1UP Show Plays Goldrush and New Medic Weapons

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Not much more to say that! This video shows off all 3 new variations of the medics new weapons, with the ability to activate a new uber that provides purely critical hits, the new needle gun which sucks health from the enemy it hits, and the uber generating bonesaw. (As we've seen the past few days). From the gameplay footage it really shows off how fun these additions are going to be. Goldrush also looks superb, the video shows how the cart provides health as it moves along and is ideal for mobile cover. Video well worth watching.[br]All Team Fortress 2 related footage starts about 9 minutes and 30 seconds into the video - http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3167461
I almost came, but then realised it wasn't sexual.

Just very, very hot.
dude i cant wait! for my account come back to me so i can play these new kickass updates
looks very cool, but i'm sure swapping out weapons won't be too easy in a lot of situations...

I wonder what they have lined up for Soldier and Demoman, they are powerful classes, so shall be interesting what unlocks they get.
Yes it does, he made a thread about losing his Steam account from a hijack. Lurk moar...
The gameplay looks insane! Cant wait. Did anyone notice the bomb blowing up at the end!!!
Heh yeah that looked great, if you don't get the cart to it's destination in time the whole thing explodes, which is excellent because you know in the dying seconds of most games the entire attacking team will be flocking to stand near it to speed it up. There will be games where there are lots pushing it but they just don't make it...imagine the gibs :D
New map looks great.

The example they showed for breaking a stalemate is rubbish, since the Critzkrieg would have done exactly the same job in only 1 or 2 crockets ad left loads of time to spare on wiping up even more enemies.