A Photo A Day Thread


Dec 7, 2004
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The idea is that you can post whatever picture you took today, it doesn't have to be fantastic or your best shot, but hopefully having a place to post some random picture you took will be nicer since nobody wants to create a thread for a picture.

I just got back from the beach and here's our condo at night:
Great idea for a thread. I'll be sure to contribute tomorrow.
Great idea... Will get a couple of shots from New Years up.
The bright lights and the HDR act as a good cover. Anyway, good thread idea, always wanted to post a pic of my home area.
Oh god please tell me you're joking, .Wolf.
- stares at you -

jo--oke? what is this joke you speak of?

(no its not. new years eve party.)
I don't have anything against you but I just want you to know you're going to be ridiculed here.
welcome to the forums, It's safer here... for humans (and post-humans)

no offense. The internet is to furries as Hitler is to Jews. THat's just the way it is, it's the unwritten rule, agreed by mostly everyone.
Hope that post didn't kill the thread.

The scope is a x1 laser red dot and comes in handy when you take cover behind a tree or taking cover on the floor.


My two dogs, The right is Jess; my puppy.
The left is Boots, my aunts that we're looking after in the meantime.
is...is it ok to be scared? - backs away slowly -
^ Did you post that on /p/?


HL2.net addict
I knew you were a /p/tard!

Also, pillow on your chair?

:D :D :D <3

Yeah. My desk is quite high and my chair is raised all the way up, but it's still short. A big pillow makes it work. :p

And yeah, those are Icemat headphones. Really nice, though, the right phone keeps going in and out. I think it the actual plug is faulty, so I'm going to be sending it in soon. Sucks, though, 'cause I'll be without a mic for awhile. Might end up just buying something.
dunno pretty bored and stumbled upon this thread and I happen to have a quickshot camera in here and my Nike SB Blazers. So I decide to take a pic and post my pic a of the day!

Took this on a stroll on the mountain yesterday:


[URL="http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=2177264994&size=o"[/URL] for larger image.

It's hard to see something, visualize what you want and then do it sometimes.
Nike dunk SB(Tokyo Taxi Cab edition)fresh with the Levi's 559 corduroys.