Adam Orth Tells Everyone To "Deal With It" & Spawns New Meme

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Party Escort Bot
Apr 26, 2011
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Gamespot said:
Speaking on his personal Twitter account (now private), Orth argued "sorry, I don't get the drama around having an 'always on' console. Every device now is 'always on'. That's the world we live in. #dealwithit".

"Did you learn nothing from Diablo III or SimCity? You know some people's Internet goes out right? Deal with it is a sh***y reason," replied BioWare gameplay designer Manveer Heir.

"Electricity goes out too," said Orth in response.

"The mobile reception in the area I live in is spotty and unreliable. I will not buy a mobile phone," Orth said as a joke.
wait a second....

Steam, xbox360, ps3 nor wii u require an always online internet connection....



and today was a good day, for i witnessed both the birth of a new meme, and microsoft destroying their business...all in one fatal swoop.

EDIT: sorry if i broke rules about re-posting articles from other news sites....this is just too LOL worthy to not post about here.
Microsoft is killing themselves. First, Windows 8 and now this. :ROFLMAO:
Windows 8 is fine. This isn't. Microsoft is not killing themselves. They will still have either the top selling console of the next generation, or the second best selling console of the generation. #dealwithit

They also make the best phone OS. #dealwithitagain
People hate it because they are too stupid to understand how it works, and too lazy to figure it out.
Windows 8 is fine.


microsoft is in absolute turmoil. surface pro is the ONLY bright spot for microsoft right now. windows RT is a disaster and is getting dropped from their product line. Windows Blue is turning out to be windows8.1. Steam HW surveys are enough evidence of how mediocre windows8 is, so i wont even comment on windows8. the 720 is rumored to be always online coupled with watermarked game discs, aimed to kill off piracy....and look where that is going...

there are rumors microsoft is going to be vertical integrating their company a la Apple...and that only emphasizes their shift into the mobile and tablet markets...leaving the traditional PC market to Valve, Linux & The Steambox (thank god)...everyone knows the server world runs off debian and linux...

if they go through with watermarked discs and an always online are going to see the majority of console gamers shifting to the PS4...straight up....

those are 2 of microsoft's largest consumer bases that microsoft is alienating and sub-sequentially loosing to competitors. microsoft is trying to replacing these with the extremely saturated mobile and tablet markets, which they are also struggling in.

within the next decade or so, the mobile and tablet markets will crash...for the same reasons that brought about the video game crash of 1983...and microsoft will be the causality due to horrifically short sighted business decisions.

EDIT: eejit it looks like you need to #dealwithit
sub-sequentially loosing

And also everything else you said gets a laugh too. Steam HW surveys as evidence of Microsoft killing it's company? Is there a limit to how many times we can use the JK Simmons laughing pic? Microsoft is not abandoning the PC market, you are retarded if you truly think that.

People said the same shit about the 360 when they announced they were charging for xbox live gold before letting you play online. Still sold the shit out of their console. This will be no different. What does a legit customer care if their disk is watermarked? It has no impact on them. The always on is a bad deal but I doubt its enough to stop people from buying it when their favorite exclusives come out.

Microsoft isn't going anywhere, its just wishful thinking on your part.
I think that is the worst ****ing title I've ever seen on this site. I mean, it's a coherent sentence but it gives no bloody real information at all about what the hell you're talking about, who this man is, what he's talking about or why we should care and it assumes that anyone with a brain functional enough to be able to use keyboard gives a shit that a new internet meme has been created about this man.

