Abom|nation: Re-open my Thread Please


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score

My 'This is why I hate iD' thread was a valid bit of news found while searching and I think people had a right to comment on it because this is a open discussion forum. What do you think forum means?

I would like to know who to officially notify a complaint against you. Who is the owner of the forums?

I do see some fault in my harsh topic though I do apologise about that. But we should be allowed to have a flame war about anything we want to. Free speech and all.
Go for it. PM or e-mail Munro. Of course, it was obvious flamebait, but hey, let's not think about that!
you dont get free speach in a forum you give up that right joining it, although I do think that post should of been allowed to stay open to see any constructive comments. if it degraded into a flame war close it, nothing wrong with waiting a few hours to see what happens first imo
It had nothing to do with Half Life 2 and it was a stupid "I'm going to Warez Doom III" thing.

Abom|nation had every right to close it. He's not being a forum Nazi or anything. Free speech isn't say anything you want.

There are Forum rules.
Yeah I can agree with Andy with that. Maybe wait a little longer before closing it and that would of been acceptable.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Yeah I can agree with Andy with that. Maybe wait a little longer before closing it and that would of been acceptable.

There was no need to keep it open. If a normal D3 and HL2 discussion turns into a flamewar, imagine what a "This is why I hate iD" thread would have created.
Do you know. There is such a thing as a righteous anger...

Anger is a emotion and it's there for a reason. If someone bluntly from another company flames another company that we all like heaps well anger gets released doesn't it. We should be allowed to talk about that anger. Instead of keeping it inside...
To be honest it could have gone straight to Off Topic instead of closing it, but I wouldn't of blamed badger or sparrow for closing it immediately for exactly the same worries. But if it's gonna turn into a flame war, which it will, then take it away from General.
Originally posted by Kamakiri

I do see some fault in my harsh topic though I do apologise about that. But we should be allowed to have a flame war about anything we want to. Free speech and all.

Oh man, I missed this. You are, are you? You don't think that ever since you agreed to the policy of this forum, and read the rules, you're allowed to flame about whatever you want? Okay then.
wait, just imagine if a doom3 and hl2 threads didnt turn into a flame war.................that would be weird.
Okay, here's what I'm going to do. Make the thread again Kamakiri, but this time I'm not going to do anything with it. In fact, I'll let you try and handle it. If you can keep it organized, good job!
There isn't enough maturity in this forum for people to have a discussion about Doom 3 without turning it into a flame war. Even in the Max Payne 2 thread I'm sure there was a few harsh words here and there.

I could do it, because I can see the merits of both games. I think that they're both very different genres in some ways and I'm going to love playing them. Yes, I do think HL2 is better, yes, I will like it a lot more, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna slag Doom off or refuse to buy it.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
If someone bluntly from another company flames another company that we all like heaps well anger gets released doesn't it.

I didn't think he was Flaming Valve at all. He was just very impressed with his Engine's Physics capability. You'd have to expect Valve and id to have some sort of feud to think he was referring specifically to Valve. Which they don't.

In fact, to me it seems like something Source can do anyway.
Ive been signed up on this forum for so long that i can tell that this forum cant handle a iD vs Valve thread. Its gonna end up in one big flamewar!
You can't even discuss it with them. They're choosing to ignore everyone's comments and just keep making their own about how bad ID are and how arrogant they are.

That thread is a fan boy only discussion, they won't open their minds enough to see the points of others.
Originally posted by Chris_D
You can't even discuss it with them. They're choosing to ignore everyone's comments and just keep making their own about how bad ID are and how arrogant they are.

That thread is a fan boy only discussion, they won't open their minds enough to see the points of others.
Please leave them alone.
Aren't I allowed to join discussions anymore if I don't agree with the persons heading the conversation?
Originally posted by Kamakiri
If someone bluntly from another company flames another company that we all like heaps well anger gets released doesn't it. We should be allowed to talk about that anger. Instead of keeping it inside...

I'd like to see where he "blunts flames another company"

I see
"Willits said that the physics engine for Doom III is a unique id Software engine and is not a licensed engine like other games have."
He is stating a fact.

