Anyone else actually see HL AT E3?

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I did, and I got to talk to Gabe Newell for like a minute and a half. I love that guy and everything but wow is he fat.

It was funny to see the people actually RUN to the ATI booth when the doors opened in the morning, then still have to wait hours to see the thing. They should have had a bigger theater like Halo 2, and probably a shorter demo as well. Oh well, I'm not complaining, I gave one of the ATI guys $10 bucks and he let me in the exit door in between shows. That was the 2nd time I saw it, the 1st time I was lucky and only had to wait about 2 hours and got to switch with the 6 people we were waiting in line with.

Also I found it strange that the one I was in with all the media people no one clapped at the end but the other one everyone did. I guess the media people are too good for clapping.

Anyway it was awesome talking to Gabe Newell, Half-Life was definately the game of the show. After that I'd have to say Halo 2, Medal of Honor Rising Sun, and Vampire Blood lines were all really impressive.
I wish I went...but i'm only 16 :o , did you see all the media people recording with thier cameras and stuff ?...did you see gamespy ?! (you should off gave em a kick in the face for me)
Well you have to br really lucky to be at E3, and that fat guy ? LOL..anyways i wish i could go but im too FAR !! Damn Canada
I didn't really pay attention to what companies were in their with me but they probably showed that demo nealy 50 times, so odds are I wasnt there when gamespy was. I know that someone I was with on the 2nd day video taped it though. I did see a bunch of media people who had appointments, they'd flash their blue badges and they'd let them right in while people from the line just sat their and waited another 30 minutes for the next showing.
Canada huh? that's where I told the people at the mario kart place I was from (toronto) and they gave me a free t-shirt for coming farther than anyone. The suckers, I actually game from San Fran.
thx for the insight. wish i was there to see Gabe's tummy.
Originally posted by Cid
Canada huh? that's where I told the people at the mario kart place I was from (toronto) and they gave me a free t-shirt for coming farther than anyone. The suckers, I actually game from San Fran.

Toronto is the only place Americans know of... Maybe Vancouver and Montreal too.

/me shakes head
Quebec and Ottawa then?

Oh yeah, thats right, im not from USA :p
Actually Toronto is just the furthest city I could think of that everyone would know. I can tell you that I know of alot of places in Canada that most Canadians don't even know of, mostly small towns. Besides there were people there that I was talking to from a place called Gregory BC I believe.
By the way, while standing in line to see the demo at E3 they played a video on the outside screens that may not be available anywhere. Anyway, it was in black and white and showed clips of the old game, each time it started if said something about 5 years later... I wonder if this means that in game time it's been 5 years later.

Also, I got a Half-Life 2 shirt, I forgot to mention that. Haha!
Originally posted by Cid
I did, and I got to talk to Gabe Newell for like a minute and a half.

Any chance you were told the specs of the system running the demo?
I'm pretty sure it was the same as the one they were doing the drawing for. Atleast they had the same case.

If that's the case then it should have been a dell, p4 3ghz with around a gig of memory, and a 128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 8X AGP. That's what I remember reading I could be a little off, at the worst I sure the processor and video card are right (for the ones they gave away atleast).

But no I didn't ask gabe himself, I just said basically "thanks for the great demo" then I brought up that he had met with a friend of mine and he asked what I did so I told him. Then I left, pretty cool though.
U lucky basterd !!! Dont tell me Canada is far away !! I live in sweden !!
Well look on the bright side, atleast your not in Norway, they have one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Sweden on the other hand has tall blonde chicks with big... um... hair. Screw the E3's booth babes and their free t-shirts.