75 Zombies VS 1 Huge Suspended Mace



It took me a while, but here's something pretty cool. This is what happens when you make a large metal, spikey mace, chain it to the roof of a really large room, then push it off a ledge so that it swings into a pile of 75 (5x5x3) zombies. :thumbs:

www.infernolabs.co.uk/files/Mace.wmv 15mb, 1:51, streamable.

Too bad my PC cant really handle it, the framerate dropped down to 3fps. :( If someone with a 6800 wants to see what its like (and get a video...) then let me know and I'll post the BSP.
i got a 6800 ultra and will be glad to give it a try
My card's a 9550, heavily overclocked. I get about 4,000 in 3DMark03.
lol... I love this kind of massacres... too bad my Vcard cant handle it... damn I wanna try this too...
_Chaz_ said:
My card's a 9550, heavily overclocked. I get about 4,000 in 3DMark03.

Oh....you're not trying to record your videos at full-resolution are you? Are you using FRAPS or the in-game video recorder thing?
heh, i'd like to see that on a better vid card.... anyone post it yet?
i have a slightly overclocked 6800 ultra and get about 4500 on 3Dmark 05, post it and i;ll try and make a smoother video
_Chaz_ said:
It took me a while, but here's something pretty cool. This is what happens when you make a large metal, spikey mace, chain it to the roof of a really large room, then push it off a ledge so that it swings into a pile of 75 (5x5x3) zombies. :thumbs:

www.infernolabs.co.uk/files/Mace.wmv 15mb, 1:51, streamable.

Too bad my PC cant really handle it, the framerate dropped down to 3fps. :( If someone with a 6800 wants to see what its like (and get a video...) then let me know and I'll post the BSP.

Use the demo record feature. That way you can produce movies at 30 fps steady even if you have a gf4 mx at highest settings with FSAA turned up high and a million creatures on screen. You can also post the demo file.

I used this:

-) put that in ur autoexec.cfg
bind "F11" "host_framerate 30; startmovie temp"
bind "F12" "endmovie"
-) record demos while u play
-) run the demo
-) press f11 to start recording
-) press f12 to stop recording
-) download virtualdub
-) file -> open video -> image sequence
-) select the first of the .tga files (should be named mapnam_tmp_0000.tga)
-) audio -> wav audio -> temp.wav in the hl2 directory
-) file -> save avi -> select destination and name

Recording movies: type 'record <filename>' into the console
To play them 'playdemo <filename>'.

Audio tip: run 2 channels sound when recording the movie, 5.1 won't work.

Video tip: if you don't know Virtualdub, under 'video' there's a button compression that allows you to set the compression (DivX). Oh yeah, make sure you have a few gig free disk space, because this will output 30 x 2.25 MB images for every second of film.

Hope this helped..
Its not your video card causing the fps drop, its the insane amount of physic calculation going on all at the same exact time. We would all get that fps drop because current CPU's can only handle so much.
I run the game at 1024x768, and use FRAPS to record it at half size. Recording the video doesnt slow it down at all, I still get about 3fps while the massacre is going on without taking a video.
Smoke, why can't you watch the demo? It is a stack of 75 zombies(25 of 3 stacked on eachother), and a big mace that comes down and hits them.
for some reason demos dont play for me

no idea why
The demo is quite useless without the map files...

*hint hint*
It's your CPU, not your graphics card that's making it slow down. It still has to do the insane physics calculations of 75 ragdolls flying around.
aw did they take the link down now? i wana see, somone tell me if they can get me the video or sumthin
haha that was very good how did you make the level did you use hammer?
woot it works now!

haha thats cool, nice angles too
Yeah, the slowdown is going to be the physics calculations on the CPU, not the video card, I think..
My host is being a bit dodgy, just try a few times. At the time of writing this they all work fine.
Ok folks, here I am with the high quality :p

Model Detail: High
Texture Detail: High
Shader Detail: High
Shadow Detail: High
Anisotropic 16x
Antialiasing 6x
Vsync Enabled
Resolution: 800x600
Size: 7.128 MB
Length: ~14 Seconds

Download Here!
