amd vs p4



well im new to this. for amd u can get 2ghz to 2.6ghz for the same price if u get a 3.2ghz to 3.6ghz. so what is the difference? why do people say that amd is better for gaming. what is overclocking. sorry im new. because i was going to buy a 3.2 p4...but then i started hearing good things about amd that its good for gaming
hmmm, do a search on this, there are countless posts on it. Ill see if I can maybe find you any. But for a quick explaination, 3.2 GHz Intel P4 <= AMD Athlon 64 3200+. Thats roughly what its like. Just believe us when we say that AMD is better for gaming.
AMD is trying to tell the world that Clock Frequency (GHz) isnt everything about a processor and they are proving it. AMDs processors throw out more calculations every second or something and that makes them able to do more things at a slower frequency. AMD is better at gaming because they focus all there power on that one program, whereas Pentiums use Hyper-threading and allow them to be faster at multitasking other types of programs.
what is usually the cheapest price u can get it for like in a sale.
AMD Athlon 64 3400+, 2.4 GHz (ada3400axbox) Retail Processor good?
and what is opteron. what do good bout it? expensive
what motherboard should i get for 3400+ amd, 1-2gb ram ddr. etc.
what about 200$ what is the best grafix card? 200-300 is alright too i guess.
maybe you press the edit button more and don't post as much.
the opertron is for severs don't get it
The only thing i can really say is that you buy a 64bit AMD chip that uses the socket 939 interface. When it comes to motherboards, the Asus A8N-SLi Deluxe is the board to go with, it uses the 939 socket type and also PCI-express with SLI support which all make the purchase future proof for a good couple of years. With a 6800GT/X800XL and a gig of ram, your pc will fly!
Think of it like this,
There are 2 trucks
One truck named Amd can go at 40mph, and can haul 12 tons.
One truck named Intel can go at 80mph, and can haul 4 tons.

Get it? Amd can do more per cycle while intel can do more cycles.
It is something like this.

Here are various things Asus has said before,

Athlon CPU generally perform more favorable in tasks that are based on user input, like gaming and like applications.
Intel CPUs generally perform more favorable in tasks that are not based on an unknown input.
AMD finally released the Athlon 64/Opteron CPUs and they fixed most everything the Athlon XP lacked (Memory bandwidth, SSE2 and soon to be SSE3 support, A/V encoding performance etc) and improved apon everthing the Athlon XP did well (Games, Office apps, programing, scientific math and AI). Plus they improved the entire platform by putting the memory controller right onboard the CPU instead of having it a mile away on the board. That also cleared up any bottlenecks on the bus that connects the rest of the system to the CPU. This is a big reason why Opteron makes an excelent multiCPU platform with it's Hypertransport connecting each CPU to each other and other CPU's own memory controller.

Intel released it's long awaited 'saviour', the Prescott core, which turned out to actually perform worse in many cases than the established Pentium 4 Northwood core. Again this was because Intel wanted to hit another MHz mark, 4Ghz. They had to reduce the core's performance by adding pipelines to do so and they slapped a 1MB L2 cache on top of it in an attempt to cover up any performance loss. There is a flaw in Prescott, which is to believed to be a design flaw and not a proccess issue, that makes it give off a lot of heat from the high power consumption.
The clock is what the PC gets all of it's frequencies from. 200MHz determines the CPU speed with a mulitplyer. It determines memory speed, AGP and PCI bus speeds with ratios. Also, the FSB actually runs at 200MHz but it's RATED at 800 since it's a quad pumped bus (for the P4). Not the same as the CPU's multiplyer since the CPU actually runs at it's 3.2GHz speed or whichever model it is.
A pentium 4 and Athlon 64 have different ways of using L1 and L2 cache. Also size isn't the most important factor but latency (how long it takes before it's ready). Intel's P4 saves a copy of it's L1 in the L2 cache. AMD does not do that.

Athlon 64's don't have a FSB exactly. It's a different design. Though you could say it's 800 or 1000 (depending on the system). Just more efficent than the standard FSB design.

