May 14, 2003
Reaction score
play with 2 mice, like for instance a mech or hand to hand combat game with two mice can control the two arms...this will tkae practice and skill, u can even encorporate another moniter, omg this sounds kinda cool gimme some feed back.
are you saying install 2 mice onto your pc, one for controling the left hand, and one on the right?

if so, i dont think it is possible, most people only have 1 mouse and you will just be standing in the same place for the whole game
lol yes two mice for your two hands. i havent completely figured it out but im thinking something witht he mouse buttons and u could have soemone driving the mech or not completely using the left arm or have it in "fight" mode when in hand to hand combat so it follows your opnent and u control the hands, jesus i dont know gimme some help, feed back, and tips or something.

Edit: maybe even something with your feet possibly.
Would get no play, because (most) people only have one mouse. I'm not even sure if it's possible to have two mice in your comp.
it's not possible, with the standard computer... maybe 1 person for each arm :)
im gonna play around with some stuff ill tell ya about it later.

anywho its an idea. lets pretend it is possible(one usb and other standard mouse port) give some ideas on how to control the movement.

it would have to start out as a sp mod because like alco stated most people dont have 2 mice($10 bucks whoopi)
See know you guys are seeing why Xboxers (like myslef) like the 2 joystick setup.