Anyone subsribes to fibre broadband..


Mar 16, 2007
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cos it's really cheap in my country and it's AWESOME.

I signed up for a fibre plan which provides me with unlimited data, dload speeds capped at 100mbps, and upload speeds capped at 25mbps. I am paying about 40usd per month, and it's great.

I am getting download speeds of up to 6000-7000 kbps on torrents (literally downloads in megabytes per second), and 1000-2000kbps on browser based downloads. HD Youtube Vids load in seconds. Gaming gives me latencies of less than 15 in games with servers in my country. Basically, it's fantastic, and I want to know if any of you here are signed up to any fibre plans..?
Before my parents couldn't afford it, we did. I had a max speed of about 1.3mb/s.

And here, I'm not sure what happened, but my speed went from generally 700kb/s to 1.2mb/s, so that's cool.
School's ending, these are my last couple days of enjoying 4.0 mb/s for a long time. Just stocking up on Steam games to burn them later.
Damn FIOS isn't available at my home, and there's no way I'm going to comcrap, so I'm going to have to stay with DSL. At least my online gaming isn't really affected.
Damn FIOS isn't available at my home, and there's no way I'm going to comcrap, so I'm going to have to stay with DSL. At least my online gaming isn't really affected.

Same here, we only have the choice of AT&T DSL or Bright House Road Runner internet. We are trying to switch to Uverse but it has been such a freaking hassle as AT&T in their infinite wisdom disconnected our DSL a week before the Uverse is scheduled to be installed.
Same here, we only have the choice of AT&T DSL or Bright House Road Runner internet. We are trying to switch to Uverse but it has been such a freaking hassle as AT&T in their infinite wisdom disconnected our DSL a week before the Uverse is scheduled to be installed.

I actually like everything about AT&T Uverse... except for the newly initiated 250Gb cap. Their customer service, and actual service, is way better than what Comcast held when I had them. If it was available, I'd certainly be on FiOS, though.

Btw, does anyone know if FiOS has a cap?
I have FiOS 15/5. Have had 0 problems with it in the year that I've had it. Time Warner was slow as shit and cut out all the time. I'm closing on a house on Monday, and I made sure in advance that it was in a FiOS coverage zone.
you know what they say: a good fibre plan keeps the proctologist away