Adam Orth Tells Everyone To "Deal With It" & Spawns New Meme

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Holy shit I honestly thought I was on FYAD until I double checked my URL bar. Alright, nothing else to add, this is pretty stupid.
I love you for that.
Or maybe it's because you're insufferable.

id say smash agrees!

Oh god, thanks for reminded me. That JJ Abrams news post was great.

i know. it must be wonderful to not have a temporal lobe.

Sit down, Crunch Buttsteak.

You're the only one conducting yourself this way here, and it's irritating as hell. People are going to shit on threads you create #deawithit

i wouldnt classify this as "shitting on." its the internet. people get mad when they cant look at things from the point of view of others. i actually pride myself in being humble, and rarely revert to trolling on boards because it always becomes counter productive; like this thread. no shit the way im acting is irritating as hell...if i play my troll card...this is what happens. why do i have to explain this to you? is this your first time on the internet?

Here are two screenshots of the same post. This one has commas highlighted:

This one has periods highlighted:

"Cause." The word you're looking for is "cause."

waste of a post. i was looking for the word "cause?" what are you...****ing stupid? you know that a synonym for casualty is fatality, right? i am saying microsoft will go bankrupt in the near future because they are jumping the shark and abandoning their roots.

bill gates stepped down from full-time duties in 2008...the same year vista was released. Microsoft has been directionless without Bill Gates, just like Apple has been and always will be directionless without Steve Jobs. JUST LIKE VALVE WOULD BE DIRECTIONLESS WITHOUT THE GABEN.

just like the entire computer industry would be directionless without Douglas Engelbart or Lidlicker.

****ing jesus....the stupidity....its like talking to Steve Ballmer about what originally made Outlook successful.

You post in a really shit manner. Like spamming image macros and talking about "new meme!" in thread titles as if anyone should care. Either stop it or please go back to 4chan or 9gag or wherever the **** it is that people like that kind of crap.

actually, this is the only thread i have posted any sort of image macro. only reason i kept posting it is because the rebuttals from krynn and vegeta were terrible and it was fueling the anger of viewers like you.

here this will piss you off too...if you get upset over someone posting images on a bulletin board, youre gonna have a bad time.


i thought valvetime would be alittle more professional than BMS...or atleast have some members that werent fueled by their narrow minded ego. members that could provide a tangible unbiased argument to the points i make. but no, i have to revert to the trolling in order to quell the flames; its rather depressing.

raminator would feel at home.

welp, ill go back to lurking...its more fun that way.
i thought valvetime would be alittle more professional than BMS...or atleast have some members that werent fueled by their narrow minded ego.
Not sure if I should be offended by that or not. Plus welcome to the internet - you're going to find argumentative people everywhere you go, you just have to deal with it.
Not sure if I should be offended by that or not. Plus welcome to the internet - you're going to find argumentative people everywhere you go, you just have to deal with it.

no it wasnt. mostly at the people i have been regularly going toe to toe with. sorry for the generalization. trust me, i know the internet like the back of my hand, but i dont like to go to new boards with that as a preconceived notion.
actually, this is the only thread i have posted any sort of image macro. only reason i kept posting it is because the rebuttals from krynn and vegeta were terrible and it was fueling the anger of viewers like you.

here this will piss you off too...if you get upset over someone posting images on a bulletin board, youre gonna have a bad time.

Does ascribing emotional reactions to people who are unimpressed with your posts help your self-image?
waste of a post. i was looking for the word "cause?" what are you...****ing stupid? you know that a synonym for casualty is fatality, right? i am saying microsoft will go bankrupt in the near future because they are jumping the shark and abandoning their roots.
Yeah that'd be a great rebuttal if a) you actually said "casualty" in the post I quoted or b) it would have made any god damned sense in the context of that sentence. The entire mobile and tablet markets are going to crash and Microsoft will be the casualty? Are you sure you didn't mean cause?

And since you didn't seem to take the hint: think about toning down the ellipsis. They make you look like a knuckle dragger.

i actually pride myself in being humble

no shit the way im acting is irritating as hell...if i play my troll card...this is what happens. why do i have to explain this to you? is this your first time on the internet?
At what point in the thread did you decide to "play your troll card?" Because if I had to draw a line graph of your obnoxiousness over time, it would be horizontal.

i wouldnt classify this as "shitting on." its the internet. people get mad when they cant look at things from the point of view of others.
I think you meant to say "the point of view of me."

i thought valvetime would be alittle more professional than BMS...or atleast have some members that werent fueled by their narrow minded ego.
I think you meant to say "fuelled by my narrow minded ego."

welp, ill go back to lurking...its more fun that way.
I thought you said you could do this all day.

I really miss multi-quote. :(
You post in a really shit manner. Like spamming image macros and talking about "new meme!" in thread titles as if anyone should care. Either stop it or please go back to 4chan or 9gag or wherever the **** it is that people like that kind of crap.
I think this post says more than anything else in the thread about how terrible trunk_slamchest is.

Mainly because of who is saying it. Trunk complained about me and Krynn attacking him since he started posting, and Eejit came to our defense. Eejit.

Trunk, it's not even so much about the fact that people are disagreeing with you on certain topics. That happens literally every day in almost every thread here. It's that you post like an idiot. And everyone here thinks so, even if some may also agree with you about Windows 8. I'm sorry but, this is not a coincidence.

Everyone who has made fun of you in this thread is not all in the same boat. It's not like we've all been here together for 8 years, and thus developed some sort of hive-mind that rejects anything a new member comes to post. Some of us have only been here for a few years, and most of us, strangely, have had plenty of scrapes with each other on the boards (especially me and Eejit). But here we find ourselves unanimous about you.

I know it's easy for you to view us as a unified group who will gang up on you just because we've all been members and you're new, but that is simply not what's happening. You're abrasively stupid in the way you post, without pulling your "troll card", whenever the hell that was.
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I thought you said you could do this all day.

generic internet arguments that grovel over semantics do not hold my interests. most threads on the internet reach a point of derailment where continuing to post in them is counter productive; as is with this one.

i didnt come here to troll, but you guys are keeping me well fed, and i appreciate it.

feel free to pick apart this post for grammatical and punctuation errors.

i left a few for you to find...lets play a game.
i didnt come here to troll, but you guys are keeping me well fed, and i appreciate it.
Oh shit, this guy really does know the internet like the back of his hand! He left the argument with a "lol you guys are so easy to troll" remark! Damn, he's got a contingency for everything!

Just a tip, if you want to criticize the way people argue in the future, try not to talk about how you trolled everyone at the end of it. You know what kind of people invented and practiced this trend, right? Do you really want to label yourself as one of them? Not that the rest of your posts didn't do a good enough job of that.
Psst, it's not semantics if you just straight up use the wrong word.

Also, if you think I was just picking apart grammatical errors in my last post, you're even dumber than I already gave you credit for.
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