In short, the standard design sends data one way (up or down) while the AMD"s HT design can send data both directions at the same time. Not to mention Intel's FSB still has to handle the Memory traffic (which is a lot). AMD has their memory controller right on the CPU so their design doesn't have that memory traffic to cause any slow down.

Various things from Asus, the hardware god.
for gfx cards is 256 really necessary? because im thinking between 128 and 256. but isnt 256 meant for 3d graphics design and stuff? will gettin a 128 effect the performance? btw thanks minerel, that post really helped me understand. :LOL:
yeah the IPC of an athlon is AMazing!

athlon 64 has an IPC of 12
whilst a p4 i believe is 6
The clock is what the PC gets all of it's frequencies from. 200MHz determines the CPU speed with a mulitplyer. It determines memory speed, AGP and PCI bus speeds with ratios. Also, the FSB actually runs at 200MHz but it's RATED at 800 since it's a quad pumped bus (for the P4). Not the same as the CPU's multiplyer since the CPU actually runs at it's 3.2GHz speed or whichever model it is.

i beleive that was ASUS answering one of my processor questions :D
when i asked about 200MHz and 800MHz External Frequencies and FSBs :naughty:
from that data...3400+ is good for the money? any better i can get for around 200?
3400+ is a great CPU!
Only thing I would ask is do you want the ability to upgrade the CPU without buying a new board in the future? Is AGP fine or do you want PCI Express?

If you want the ability to upgrade with the same board or you want PCI Express then I would suggest look at the Socket 939 CPUs and recommend the 3500+. If not then go for the 3400+, it's very fast at 2.4GHz.

slantedeyez said:
what are the pros and cons of amd and pentium?
Athlon 64 Pros-
Performance, Price, Power usage, Memory path to the CPU is much quicker (see game performance)
It's more of an open platform so there are good boards and there are bad boards.*
Pentium 4 Pros-
Multimedia creation performance, Hyperthreading
Power usage (gets hot), Hyperthreading

*Because AMD chips are typically cheaper, those who buy them are more likely to be cheapskates and skimp on the board or other parts than those buying Intel. Just read up on the most popular boards that have been out for a little while and have had time to get feedback. Nvidia's chipsets for AMD (Nforce 3/4) are very stable and are similar to how well Intel chipsets work with their system. Also have the good features.

I'm not going to get technical unless you ask for an explaination. =p
what do u mean upgrade? like keep the motherboard but get a faster cpu? ionno im thinking this will last me for a while...low on cash.
im a cheapskate hehe. well 3500+ is like around 70$ more. ill get it if there is a better difference. thinking of spending around $200-300 for cpu....$200-300 for gfx card...2gb ram...and around 50-100 for motherboard. will my system fly in cs source, hl2,WoW,...what about doom3? sound....well i cant tell from surround or headphones or just 2 ill prolly use intergrated ones. haha :E btw i read the how to overclock cpu...and i got really what is the fastest u can overclock the 3400+? 3500+? how big are the improvements becuase i dont want a dead cpu lolz...
i edited it just before u posted: btw i read the how to overclock cpu...and i got really what is the fastest u can overclock the 3400+? 3500+? how big are the improvements becuase i dont want a dead cpu lolz...well WoW im not gonna play cheap...n poor...dont want to pay for the card...thats why i dont know anything bout that...what can i get for around 300$ i think 256mb is good...thats what people recommend but is that necessary?


what about that

what about geforce...
In short, you hit delete on the keyboard right when your PC starts up. That takes you to the bios (the good blue screen) and you look for a FSB setting. It should be at 200 but you slowly increase it and test it in windows to make sure it boots and is stable (play a game for awhile). If your PC restarts then it's unstable and you need to lower it a bit.

Athlon 64's actually run pretty cool with the stock heatsink that comes with it. I have mine OCed from 2 to 2.3GHz with the stock cooler. By the way, each CPU is different. One may OC a lot and the next you might not be able to OC at all without it being unstable. No way to know how far you can go unless you try.

