Any/All new technical information confirmed by Valve


May 14, 2003
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I thought we needed a thread to collect all the new technical information that we've learned since E3: official responses from valve only (them responding to emails, old information that now makes sense in light of HL2). We can keep adding to this thread as things go along so as to serve as a sort of collection of new TECHNICAL information (i.e., plot and gameplay stuff is for other threads: this is just about the engine, fixed bugs, etc.)

Also, this is NOT meant to be a speculation/discussion thread! Just the facts, ma'am.

Here's what I've collected so far.

-The strange "mistimed" events in the e3 demos are due to demo playback (which is NOT an accurate pixel or frame by frame representation of game events) rather than engine problems.

-Multiplayer physics is controlable at the object level: someone (mapmakers at the least, and maybe individual clients) can decide what objects exist server side, and which are client side effects only (confirmed by email from Gabe and Yahn)

-Bullet sparks showing through solid objects are on the list to be fixed (confirmed by email from Gabe)

-Enemies simply going limp when they die, making it hard in some cases to tell THAT they've died, is on the list to be fixed (confirmed by email from Gabe)

-Source's scalability in part relies heavily upon a LOD-based system. We can almost certainly assume that this is the system that Valve originally talked about developing for TF2: namely that it doesn't just scale down the complexity of wire meshes for distance, but also scales down complexity based on the number of models on the screen at once, the goal being to maintain a steady framerate at all costs. In multiplayer, distant player models will have fewer animation frames sent across the network to reduce lag: another type of dynamically scaling LOD system. (all first discussed by Valve years ago, and then confirmed by recent discussion at e3)

-At least some enemies can jump over gaps and climb ladders and other sorts of things to prevent the player from artificially getting to a place out of reach of your pursuers. This is most important for NPC characters: they want them to be able to stay with you for a long time, and when they are blocked from following, it's for a real story reason, rather than that they simply cannot follow your movements.

Next things are from the recent Gabe interview:

-Facial animation system is realistically "bounded" meaning that even though you can control various parts of it randomly, it still constraints things so that they and the transitions look believable.

-Characters have shaders on their teeth (to make them look shiny?) :)

-Music and ambient effects are now more dynamic, triggered by the player's actions rather than just walking through a "gate" that starts up a music track. They call it "soundscapes"
Well done Apos. *applauds*

You're always so damn informative.

*edit* i didn't know about the soundscape thing. Wow. :bounce:
It just hit me, how does it look when someone climbing ladders? - Probably not like in HL1.
And how does it look when you are climbing a ladder? - Is it still possible to use your weapon like in HL1? Or is it like in DoD (the weapon dissapears)? Or can you actually see your own hands?

Maybe you can't get the answers, but it would be nice to know :eek:
Originally posted by NiteStalker
It just hit me, how does it look when someone climbing ladders? - Probably not like in HL1.
And how does it look when you are climbing a ladder? - Is it still possible to use your weapon like in HL1? Or is it like in DoD (the weapon dissapears)? Or can you actually see your own hands?

Maybe you can't get the answers, but it would be nice to know :eek:

no matter how that will work in HL2, that is up for the modders :cheers:
Not to be a stickler, but I really would like to keep this thread as a place for simply storing factual information about the technical side of the game, NOT about asking questions, dicussing things, etc. It would be nice if new people could just come into this thread and read up on the latest confirmed information, rather than wading through lots of discussion to find it. If there is any discussion, it should be limited to the dispute of the truth of actual, factual information, rather than just speculation based on facts.
i think it would be better if we gater all the info. with discussion in this topic, and there could be a sticky topic. where the info that has been confirmed and discussed in this topic can be placed there or someting like that
-the AI system is totaly new boasting that it is not "scripted" but notes where you are and proceeds with the best solution to help you. or somefin like that, confirmed at e3.

-there will be vec's as razor has stated and will have realistic physics,unknow is if it has a new damage system.

btw Apos nice thread oh and dont u wish u could delete some post on your thread? :dozey:

there is so much i feel im missing i just cant grasp it.
indeed.. you notise it when gordon trys to find balance on the surface