the most money.

Anyway, what would you guys do with the money?

BTW, Anyone see that show? That was so fake:rolleyes:
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Put 10 mil in the bank and spend the hell out of the rest.

Not in a lifetime would you be able to spend 1 billion dollars.
Yea, I'd do the same in a sense. I would buy everything I wanted, put 10 mil in the bank, etc....

then I would burn the rest out of spite to piss people off.
And you get how much after taxes though? And on top of that, the schools, organizations, etc would be constantly asking you for money. I'd probly beef up the houses security a bit, or move, and have your friends move with. Afterall, you don't need that big of a house lol.

Me... I would probly ;) give VALVe some money for a certain something. lol
If I had $1,000,000,000 - Would buy a computer with:
Penium 4 3.06 Ghz, 1 GB Ram, Radeon 9800 Pro, Creative Labs Extigy, Optical Mouse, Samsung SyncMaster 955DS 19" monitor and the games: Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2003, Jedi Academy and Call of Duty. Then, In the future:
Pentium 5 4.70 Ghz, 3 GB Ram, Radeon 10K Pro and a 21"inch moniter.
And when I'm about age 27:
AMD Pentium 6:7.2 GHZ, 10k GB ram, Radeon 1,000,000,000 Pro and a 21" Inch moniter and a Creative Labs Audigy 3
But by the time I'm that old, money will be worth very little.
Then I would bye my own country spanding from Europe to Asia and Antartica(Once we've perfected Total colonization). Then bye Tatooine and this forum:p
Tredo, replace it with this:

3 GB Ram, Radeon 9800XT, 23" monitor
Then, I would invest in my Corporation(I can't lose):P
And then buy what all you guyz sayd.
i would give 200 mil to valve for the purpose of upkeeping the steam servers without charging the users, then i would buy the best computer there is, a nice big house in canada for me and my girlfriend, a t3 line. then i would have a shitload leftover to keep in the bank and pile on the interest, buy my girl all kinds of gems and shit, and have enough cash to eat taquitos every day.
Originally posted by guinny
Not in a lifetime would you be able to spend 1 billion dollars.

Thats the beauty of it lol. Imagine being Bill Gates... lucky bastard. He probably doesnt even care anymore.
If i had 1 billion dollars, i would buy alot of stuff, then i would wake up and wake all of you up cause it wont happen.
I could spend 1 billion dollars in a second, easily.

me: "Ill give ya' a billion dollars for that candy bar"
other guy: "I dont know..."
me: "and a hug"
other guy: "ok"
me: "woohoo a candy bar!"
I would give all the cash to valve if they promised to give me a job and to keep making games.
id pay off nw909 not to post in this thread becouse i hate him. ive seen were he lives $500 should do it...
also i build a office complex... make money off the rent... or maybe build housing and sell...
i would put it all in the bank, then ask for it back, but all in pennies

Second Choice

Take it down to VAVLe and give them all the money to cancel STEAM and keep the WON servers up
I'd put aside half for myself and give the rest away. The hell do I want with a billion dollars? I'm broke and happy :P
Deadly war in Iraq with no end of reconstruction in sight.

Highest industrial unemployment in past half-century.

California + other states face budget crises.

National debt rising in the hundred billions while exports decreasing to all-time low.

Millions in developing countries dying of AIDS, hunger, and diseases most often curable.

Public university tuition skyrockets while research funding plummets around the country.

How the hell does a television network corporation give away such money like that or even advertise to do so? I'm sorry, it just doesn't feel right and only serves as an example of senseless waste. There are a billion ways to use a billion dollars to help the world. Giving it all to one teenager/young adult is not one of them. As much as I would want it, I certainly do not deserve it.
omg i can imagine what i would do with that kinda cash....
Javert's right. 1billion dollars is an obscene amount of money. A person really doesn't need that kind of money.
Bill Gates is richer than some countries. That's disgraceful.
If I had that sort of money I promise you I would keep 2m at the most, and give the rest away. There are a lot of deserving charities out there.
Best to get rid of money like that before you start getting paranoid about it.
i'd buy some hot chicks, or sign up for a chick of the month service, then i can sample, then i'd buy a tank, and shoot VW vans all day, thats about it.
Id buy an OC-48 line (2.4Gigabits per second, or 300 megs per second)
Buy the best computer possible
Start collecting aircraft and pay pilots to fly around my massive property all day so when im bored ill just look out the window staring at the pretty planes (ill aso have my own airport)
I run around the streets giving out a million dollars to random people
Share 200million between my lucky friends
Open up a massive mall with all the shops owned by ME - where I get all profits (after wages have been paid etc) This makes sure Ill never run out of money. Every month 5 members of staff get the chance to win 1 million dollars
Ill also do many more things thatll take ages for me to type out :afro: :cheers:
i'd start a non-profit broadband company that charges £5 a month for highest bandwidth!
Originally posted by Tek
i'd buy some hot chicks, or sign up for a chick of the month service, then i can sample, then i'd buy a tank, and shoot VW vans all day, thats about it.

You are so educated... "buy some hot chicks" you oughta go to a feminist meeting and get the living daylights beaten out of you, you good-for-nothing prick.
it was a joke you yenta, now go bake me a cake.
why would you want to work if you had a billion?

I would have a custom house built, buy a bunch of cars, pick up a trophy wife, never work, and do whatever i wanted all the time./
1 Billion dollars!
I would put 90 millions in the bank and spent 10 millions like that *snaps fingers* on shit I don't really need but that would make my room cooler, hehe
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
id pay off nw909 not to post in this thread becouse i hate him. ive seen were he lives $500 should do it...
also i build a office complex... make money off the rent... or maybe build housing and sell...

I wouldn't take it.
Originally posted by Frank
1 Billion dollars!
I would put 90 millions in the bank and spent 10 millions like that *snaps fingers* on shit I don't really need but that would make my room cooler, hehe

Uhh buddy 100 million isn't a billion dollars, anyways, i'd invest it , get to 15 billion, give 10 billion to multiple charities, and run for Prime Minister, i mean who wouldn't vote for a person that saved millions of lives. then me and my friends would live on my island and never have to work.
Whoops...hadn't noticed it was only 100 million...
Excuse me!
Originally posted by Javert
How the hell does a television network corporation give away such money like that or even advertise to do so?
Well they didn't actually have a billion dollars to give away. Chances are no one was going to win the billion dollars. I believe the chance of winning the billion was 1000 to 1. The winner will walk away with only a million, with a 1000 in 1 chance of winning a billion.

Pepsi took out a insurance poilcy that no one would win. If some one does win, the policy pays the Billion. Nobody know how many millions Pepsi put up for the policy. The man underwriting the policy: Warren Buffet - a multi-billionaire. If he is betting no one will win the Billion then it is likely that no one will. The man doesn't make stupid investments.

The $1,000,000,000 is mostly an advertising gimmick.