Achievements incoming...


*All comments will be reversed after Medic achievements are released...*
When we forget about them.

Then it'll be all "wow awesome" because it was unexpected.
Its not very unexpected if they tell us everything theyre going to do.

Is it just me or does seeing the words 'Iron_cube' on this font look like a face...

Yeh, it does look like a face doesnt it :D

I like regular news, keeps me alive...:p
The ep1 recap seen when beginning a new ep2 game is actually done with the orange box engine (zombine & alyx dynamic shadows)

Which means the updated HL2 and EP1 versions have been ready for PC even before the 360 release.
Technically they were always on the PC. You don't develop these games on modified X360s with DEVELOPER POWERS added, you know. :p
Good point, wonder what is taking them SO long...
I sent Gabe a polite email about this subject (And the graphical update) three weeks ago. Since I haven't had a response since then, I sent another email earlier today. Assuming an eight hour time difference (I've not got a clue where their offices are based), that would make "Valve Time" (As it were) currently 7AM, so I'll be checking my emails a bit more often from now on.

Hopefully I'll get a response to *this* email.
They are surprisingly quick, though, with their responses.

Oh wait, no Episode One achievements, what am I doing back here?

I was like "OH GOD" when I saw the thread name...

What a disappointment.
You guys got me all excited with this resurrection.

Sorry, but I don't want to let this topic (That is to say, the topic that is being discussed, rather than the topic itself) die. :p
Holy Shit It's Happening!


Seriously, if you fell for this, you deserved it
ahh, whatever

For me, the achievements are just something to increase replay value. Fun, but playing thru the games all over again just doesn't catch my interest. and the new medic achievements (well, most of them) are downright impossible. Or very improbable, anyway.
TF2 was fun. Valve, don't ruin it. Add more weapons and inventory, PLEASE, but don't make me play for 100 hours as medic just for bragging rights and the Kritzkreig.
PLEASE, but don't make me play for 100 hours as medic just for bragging rights and the Kritzkreig.

If you don't want it, don't ****ing sweat it. It's not like they're forcing you to get the achievements, and it's not like you won't survive as a medic without them.
I'm the sort of person who gets Achievements because they're Achievements, not because they're attached to shiny new gear. I wish Valve had kept that console command in, because it was a good way to shut everyone up. There was no need to farm them, there was no need to grind them. Anybody who wanted to get the gear instantly (Or quicker, depending on the code) could do so.

Now, since the Achievements for Half-Life 2 and Episode One have been promised along with graphical updates, they're the ones I'm actually interested in.
lol, i totally forgot about all of this until this popped back up
Roughly how long would you say it takes them to reply?

Certainly less than a week. Less than a couple of days if you're not emailing about a problem with Steam or your account :p
Certainly less than a week. Less than a couple of days if you're not emailing about a problem with Steam or your account :p

Hmm. I'll give them two weeks to reply, then if I haven't heard anything I'll try emailing someone else. If emailing Gabe gets me nowhere, who's the best person to try next?
Hmm. I'll give them two weeks to reply, then if I haven't heard anything I'll try emailing someone else. If emailing Gabe gets me nowhere, who's the best person to try next?

Excellent thread with a lot of responses from other people. I noticed there are three email addresses at the top there, as well.

What you could do is try emailing one and "CC"ing the other two. I'd only do it if the question was non-specific.
Thanks, Druckles. I just forwarded the email I sent to Gabe (I can't seem to stop typing his name Gave... damn fingers) to both Doug and Rick, and included an apology for the quasi-spam. If I get a reply, I'll post it in this topic for all to see. :)