I'm slightly grumpy at the moment.
What does a legit customer care if their disk is watermarked? It has no impact on them. The always on is a bad deal but I doubt its enough to stop people from buying it when their favorite exclusives come out.


when you cant trade your games into gamestop, when you cant play your games on a friend's 720, when you cant play your games on a refurbished 720 they send you after your old one red rings, when your 720 tells you it detects evidence of software pirating on your 720 and red rings...when you cant play non-kinect games because the kinect unit attached to your 720 is broken...

youre going to have to #dealwithit

Steam HW surveys as evidence of Microsoft killing it's company?

considering steam dominates the PC Gaming market with roughly 5-6 million concurrent users per are ignoring the elephant in the room to completely disregard the information it provides. windows8 caters to tablets...not desktops or laptops. it does not provide ANY innovation or improvement over windows7. windows8 could have been a service pack for windows7...that is how minimal the upgrade is.

and it shows through with 55% of steam users on win7 and 8% on win8. if what you are stating is true....the statistics would be flip flopped.
People said the same shit about the 360 when they announced they were charging for xbox live gold before letting you play online. Still sold the shit out of their console. can you possibly think that charging for xbox live gold equates to better sales of the 360.
if the 360 was an always online console...that would be a plausible conclusion...

how dense are you? throughout my travels on the internet, i have noticed that i always piss off a few people on whatever board i start posting on, because there are always a few that hate to hear the truth. im glad i can add krynn72 to the notches on my belt.

I think that is the worst ****ing title I've ever seen on this site. I mean, it's a coherent sentence but it gives no bloody real information at all about what the hell you're talking about, who this man is, what he's talking about or why we should care and it assumes that anyone with a brain functional enough to be able to use keyboard gives a shit that a new internet meme has been created about this man.

I'm slightly grumpy at the moment.

i know, i spent probably 10 minutes trying to figure out how to properly word it...and thats all i got. after i posted the thread i tried to go back and fix the thread title, but valvetime doesnt allow that, so iunno.
People hate it because they are too stupid to understand how it works, and too lazy to figure it out.

I hate it because it's a shitty reskin of Windows 7, and nothing more. The only substantive new feature is native ISO support, which should have been done in Windows XP. They also use a locked bootloader on new UEFI builds, which means you can't use another operating system. That is ****ing bullshit. I should not have to use an exploit just to remove their atrocious computer herpes.

If they had actually innovated rather than turning it into a mobile OS for desktop then maybe it wouldn't be shit, but for the last 20 years they have been oscillating between good (Win3.1, Win98, WinXP, Win7) and awful garbage (Win95, WinME, Vista and now Win8). I am hardly surprised at Windows 8 being a weak release.
when you cant trade your games into gamestop, when you cant play your games on a friend's 720, when you cant play your games on a refurbished 720 they send you after your old one red rings, when your 720 tells you it detects evidence of software pirating on your 720 and red rings...when you cant play non-kinect games because the kinect unit attached to your 720 is broken...
I thought the watermark was just so you couldnt rip or burn disks. If that's the case, then I withdraw my statement. Thats ****ing retarded. Seems unlikely that this is how it will be at release, even if they're considering it now. If it is going to be that way, then I can definitely see that being a major hit to their sales.

considering steam dominates the PC Gaming market with roughly 5-6 million concurrent users per are ignoring the elephant in the room to completely disregard the information it provides. windows8 caters to tablets...not desktops or laptops.
No, it doesn't. It has a start menu thats more easily usable for tablets, but thats far from catering to them at the expense of desktops and laptops. I use Win8 on my desktop and one of my laptops, and it functions better than windows 7.

it does not provide ANY innovation or improvement over windows7.
Disagree. The new win-x shortcuts are brilliant, it performs better than win 7 did on both my devices, the taskmanager and performance monitor is leagues above windows 7, and the start menu is actually better, despite people's unfounded disgust with it.

and it shows through with 55% of steam users on win7 and 8% on win8. if what you are stating is true....the statistics would be flip flopped.
Windows 8 hasn't even been out for six months yet. Windows 7 has been out for over three years. can you possibly think that charging for xbox live gold equates to better sales of the 360.
That wasn't my point.

how dense are you? throughout my travels on the internet, i have noticed that i always piss off a few people on whatever board i start posting on, because there are always a few that hate to hear the truth. im glad i can add krynn72 to the notches on my belt.
You piss people off because you spew bullshit as fact.

