Akira the Movie


Dec 13, 2003
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Leonardo DiCaprio will play the lead character Kaneda in the live action feature-film Akira, reports AICN. Former 3rd Rock From the Sun star Joseph Gordon-Levitt will also play Tetsuo.

Warner Bros. recently announced that it will be taking anime artist Katsuhiro Otomo?s six-volume cyberpunk serial manga (Japanese word for comics) Akira to the big screen. The film is set in a New Manhattan, a city rebuilt by Japanese money after being destroyed 31 years ago.

Not only is DiCaprio going to star in the film, his production company Appian Way, will produce with Andrew Lazar?s Mad Chance.

The first Akira film is set for a summer 2009 release.

Sounds good so far but I just hope they just don't f*** it up. :monkee:
This has marginal potential to be unbelievably awesome but I'm afraid that's probably not going to be the case.
What's with all the live action animes in production? DBZ, Evangelion, and now this?
Akira was the first piece of japanese animation I ever saw and it still knocks my socks off. Here's hopin' that this will be done well.
What's the point?

The original is good enough on it's own; there is no need to cross mediums. It will just be another waste of a bloated budget.

Unless it takes place pre or post Akira (I only read the first of six collections of the actual manga so I don't know if there is more story where the movie left off) I curse this movie. Shanukah Shanukah Hammapinpon. There it's cursed.
OMG ahahha **** see ive been introducing this idea to many forums over the past 3 years and everyone was like it'[s never gonna happen..BUT YEA IT WILL!!!

think of it this way:

akira doesn't have stupid character design, you can easily find people in real life who suit the character design in the anime, you can find/create the setting easily and the movie has a very good storyline that sci fi people will definately love.

It will be a hit, i can feel it
HUGE ****ing market. The amount of money that stands to be made is absolutely sick.

Plus all the first wave of kids that grew up as Japanophiles now are old enough to have some green of their own.
Leonardo DiCaprio will play the lead character Kaneda in the live action feature-film Akira
I didn't want to read any more.
I didn't want to read any more.

Considering Kaneda was 16 in the movie, they definitely should have picked someone much younger. As far as acting goes though, DiCaprio is one of the top in the business right now.
Leonardo DiCaprio will play the lead character Kaneda in the live action feature-film Akira, reports AICN

I stopped there at first I was like


then I was like

This will be the biggest IP rape EVER!! I mean its one of those movies you shouldnt remake...
It's got a noobie director, a 30+ year old kenade (played by fu**ing Leonardo Dicaprio) and a its based of a movie you simply cant beat.

Im going to supress this, just act like it never happend ... *cries/takes cold shower*

I'm missing something here ..DiCaprio is playing a japanese character ..is it animated?

edit: it's live action ..will they make him asian? seems like hollywood hasnt gotten over yellowface

DiCaprio's one of the best actors of his generation, so I can't see who else could play him. Just because he was in Titanic and girls love him, it doesn't mean you have to hate him.

Kaneda barely looks Japanese anyway.

meh... I love Akira but im more looking forward to the film trilogy adaptation of battle angel alita (GUNNM) that James Cameron is working on...

Go watch The Aviator and Catch Me if you can then tell me Leo sucks.
He just has zero charisma, charisma being what I consider as the defining element in a great actor, and at least requisite for an average actor. There's only one other actor apart from DiCraprio who makes me angry just to look at, and that's Nick Nolte.


I dont think dicaprio is a bad actor,but dont fill the role and his "angry" face is hilarious
Son of a bitch.

I'm going back and forth between giddy excitement and cynical pessimism.

AKIRA is IMO one of the best animated movies of all time, they better not **** this up.
They will. They'll screw up Akira, DBZ, and Evangelion all in one go and it will be GLORIOUS. I'm going to have to invent a machine that harvests nerd rage before these movies are released.
meh... I love Akira but im more looking forward to the film trilogy adaptation of battle angel alita (GUNNM) that James Cameron is working on...


Battle Angel Alita ? James Cameron !? :eek: *passes out*

Just saw the Anime for the 1st time few months ago and liked it. A movie would be cool but im not really hyped for it like DBZ and Evangelion. Which will both probably suck compared to their counterparts.
if it follows much of the manga storyline (most of the manga wasn't incorporated in the anime movie) then it will be very good.
meh... I love Akira but im more looking forward to the film trilogy adaptation of battle angel alita (GUNNM) that James Cameron is working on...


*looks on wiki*

never heard of this before but it looks good :D
This movie failed the moment they cast a whitey to play an Asian character.
that's the beauty about akira. The character design is very simple and can be played by any human and still resemble the anime version of that character. I'm not sure how well dicaprio will play kaneda, but hey, he's a good actor and people these days can work wonders with make up so im confident he'll be an awesome kaneda.