How this 200 number works into the CPU speed is this. Every CPU model has a multiplyer. The Athlon 64 has a multiplyer of 12.
So 200*12 = 2400Mhz or 2.4GHz
If you are able to OC to 212 then it will be running at 2.5GHz (212*12=2544).
slantedeyez said:
graphics card...thats why i dont know anything bout that...what can i get for around 300$ i think 256mb is good...thats what people recommend but is that necessary?


what about that

what about geforce...
The X800pro is a very solid card. It's a lot better than the Geforce 6800.
Although 6800GT is a little better card but costs more.

The main two things to watch out for are the Socket, the CPU and Motherboard Socket have to match, and the Video card slot. A socket 754 CPU won't fit in a Socket 939 board. And for the video card slot, an AGP and PCI Express slot are very different. Make sure you match it with what your board has. If you go with the 3400+ (Socket 754) it will probably be AGP.
hmmm didnt know that...thanks. btw i currently have a dell....pentium4 much can i overclock the cpu? btw 3500+ is better then 3400+ right? lol...
Ya 3500+ is better. You should look for a AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Winchester core. Thats a real good CPU, just in general and for overclocking. Id look into a DFI board if you want to overclock it. And for your moey in the gfx deparment you might wanna see if you can get your hands on an x800XL. They are an awesome performing card with a great price to boot.
i just notice that there are a lot of makers of the same graphics sapphire..asus...rosewill...etc...the prices the different..but the same card just looks different...whats the difference???

btw 3500+ is only 2.2 ghz while 3400+ is 2.4 but 3500+ is around 50-100$ more then the 3400+. any ideaS?
Go for the new Venice cores. Overclocking is your bitch.
slantedeyez said:
i just notice that there are a lot of makers of the same graphics sapphire..asus...rosewill...etc...the prices the different..but the same card just looks different...whats the difference???

btw 3500+ is only 2.2 ghz while 3400+ is 2.4 but 3500+ is around 50-100$ more then the 3400+. any ideaS?
its just each company wanting their own share of the money made from graphics cards.
Sapphire is a very good make, and usually best value for money (Asus have tended to been more expensive for similar cards).
From what i hear about overclocking graphics cards, ATI seem to lock the clock speeds, however it Sapphire seem to have their clock speeds unlocked, making O/Cing them easier.
But things can change you know, im saying this while thinking of a 9800 card

Heres my question:
do AMD make their own chipsets, like Intel i865PE etc, and if so, are they generally better than the other companies that do, such as nVidias nForce and ATIs own range?
Im going to start research on the AMD series now, as for now that will be my next system, unless Intel come out with a nice surprise.

One more thing, I was in PC World the other day to buy a PCI Wirless network card (cheaper there, because delivery costs on other websites bring up the price) and I noticed that for the Intel Pentium 4 LGA775 they gave: 32bit blablalbla nad 64bit blablabla and gave stock codes for them? Am i missing something?

Thanks guys
Yes the venice cores are nice too, you might wanna wait and see if you can buy a a64 with a venice core in your price range.
Keep in mind, you can't just get any motherboard, memory and power supply while expecting a good OC. You will need quality memory that can keep up with the speed and a powersupply that gives solid/steady voltages with good power, which is going to bring that cost up quite a bit.
A divider lets you get away with all sorts of memory. I'd be more concerned about the motherboard and cpu at the start. If you're on a budget, then get some cheapo pc3200. If you're not, get some TCCD (my patriot does 280 mhz without breaking a sweat, and is going for a very reasonable price these days)

If you're going for nforce3 the MSI Neo 2 board is the way to go, Nforce4 and it's the DFI.
id get some good ram too, maybe even some rated above pc3200 for some good headroom.
well fry's electronics they are selling p4 3.2ghz w/ mobo for 209$ should i get that or should i get amd 3400+ or 3500+? plus i dont know how to overclock ram or cpu...gotta ask my bro
what do i need to around 3ghz+???
what does 3ghz 64bit equals to a 32 bit?

btw is it worth it to spend an extra 100$ for a 3500+ then a 3400+? is there a big gap between performance? i just know that 3500 is 2.2 while 3400 is 2.4. but why does it cost so much more...will they make a venice 3400+? that would be so nice..