EDITED because I mixed up some dates.
post your personal benchmarks for PCmark/3Dmark/everest/sisoft etc...proving that win8 out performs win7. otherwise you are pulling shit out of your ass because there is such a thing as experimenter bias and placebo effects. cant...because you cant use another OS with windows8 without exploiting the software...

wait for it....


everything you post is based off opinion, where i draw conclusions based off of actual information. the accuracy of my conclusions is what you view as bullshit, where the core fundamentals of your counter arguments lack proper perspective. you are confusing the two. what maestro posted supports my analysis of how closed minded you are.
The only "actual information" you've posted in attempt to support your "argument" against Windows 8 is a Steam survey stating that, *SHOCK*, a brand new OS does not have as many users as a 3 year old one that has had time to prove itself worthy of upgrading from their previous OS. Your act of concluding from this info that Windows 8 is bad or a failure is the dumbest thing you could do. This reminds me of the people saying LoL is a way better game because Dota's player stats are only a fraction of LoL's.

Krynn's arguments on the other hand are based on his personal experience with the OS. This is a valid opinion to express, not a ridiculous conclusion. Directly comparing various features to the ones in 7, not some numbers read off a webpage that have no correlation to anything useful in this argument other than showing the fact that Windows 8 is new and people are tentative about switching. I don't have any desire to switch to it from 7, simply because I'm content, but that doesn't mean I think it's a piece of shit. I will likely switch when I build my next PC, unless Valve brings something tasty to the table. cant...because you cant use another OS with windows8 without exploiting the software...

Haha good one! Except dual booting windows operating systems with windows 8 works fine. Its just non windows OSes that have issues. I've done windows 7/8 dual booting for customers a few times and its easy as shit.
Krynn's arguments on the other hand are based on his personal experience with the OS. This is a valid opinion to express, not a ridiculous conclusion.

i used windows8 for roughly a 1 month span before uninstalling it. instead of using my opinion to try to convince or sway others, id rather post information and let them form their own opinion.

but as you wish...

i am a web developer and graphic designer where efficiency and functionality is everything. the new start menu and metro ui + apps are enough for someone like me to despise the win8, and just stick with windows7, regardless if they can be ignored, changed, or turned off. why? because like you pointed is meant for tablets. thats great. but for causes frustration.

the win-x feature you described as being genius is nothing more than an expanded take on WinHotKey for windows7. it virtually does the same thing...if not better.

all i felt like i was doing with windows8 was having to relearn my own workflow because everything in windows8 was moved, changed, streamlined...just alittle bit. for the OCD anal developer like became just one WTF after another.

Ditto has a wierd focus glitch with win8 that drove me bat shit insane. mDesktop didnt work with win8 when i installed it...which is blasphemy.

that is strike 1 and 2 right there....if you dont know what ditto or mDesktop it and you might understand.

if i am just going to be spending time tweaking windows8 to mirror or replicate how i had my build of windows7 operating...or wanting it to just act like windows7...what is the point of upgrading in the first place?

fact of the matter is i skipped vista and jumped from winXP from win7. i had absolutely no problem making the switch or atleast learning how to properly use the win7, because all the core features and elements were the same, or easy to revert/change. in comparison to my attempt to switch to windows8...i was fed up after a month....

all this talk of optimization and better performance, from my personal experience, is absolute bollocks. the development time ive dumped into my build of windows7, and how much i have customized the interface to aide my workflow absolutely pummels anything windows8 can muster, or any sort of argument you can come up with. why? because i have more or less developed my copy of windows7 to tailor fit to my personal needs. so much so that anything developed for windows8 is going to take years to catch up to where windows7 (according to you and krynn72, not my opinion) is...atleast on my PC it will.

for the casual user, windows8 must be AWESOME. for people like me, its a travesty.
if i am just going to be spending time tweaking windows8 to mirror or replicate how i had my build of windows7 operating...or wanting it to just act like windows7...what is the point of upgrading in the first place?
This is your conclusion? What's the point in upgrading to a new OS if it's going to be different than the current OS? Are you ****ing serious?

