American kids, dumber than dirt, The next generation = biggest idiots in US history

American kids are always picked on as the stupid ones. Great idea! Lets make a sweeping generalization and blow this way out of proportion. American kids are not stupid, kids in general are stupid. Every country has its intelligent people and its unintelligent people. I'll admit that I get sickened when I proofread a person's paper and it's filled with grammatical errors, non-academic tone, slang and misspellings, but it's not just American kids that do that. Almost all of my high school friends are in universities across the state of California, the rest of the country and even other countries. One went to Oxford, one went to Yale, and another went to Cornell. My high school was a public school as well. We had 16 valedictorians simply because their GPAs couldn't get any higher.

America's next generation isn't doomed to a life of ignorance as all these people from other countries seem to think. I'm sure you have completely stupid people in your countries as well. I don't appreciate being stereotyped as an idiot by others simply because I'm from America. If you come to this country, you'll find many intelligent people with interesting things to say who live successful lives. No country is perfect or has a population made up entirely of geniuses. Stop talking down on a country you've never been to and people you've never met.

People get offended by the truth, remember.
We already have plans in motion to ship them all out to Canada and England.

I'm just glad I'm not one of the idiots.

I'll notify the proper authorities to start building a wall
Fixed that for you. Anything on the internet that's even slightly skewed from someone else's perspective is highly likely to start an argument.
No it's not.

Shut up.

I hate you.
No it's not.

Shut up.

I hate you.
How can you hate him for that? I can't believe you'd say something like that! What did he DO to deserve that?

You know what? people like YOU are what's wrong with humanity. We should instate mandatory post-natal abortion for horrible people, and you should be first in line.
I'll notify the proper authorities to start building a wall
If some foreseeable disaster of great proportions were to befall America, take for instance, like on the movie "Day After Tomorrow" where extreme climate disruptions caused great cataclysmic disasters, forcing the Americans to move south across Mexico's border, a phenomenon theorists call the "steamroller effect" would occur, where millions of panicked people would migrate and trample any form of government that attempts to stand in their way. It would be a bloody massacre for both side. Of course, the topic at hand has nothing to do with this except for the fact that the situation of a dumber America wouldn't instill enough fear into people to migrate by such large numbers. Humans are such selfish little sheep aren't they?
How can you hate him for that? I can't believe you'd say something like that! What did he DO to deserve that?

You know what? people like YOU are what's wrong with humanity. We should instate mandatory post-natal abortion for horrible people, and you should be first in line.
Yeah, well your people are the ones who make it harder for the rest of us to...

... Actually you know what, I'm just gonna save us all a lot of time here.



We're the superpower not just because we're smart, but because while the European world was more concerned with fighting their own wars amongst themselves we had more than ample opportunity to capitalize on it, and we weren't stupid enough not to. Remember, Europe is the place God forgot about =]