An RPG with a good story


Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
So, thus far I've played:

Planescape: Torment
Vampire: The Masquerade
Fallout 1+2
Mass Effect
Jade Empire

All of which had a good story/intriguing character interactions to them. I'm looking for my fix, an RPG with an engrossing story, any suggestions?
Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2.
Fallout 3(it's... okay.)
Oblivion(crap story, but it's so fun)
Diablo 1 + 2

that is all (other than those listed i can recommend right now)
jprg ftl...

Fallout 1,2,3
Gothic 1 and 2
Deus Ex (sorta)
Baldur's Gate Series
Icewind Dale Series
Ultima Series
Bard's Tale Series

Man...I am really starting to date myself. :(
name a game where you're THE DARK LORD OF THE SITH and can HAVE SEX in the same game
Two was.. hmm.. incomplete. I still loved it, but it had so much more to offer. If you read some of the Let's Play kotor 2 things out there though, it explains a lot and makes it more enjoyable because of the sekrets that could not be explained thoroughly.
It was said before, but it's worth saying again:

It was said again, but its worth saying before:

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.

The OC and other expansion have ok stories, but MotB has an excellent one. Right up there with BG2 and KOTOR2.
I also throw my hat into the ring for the KOTOR games. They're fantastic.

Also Deus Ex, System Shock 1 and 2.

oh, and Chrono Trigger.
I also throw my hat into the ring for the KOTOR games. They're fantastic.

Also Deus Ex, System Shock 1 and 2.

oh, and Chrono Trigger.
Chrono Trigger wins. It may be a jrpg, but it's an AWESOME jrpg!!
Try The Witcher (Enhanced Edition) - the main story itself isn't amazingly compelling, but the side-stories, the world and the characters are all engrossing. It also forces the player to chew on some intriguing moral dilemmas at several points in the story. Gorgeous graphics too, if you have a nice enough PC.

And FF7 is ace. I've had a hankering to revisit it for a while but I heard it doesn't work on Vista at all...
Try The Witcher (Enhanced Edition) - the main story itself isn't amazingly compelling, but the side-stories, the world and the characters are all engrossing. It also forces the player to chew on some intriguing moral dilemmas at several points in the story. Gorgeous graphics too, if you have a nice enough PC.

And FF7 is ace. I've had a hankering to revisit it for a while but I heard it doesn't work on Vista at all...

Hmm...this seems odd enough to interest me. Are the side-quests/characters on par with, say, VTM? And it is massively replayable, correct? Saw this on steam for $39.99, seems like a good deal actually.
I'd also recommend The Witcher (Enhanced Edition). If you like an RPG where your decisions no matter how minor can have such huge consequence then this is it. This is an RPG where you can actions can change the story significantly and i've played it though 3 times each very different.
The Characters do have a lot of depth and you get to know them very well, and i started to really care for some of them.

What's with the hate of Final Fantasy? I'm currently re-playing FFX and it's awesome.
KOTOR is the only one I ever had the patience to complete.
I'd also recommend The Witcher (Enhanced Edition). If you like an RPG where your decisions no matter how minor can have such huge consequence then this is it. This is an RPG where you can actions can change the story significantly and i've played it though 3 times each very different.
The Characters do have a lot of depth and you get to know them very well, and i started to really care for some of them.

What's with the hate of Final Fantasy? I'm currently re-playing FFX and it's awesome.

It's not cool to like most JRPGs.

I vote Chrono Trigger, FFVII, FFIV, and FFVI if you're looking at JRPGs.

As for other ones...buuhhh...not really found too many that were deathly fun. Never played KOTOR, and it's not really on my list very high atm. Kinda sucked in with EVE D:
Hmm...this seems odd enough to interest me. Are the side-quests/characters on par with, say, VTM? And it is massively replayable, correct? Saw this on steam for $39.99, seems like a good deal actually.
To my shame I haven't played VTM, but I remember people saying how good the character animations/expressiveness during conversations were in that game. The Witcher was a little weak in this respect, with characters appearing fairly wooden when you talk to them, but CD Projekt went a long way towards rectifying that in the Enhanced Edition by adding a heap of new canned animations. Other than that, the writing is generally excellent and is what gives the characters/quests their depth.

It is replayable in that you'd need to go through it at least a couple of times in order to see what happens in each plot branch. For the most part, however, it stays somewhat linear and rigid in structure; don't expect something along the lines of Planescape where you're getting a dozen talk options in every convo. Once you get used to that and the unorthodox combat system (which I ended up really enjoying), then The Witcher is likely to start swallowing up dozens upon dozens of hours of your time.

It sounds like my praise is all cautious, but as an RPG fan it's actually one of the best games I've played in ages.
Two was.. hmm.. incomplete. I still loved it, but it had so much more to offer. If you read some of the Let's Play kotor 2 things out there though, it explains a lot and makes it more enjoyable because of the sekrets that could not be explained thoroughly. 2/index.html

5thing KOTOR 1/2.

The restoration project for TSL is currently in beta and could be released soon.
Yes, that's the best LP out there. It's just wonderful.