There are such things as outdated UI and UX patterns. The things you have been fighting through each version of the OS to keep are not always worth fighting for. I pity you for being completely unable to adapt to anything new, because you're going to be lost in the past. How are you a web developer? You should not have that mindset as one.

I was pretty lost when I got a Macbook because of how different OSX is, but I eventually adapted to it and now I can use Windows 7 and OSX well, and ****ing accept that they have different workflows by design. I did not spend all my time trying to mold OSX to be what Windows is.

Why is a "person like you" even talking about new OSs if all you want in a new OS is the exact same OS?
This is your conclusion? What's the point in upgrading to a new OS if it's going to be different than the current OS? Are you ****ing serious?

There are such things as outdated UI and UX patterns. The things you have been fighting through each version of the OS to keep are not always worth fighting for. I pity you for being completely unable to adapt to anything new, because you're going to be lost in the past. How are you a web developer? You should not have that mindset as one.

I was pretty lost when I got a Macbook because of how different OSX is, but I eventually adapted to it and now I can use Windows 7 and OSX well, and ****ing accept that they have different workflows by design. I did not spend all my time trying to mold OSX to be what Windows is.

Why is a "person like you" even talking about new OSs if all you want in a new OS is the exact same OS?

this is too easy now.....

why are you assuming that all new things are good? if i dont like how i am interacting with the not gonna switch...if i dont like the actual changes that windows8 makes, why should i switch?

telling me i cant adapt to anything new because i dont like HILARIOUS to me. why? because i am a web developer and blanketing my knowledge of GUI's and operating systems because i dont like windows8 makes you sound like a 5 year old.

i have 8-10 different Control Panels for various functions from VPS management to Web Analytics....ALL WITH DIFFERENT INTERFACES.

holy shit....its like arguing with kindergarteners.

i explain that i developed my custom build of windows7 that basically superceed windows8 in terms of performance and functionality...meaning i personally developed something that is better than what microsoft has developed....and you think just because i dont want to adapt to windows8 means i cannot change with the times.

once again....


i use OSX and win7 hand in hand because they have OSX installed on the computers at school. win7 and OSX mirror each other and even i found the switch to OSX extremely easy because of the similarities between the two operating systems. i can just do more with windows7 because of the added functionality behind it.

the fact that you had trouble switching between windows and OSX tells me you really have no idea where im coming from, and that you have a much more difficult time adapting to new things than i do. im trying to be nice here....

hold up...

DITTO IS GLITCHED AND MDESKTOP DOESNT WORK ON WINDOWS8. do you even know what those two programs do?
all i felt like i was doing with windows8 was having to relearn my own workflow because everything in windows8 was moved, changed, streamlined...just alittle bit. for the OCD anal developer like became just one WTF after another.
you have a much more difficult time adapting to new things than i do.
You're too funny.

DITTO IS GLITCHED AND MDESKTOP DOESNT WORK ON WINDOWS8. do you even know what those two programs do?
This is completely irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make. I do not give a shit what pieces of software may not currently work or be glitched on Windows 8. I have never used Windows 8, and that is irrelevant to my ability to point out why your logic is flawed. Yes, things being broken or inoperable in Windows 8 is a bad thing, and a reason to not switch to the OS (yet) if you need those things. I'm not making a case for Windows 8, I'm making a case against the attitude you've expressed in this thread.

