2 New Soldier Weapons, New Demoman Weapon & Achievements

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
[br]Part six of the war and the updates keep rolling on! The winners for the propaganda poster contest have been revealed leading to points being allocated to each class for the winners.[br]In bigger news...the two new soldier weapons are:
  • The Equaliser - A pickaxe (melee slot) which does more damage the less health you have. Great for landing after rocket jumping. There is also a speed increase.[br]
  • The Buff Banner - A bugle (secondary slot) which comes with a 'rage' meter you fill by doing damage. Once the meter is filled you can play the bugle opening a morale boosting flag on the soldiers back giving nearby team mates 14 seconds of mini-crits.
35 soldier achievements have been released now too. The equaliser also introduces the soldier taunt kill where he pulls a grenade off his chest and blows himself up and nearby enemies. The new demoman unlock is:
  • The Scottish Resistance - Alternative sticky bomb launcher (secondary slot). Has twice the number of sticky bombs (16) and can destroy other sticky bombs. More importantly it allows you to detonate specific groups of bombs the player is looking at (multi-traps), however they take longer to fire from the launcher.
All achievements can be found at the bottom of the Demoman page and Soldier page.
The Buff Banner seem like it will really make the soldier a more team oriented member of a good offence/defence.
The soldier seemed to be winning all this time but after the contest the soldier got a net profit of 35,000 by Gabe but the gap is now only 15,000. So the Demo DID come back and could again before the end. As for the comic I think the announcer will get what's coming to her.
I never imagined it would be so close... I wonder if Valve is just messing with it and they'll tie it or something? That might be funny. So the free weekend starts today... when does the war end? I'm assuming it would be soon.

Also, the weapons look great... no need to speculate on anything. I'l have to try them before I Truly pass judgement.
These things seem to change the playstyles a bit. Just when does the whole update go online?
These sound incredibly awesome. Soldier taunt kill is a suicide grenade? Best ever :D

I'm so glad I'm bringing my computer home over Christmas. I have to disassemble it and put it in a suitcase, but I have no other alternatives. My case is too big.

Grenades for the soldier!
It can be that they just wanted to activate the audience of Team Fortress 2 a bit with the war thing going on, and in the end they give the speculated items to both.
So I was at least half right. Demo gets a new Sticky Launcher. Now we need to find out if you can detonate those stickies while charging.
You can't detonate stickies while charging because the shield replaces your sticky launcher.

Final results being tallied. Soldier gets his four weapons soon. I wonder will you be able to grind damage for the equaliser before the round starts.
I knew I recalled someone posting that, where did you get that idea from?
I saw that newspaper clipping a few days ago about purchasing or buying commerative plates; which included the pickaxe, sword, bugle and a explosion
The bugle and the pickaxe are both there. The mini crits was my second guess though. I played with the idea that the soldier was able to call down Poopy Joe to throw shit at people using the bugle.


Whats the likelihood the soldier will get the Bugle? Do you think he will be able to call down a crater-creating space capsule with a monkey inside. Once down the monkey will jump out and start hurling faeces at people. [/URL]
Someone should write a parody of RATM's "The Ghost of Tom Joad" and call it "The Ghost of Poop(y) Joe."
New blog was just posted! War is over! Looks like changes are going to happen real soon:

Victory on the Internet Day has been declared! The war is over! Who won? We don't know! Yet!

Luckily, I, Robin Walker, was up all night building a kill-calculating machine for just such an eventuality. We turned it on, the building filled with smoke, and right now a fireman is yelling at me to leave the building with everyone else. I'll leave when they pry this tiny netbook out of my cold dead hands. Or when an angry fireman fireman-carries me out of the office, which is what is happening right now. Anyway, once all the firemen calm down, we'll announce the War results with today's huge update. To pass the time, go get yourself a fresh mouse and start reloading this page as fast as you possibly can.

Please note: Beginning now, we're going to start transitioning the new inventory system into the game. Until the update goes live later today, you will not have access to your inventory.
One thing I have learnt is never, ever, stay up waiting for Valve. You're better off going to bed and enjoying everything the next day.
I couldn't agree with you more. Many times I've struggled through the early hours to be disappointed by release bugs or overloaded servers souring the whole experience. The next morning is a far more civil affair.
My game just started updating, maybe tonight it's not going to be a wait until 5:30am!
It's out. And the 4th item for the soldier is a pair of Gunboats:

Introducing the Gunboats, secondary-slot boots that reduce rocket jump damage by a huge amount, rendering stairs forever useless. What is the science behind these miracles of technology? Magic, probably.

New Content

  • Added new control point map Gorge
  • Added new capture the flag map Double Cross
  • Added item crafting
  • Added work-in-progress TF Bots for beta testing in KOTH maps (blog post coming with more info)
  • Added headshot death animations
  • Added more backstab animations


  • Added 35 new Soldier achievements
  • Added 4 new Soldier items
  • Added new Soldier Domination lines


  • Added 35 new Demoman achievements
  • Added 3 new Demoman items
  • Added new Demoman Domination lines


  • Now pretends to be carrying the weapons & wearables of the target he's disguised as
  • Moved the Spy's camera-beard to the Misc loadout slot so he can equip it with a hat


  • The Sandman now only stuns on a max range hit (when you hear the cheering)
  • All shorter hits now force the enemy into the thirdperson fleeing state (also removed the damage reduction on them)

Minor changes

  • Added new options to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog:
    • Combat text, which displays damage amounts you do to enemies.
    • Medic auto caller, which automatically shows you nearby friends at low health.
    • Heal target marker, which better highlights the target your medigun is locked onto.
    • Alternative Spy disguise menu, which lets you choose disguises using just the 1-3 keys.
  • Fixed being able to affect friendly pipes with airblast (they would unstick)
  • Added recharge sound to abilities with a recharge bar
  • Fixed attachable wearables not staying on ragdolls
  • Players no longer see the wearables that are a part of a friendly spy's disguise, fixing various graphical glitches
  • Added jiggle bones for Pyro's chicken hat
  • Added 2 new game startup songs

Community Mapmaker requests

  • Implemented InputSetSetupTime() for team_round_timer (was in the .fgd but never implemented)
  • Added "SetDispenserLevel" input to cart dispenser (1, 2, or 3)

Man, I really wish the demoman had gunboats now.
Hurm. That is a weird thing. It made sense with the Sniper and Spy (thematically and mechanically) to have two (new) choices for one slot, for both classes. Demo seems to lose out by having two weapons in the same slot.