2 new movies.


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Didn't see any other threads on this.


might need to scroll down but they are there...im downloading now...not sure what the content is, if the movies arent new. sue me. i havent seen em yet and figured people would want to know.
havent u guys seen the posts and topics all over the place about the making of hl2 videos?
wow, i think this is just about the most redundant post EVAR! geesh.
and btw, maybe you guys didnt notice that these were just released on file planet...as you can see in the other thread people bitched about the slow server. so now people can get in line and download them quickly.

/edit you guys that post to say shit like the above post really need to get lives...for christsakes its a forum where not everyone checks it every 10 minutes like certain people...AND FURTHER if you don't like it Don't ****ing reply....goddamn trolls
take it easy dude. it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't another post that said "3 new movies" right under yours
i guess you have trouble reading so i'll make it a little easier for you.

Originally posted by zdub
and btw, maybe you guys didnt notice that these were just released on file planet...as you can see in the other thread people bitched about the slow server. so now people can get in line and download them quickly.

/edit you guys that post to say shit like the above post really need to get lives...for christsakes its a forum where not everyone checks it every 10 minutes like certain people...AND FURTHER if you don't like it Don't ****ing reply....goddamn trolls


do like others, add the links to the other thread. the other thread is right there, less than five lins from this one, dont pull this "i dont check the forum every blah blah blah BULLSHIT it's right there, its been on this front page since yesterday, you dont need to check every 10 minutes to see that.
ok whatever you say

/me stands back as the murderous fileplanet hater posse arrives
Originally posted by zdub
i guess you have trouble reading so i'll make it a little easier for you.


I fail to see how it's... 'fast'... when I have to wait in line... the other server was fine for me...
xtasy, **** off. go troll somewhere else. I checked the threads first page, and yea again sorry I dont check the boards every ten minutes, I saw the post yesterday but i also saw people complaining about the slow download speed. so i posted faster links. I didnt have time and don't care to read over the rest of the posts in there to find where i should post this. besides they would probably be buried. Don't act like you own the forum, don't act like your higher then everyone else in here YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING IN HERE cry to someone who gives a shit.

so far thats 4 people that just found out about this movie that have posted. so the thread had use. **** you xtasy and Lone. both you need lives. or maybe need to hook up you sound perfect for eachother.
Built up anger of a past childhood should not be released out on a half-life 2 message board.
Originally posted by zdub
xtasy, **** off. go troll somewhere else. I checked the threads first page, and yea again sorry I dont check the boards every ten minutes, I saw the post yesterday but i also saw people complaining about the slow download speed. so i posted faster links. I didnt have time and don't care to read over the rest of the posts in there to find where i should post this. besides they would probably be buried. Don't act like you own the forum, don't act like your higher then everyone else in here YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING IN HERE cry to someone who gives a shit.

so far thats 4 people that just found out about this movie that have posted. so the thread had use. **** you xtasy and Lone. both you need lives. or maybe need to hook up you sound perfect for eachother.

well, I've never seen these new vids, thanks for info; forgot to check FilePlanet newest files section
theres no need to make a whole new topic on something thats already been covered, and u dont need to make a topic on helping people find fileplanet, thats pretty easy.
You hadn't seen the new vids because you

a) didn't check the news
b) just happened to click on this thread out of the three or four that exist
I check the forums multiple times every day and I haven't seen the new vids yet because A) the first source was way too slow, and B) I'm not going to keep looking at the original vid thread again for new links, since every popular thread on this forum degenerates into juvenile babble before you can even blink.

So I'm glad a new thread was posted with information on faster links, because otherwise I wouldn't have seen the videos.
Originally posted by dscowboy
since every popular thread on this forum degenerates into juvenile babble before you can even blink.

glad im not the only one noticing this... maybe we need more mods or something.. seriously.. i have seen more of what dscowboy has mentioned than i care to remember.. im not saying the current mods are not doing their jobs.. maybe they need some help? i dunno.. but, i hope Munro reads this.
HAHAHAHA, ok, I just watched the Alyx video... anyone notice how the second guy who speaks mispronounces everything? It's like he's doing it on purpose! First he says "phenom" with the vowels reversed, as though it were "phoneme", and then a minute later he pronounces SoftImage like "softamaaj". Otherwise he speaks as though English was his first language. If he's not doing it on purpose, I don't mean any offense to him.

Anyway, some very cool things in that video. Watching them play with the facial sliders as Alyx was playing her walk animation was hilarious.
dr. freeman i agree more mods are needed.
Originally posted by dscowboy
HAHAHAHA, ok, I just watched the Alyx video... anyone notice how the second guy who speaks mispronounces everything? It's like he's doing it on purpose! First he says "phenom" with the vowels reversed, as though it were "phoneme", and then a minute later he pronounces SoftImage like "softamaaj". Otherwise he speaks as though English was his first language. If he's not doing it on purpose, I don't mean any offense to him.

Anyway, some very cool things in that video. Watching them play with the facial sliders as Alyx was playing her walk animation was hilarious.

thats how those crazy XSI users pronounce softimage. except its "softimaaj" i always pictured a french person saying image when people pronounce it that way.


just watched the video and it sounds like he pronounced phoneme properly, to me.
softimaaj sounds like that game company in the movie eXistenZ

TranscendenZ by PilgrImage (pronounced Pilgrimaaj)
Woah, you're right on both counts Xtasy0. Maybe I need more sleep. Thanks for correcting me. Sorry Valve-presentation-talker-guy!
I just downloaded the Alyx video, it was kind of freaky to see the model without eyes, she looked possesed lol :)