Any buyers of SP only?



I know this should be in the general forum, but that place has turned into a human cesspool. Anyways, Im curious, does anyone plan to buy the SP only version? And what are your reasons?
The SP only version will sell well, but for obvious reasons you wont find many people on these forums who intend to buy the SP only version. The majority of people who buy games dont give a lot of thought to the MP aspect of the game. They just intend to play through the SP part and maybe d1ck around in a MP game or two then file the game away on a shelf.

Plus you will have all the moms sent to the store by all the 13yo to get the game for them. You know how moms are when it comes to being cheap, if they see two boxes labeled Half-Life2 and one is 20 bucks cheaper than the other, there really isnt a choice in the matter.
I know plenty of people that will prefer to buy the SP, but none of them are game or internet addicts. :D
I think its a great idea, although it does seem to be creating confusion, and I hope they label to boxes very clearly.
For some insane reason, probably temporary madness, today I find the SP only very attractive
I'm considering it. I mean, I'm going to Uni, I'm only going to have a 56k Connexion for a year.

But I'm most likely going to get the Collectors edition.
Yeah my reasoning is Ive been in some weird SP mood lately, I seem to be purely interested in HL2/STALKER/Max Payne 2/CoD for the SP
Perhaps the Gordon box will be the SP, Alyx will be the SP + MP and the silver one is the Spec Edition....

My theory is flawed though, as i am missing one box :/

I'm guessing that the SP only will be missing quite a big portion of the 'normal' size, possibly making it easier to warez it (unless there is some ultra anti-warez device)
Originally posted by Feath


And no, Im not a SP only guy, multiplay is definitally my thing, hell I'll check out some of the multiplayer options (the great surprise) before I play SP.
Originally posted by nw909

And no, Im not a SP only guy, multiplay is definitally my thing, hell I'll check out some of the multiplayer options (the great surprise) before I play SP.
While it's true that I'm mostly interested in SP, there is no way I wanna miss out on the MP.

Also this probably means the MP is so hardcore only T1/DSL/Cable users could handle it. That's why they are selling it separately.
well with 56k you could get 250 pings on hl1 and they are saying the hl2 netcode is way better so maybe on a 56k you can get like 100 pings, that is still playable.
Originally posted by Bass
I know this should be in the general forum, but that place has turned into a human cesspool. Anyways, Im curious, does anyone plan to buy the SP only version? And what are your reasons?

singple player only?? o hell no
To me it may be more important... the single player could account for days of playing, whereas the multiplay years