I'm not assuming all new things are good. Your post comes across as assuming all things are bad, because you keep complaining about what's different in 8. You talked of spending all your time trying to replicate Windows 7. If you don't know why this is stupid, the argument we have here is over.
I'm not assuming all new things are good. Your post comes across as assuming all things are bad, because you keep complaining about what's different in 8. You talked of spending all your time trying to replicate Windows 7. If you don't know why this is stupid, the argument we have here is over.

i can do this all day. dont back out now.

you are generalizing my personality as pessimitic. thats not my problem. thats yours. once just because i think windows8 is bad...i think all things are bad?

if the features and changes made in windows8 were, IN MY OPINION, good or useful, i wouldnt be spending my time trying to replicate what i have with windows7, id be enjoying the time im spending learning the new features of windows8. that is just basic conductive reasoning...

i would instead find the OS a nice change since it's functionality is improved. that is not the case.

I do not give a shit what pieces of software may not currently work or be glitched on Windows 8

Yes, things being broken or inoperable in Windows 8 is a bad thing, and a reason to not switch to the OS (yet) if you need those things.
do you proof read your posts? contradiction!

ditto is a multiple clipboard manager and mdesktop is a multiple desktop manager. why the **** would i ever restrict myself to 1 copy pasta and 1 desktop...ever again?

sit down, kid.
ditto is a multiple clipboard manager and mdesktop is a multiple desktop manager. why the **** would i ever restrict myself to 1 copy pasta and 1 desktop...ever again?
Why do you keep saying things that have nothing to do with what I said? When did I ever say you should do those things? You're arguing with yourself.

do you proof read your posts? contradiction!
Do you comprehend what you read? I explicitly stated that I wasn't making an argument for Windows 8. I cannot do that as I have not used the OS. The impression I got from your post, because it's what you said, is that you spent so much time trying to get the OS to work the way you wanted, and that you couldn't be bothered learning the new workflow. I can say without having used the OS, or any OS for that matter, that that's a silly way to approach a new OS.

if the features and changes made in windows8 were, IN MY OPINION, good or useful, i wouldnt be spending my time trying to replicate what i have with windows7, id be enjoying the time im spending learning the new features of windows8.
You should have stated this from the beginning, instead of talking about how you had trouble trying to get avoid of the new features of the OS. It's a normal thing for people to think new things are bad or useless simply because they don't take the time to adapt them into a new workflow.

trunk_slamchest said:
i have noticed that i always piss off a few people on whatever board i start posting on, because there are always a few that hate to hear the truth.
sit down, kid.
Or maybe it's because you're insufferable.
What on earth? Enough with the reaction images. trunk_slamchest just because you've made a thread doesn't mean you have to make it all about you
What on earth? Enough with the reaction images. trunk_slamchest just because you've made a thread doesn't mean you have to make it all about you

but someone was wrong on the internet

ever since i started posting on valvetime...krynn and vegeta have regularly voiced their dislike for what i post. it hurts on the inside.
krynn and vegeta have regularly voiced their dislike for what i post.
Welcome to ValveTime. I see you've met our resident Dragon Ball Z character and his pet dog, who seems to not want to take his Santa hat off.
C- Can we...

In the event this goes all turtle up, can we make this happen?
Disagree. The new win-x shortcuts are brilliant ... and the start menu is actually better, despite people's unfounded disgust with it.
I'll bite. There's a lot of vinegar in this thread, and I don't want to get into a conversation here, but if you're serious, do PM me about it (and be patient - I check here often, but not that often). If you convince me that the Win8 start menu is better than the Classic Start menu, I'll give Windows 8 another chance.
Here are two screenshots of the same post. This one has commas highlighted:


This one has periods highlighted:


do you proof read your posts?


...and microsoft will be the causality due to horrifically short sighted business decisions.
"Cause." The word you're looking for is "cause."
ever since i started posting on valvetime...krynn and vegeta have regularly voiced their dislike for what i post. it hurts on the inside.

You post in a really shit manner. Like spamming image macros and talking about "new meme!" in thread titles as if anyone should care. Either stop it or please go back to 4chan or 9gag or wherever the **** it is that people like that kind of crap.
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