Willits described a Doom III test map where 100 boxes are stacked up and one shot can bring the entire stack down."
He is descirbing a test level

"Willits claimed such a scene would bring other game physics engines down to their knees."
He is doidn his job as a pr guy or whatever, boasting that his engine has a good physyic system. I didn't see any "blunt flmaing"
Bluntly is a bad word. But they are jabbing Valve.

www.bluesnews.com comments and www.shacknews.com comments, of people not related to this website, all say iD are jabbing at Valve.

I still reckon they are.

Edit: Bad spelling all over.
Kamakiri: "I hope everyone warez the hell out of DOOM III and everyone buys HL2 and supports them."

I would say that this should have been kept open until that line. if you think that Doom III is going to be so bad then why would you want to even warez it and if you don't think it will be bad then buy it help the company. That thread will just became anti/pro warez argument and valve fan boys not accepting the Doom's merits.
WTF is wrong with you people? Why are you fighitng over somehting like a game? Whats the point?

Why does any post that even mentions iD or Doom3 turns into a flame war? Insecurity? 90% of you people dont even come off as gamers, you just look like valve groupies.

Whats with the personal attacks against the iD developers? Get real guys, all your opinions are based on statements you didnt even hear spoken and have no idea how they sounded coming out of the developers mouth, or how the developer was acting when he said it. Your looking at a statement through a fanboy filter and interpereting it instead of seeing whats really there. iD doesnt go around attacking other game development teams, they give them their due props.

There may or may not be an arrogant person on the iD staff, but so what? We arent buying the chance to date them, were buying their game. They are just human like everyone else, and with the kind of success iD has had since this whole FPS thing started, i would expect a few of them might be a bit arrogant.

It seems to me that most of you were offended that the Doom3 physics engine might actually rival your precious hl2. This is true. There isnt a whole lot you can do with physics in hl2 that you cant do with Doom3. So what? Why fight and bicker over it? Do you feel that iD having a great physics engine will put hl2 in jepordy in some way?

And to clear something up. iD is NOT implimenting anything into their game because of what they saw in hl2. They have been saying they will have this type of physics system long before anything from hl2 was even shown. Infact a few years ago they shopped around for a physics ssytem for doom3 but said they didnt find anything powerfull enough to handel what they wanted to do, so they made their own that was. So obviously they planned on implimenting advanced physics long before hl2 was shown.

This thread will proll yget closed before anyone gets the chance to reply, but ive said what i wanted to say. Its sad that mods have to close threads because they dont expect you to act mature neough that it wont turn into a flame war. Just grow up guys. They are just games, just long interactiv emovies. Nothing to get your panties in a twist over. We are supposed to be having fun with this whole game business, not using it as a platform to one up someone else who likes a game that you dont.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Aren't I allowed to join discussions anymore if I don't agree with the persons heading the conversation?
I only asked you to leave them alone because thats the kind of behaviour that helps the birth of a flamewar.
lol if it turns into a flame war and harsh evil things are said then a few people will get banned, but the good news is they were fan boys of some sort so good riddance IMO
absolutely no flaming
(unless its fanboys/girls :D )

where can the line be drawn on flaming and disagreeing?
Being civil or having more then trash talk to support your arguement i guess.

About free speech, sorry for ranting but I hear this free speech -crap too much at work.

Obvious flamebaits should be killed on sight and people really could stop whining about this 'frea speach'. If you want free speech, form your own forum. There are certain RULES on this forum, those just override your 'right for free speech'. There is absolutely no obligation for forum admins to allow your 'free speech'. You can 'free speech' as much as you want at your own homeground but you really come up on some forums and demand them to publish your crap.

As I said before, these forums have been much better lately due to hard-working moderators pulling the plug from flamebaits and spam-postings. Thanks for that.
"I hope everyone warez the hell out of DOOM III and everyone buys HL2 and supports them." What is that? Thats pure immaturity people, AKA 12 year old.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
"I hope everyone warez the hell out of DOOM III and everyone buys HL2 and supports them." What is that? Thats pure immaturity people, AKA 12 year old.

Thats excatly the kind of post made moderating neccessary at the first place. :(