The Giza or whatever restoration project?

I haven't heard shit about that in a while.

Beginning to look like Black Mesa Source if you ask me.
Betrayal at Krondor: you'll never find an RPG (or game for that matter) with a better or more engrossing story.
To my shame I haven't played VTM, but I remember people saying how good the character animations/expressiveness during conversations were in that game. The Witcher was a little weak in this respect, with characters appearing fairly wooden when you talk to them, but CD Projekt went a long way towards rectifying that in the Enhanced Edition by adding a heap of new canned animations. Other than that, the writing is generally excellent and is what gives the characters/quests their depth.

It is replayable in that you'd need to go through it at least a couple of times in order to see what happens in each plot branch. For the most part, however, it stays somewhat linear and rigid in structure; don't expect something along the lines of Planescape where you're getting a dozen talk options in every convo. Once you get used to that and the unorthodox combat system (which I ended up really enjoying), then The Witcher is likely to start swallowing up dozens upon dozens of hours of your time.

It sounds like my praise is all cautious, but as an RPG fan it's actually one of the best games I've played in ages.

Cool. I assume I can tackle a number of side-quests in any order (within a "hub" or whatever). And can your stats effect convos at all? I'm probably going to pick this up once I have the money, regardless.
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.

The OC and other expansion have ok stories, but MotB has an excellent one. Right up there with BG2 and KOTOR2.

I bought Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold edition for $9.99 brand new at Target right around New Years and never opened it. how long of a game is it and is it addicting?? WoW just doesn't do it for me anymore and hardly anyone I know plays anymore.
Its really long and I got bored of it before I finished.
I bought Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold edition for $9.99 brand new at Target right around New Years and never opened it. how long of a game is it and is it addicting?? WoW just doesn't do it for me anymore and hardly anyone I know plays anymore.
Only the second expansion is any good (Hordes of the Underdark)... but it's really good. One of my favorites.
I bought Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold edition for $9.99 brand new at Target right around New Years and never opened it. how long of a game is it and is it addicting?? WoW just doesn't do it for me anymore and hardly anyone I know plays anymore.
The original campaign is realllly long, I haven't been able to finish it without taking a break and playing something else in between. It's fairly good, though a little slow at times.
Mask of the Betrayer (Expansion 1) is shorter and far better in terms of story and characters. Shouldn't spoil much of the OC at all if you play this first.

Only the second expansion is any good (Hordes of the Underdark)... but it's really good. One of my favorites.
That's NWN1, not NWN2.
Cool. I assume I can tackle a number of side-quests in any order (within a "hub" or whatever). And can your stats effect convos at all? I'm probably going to pick this up once I have the money, regardless.
Yeah, you can@side quests. Stats are all combat/skill-related and don't affect convos, I'm afraid.
Cool. I assume I can tackle a number of side-quests in any order (within a "hub" or whatever). And can your stats effect convos at all? I'm probably going to pick this up once I have the money, regardless.

It's doesn't matter in what order you do side quests. There are some however you must do before going to the next chapter otherwise you lose it.

If you are going to pick it up you may want to get the original version. They are dead cheap now and you can get the enhanced patch from CD Project that will patch the game so it's exactly like the enhanced version for free.
Jagged Alliance 2-Another classic and great turn based RPG ala Fallout. Plenty of characters and a solid plot.

Guild Wars-It's basically a mmorpg without the subscription fee. It has a narrative and its
simply fun. You can play with your friends after all. I just got the trilogy pack myself.

Deus Ex-Yes, it's a shooter but it has plenty of RPG elements and it's one of the best games out there. The sequel was disappointing though.

Boiling Point: Road to Hell aka Xenus- Another shooter with an RPG system. Somewhat buggy but it has an engaging storyline and a nice setting.

Fable and Overlord: They both have a similar setting and art direction. They are quite humorous too. Sequels are out for both games.
That's NWN1, not NWN2.

I guess I just block NWN2 from my mind because it and its expansions are all terrible.

And don't play Guild Wars for the story; its amazingly, amazingly boring. Doing quests in World of Warcraft is more interesting for ****'s sake.
Lies, the first NWN2 expansion is awesome. The OC and 2nd expansion are just ok.

that is all
(Snarky oldie but goodie)

Best Final Fantasy story IMO was Final Fantasy Tactics. It also has the benefit of a game worth playing attached to it. Shame there are no noses.

Five minutes with the start menu should give you the idea of what it feels like to actually play a typical JRPG. If you can put that aside the games are a decent enough time-sink. Though as I can't stomach the interfaces of classic PC RPGs long enough to appreciate their usually massive dialogue trees (I'll leave the 'quantity not quality' appraisals to people who can), you're probably better positioned to ignore that stumbling block.
wizerdry 8 (turn based/best rpg ever)
diablo series(monster mashing)
boulders gait(d n d party based/try downloading tutu,completed quest mods, and the mod that lets you roll play as an evil char)
kotor series
throne of darkness(monster masher)
bards tale(comedy rpg)
jade empire(kung fu stuff)
^ Who says there are problems with the English school system, huh?