A new member.



For the past year ive been in the warcraft iii modding community making cinematics with the wc3 world editor. Lately ive been looking around for new games to create cg movies. From what ive seen HL2 will offer alot of opportunity to do this. I am joining up here to kinda get a feel for the HL2 modding world and get my name known so it wont be as hard to get started when HL2 finally comes out. I m looking forward to this. :afro:
btw, cool smilies. :cheers:

Hello! And good luck with your future modding. I, myself, am into making cinematics and stuff like that as well, only I came from the Neverwinter Nights modding scene (and, more recently, Max Payne 2, but that was just for myself) instead of the Warcraft III one so I can see where you're coming from. Once again, good luck to you, and have fun!

Originally posted by Zurg

agh...no code for sigs. what kinda site is this?[/B][/QUOTE]
A good one. Those things are annoying.. :dozey:
Hullo Zurg! Good luck with you future modding and moviemaking, and I hope you enjoy these forums.

And yeah, the smilies rock :bounce: :cheers:
Re: Re: A new member.

Originally posted by Letters
A good one. Those things are annoying.. :dozey:

Myself I almost went insane trying to fit something cool as avatar and well...
I still haven't got anything graphically cool as my avatar, gotta try drawing something from scratch I guess...
Welcome to the forums....does your name come from the excellent Starcraft? Zurg = Zerg?

Your now one of us.....
DarkelP: everyone thinks my sn is a misspelled ver of Zerg. Actually its the name of Buz Lightyear's archrival in Toy Story. :)

Thnx for the welcome
Originally posted by Zurg
DarkelP: everyone thinks my sn is a misspelled ver of Zerg. Actually its the name of Buz Lightyear's archrival in Toy Story. :)

Oh yeeees...Now I remember! That Zurg! Zurg is t3h 1337 and c00l! :p
"Buzz, I am your father"
ah, sorry for sounding like a broken record:p

I like toy story...zurg was cool.