Anything on multiplayer yet?

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May 14, 2003
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Valve say anything yet about multiplayer?...If they dont at e3 its very possible that TF2 might the multiplayer option available for download via STEAM via $$$...maybe there waiting for TF2 to be pretty much finished and thats why there not releasing multiplayer info...
I think in a review Multiplayer was talked about for a sentence for two dont remember all too well.
All that has been said is that there will be multiplayer support as far as I know. Oh, and I think there was some mention of "something special".
Yea i think that the multiplayer is going to be through TF2 to be honest. i honestley think we will see that (if HL2 gets released sept 30) christmas or just after.! IMO:eek:
Multiplayer is definately going to be something never before seen if they neglect to mention what it is...
If everything is destructible in multiplayer like single then 9800pro wont even do the job with all details maxxed out in multi.

*note..the 9800pro did run hl2 fine at e3 from what we saw, but there are about 10 different times you can the card having problems with the game, a few times it probably dropped down to about 20fps)
What would be nice is if you could make holes in buildings with rocket launchers and by driving jeeps into them and such... That would be fricking awesome. hehehe I can picture it now. "We have a sniper in the so and so building" Than some guy comes swerving around the corner in his chevy suburban and plows right into the building than he blows up the pack of c4 that's in the trunk killing everyone inside and blowing the building in half. "sniper down":cheers:
both TF2 and CS2 will be standalone games that you have to buy in stores.... NOT mods!!!
in stores i doubt it...

They havent developed steam for 3yrs to just dump it..

steam was a bid idea in the first place tho.. what about ppl w/ shitty connections that dont want to sit and wait?

i think HL2 will have its own multiplayer and TF2 will be something seperate, hopefully free :D
TF2, by all accounts, will be an entirely separate game, not included, not free.

HL multiplayer could just be vanilla with a few neat map ideas thrown in: just because they aren't talking doesn't mean it's necessarily something really unbelieable: the SP game is enough to worry about. But, who knows. I would love to see a Co-op mode, but it looks like that would make nonsense/swiss cheese of the story if it played that way through the whole game: a couple of Co-op standalone levels would kick tho.

Where did you think that the card had a problem shockwave? You act like you work for the computer hardware industry (Shockwave comes in, shakes, his head: sorry guys, I'm afraid you'll all have to go out and buy my new.... I mean a new 3d graphics card and a whole new PC.)
If the death-match in HL2 is anything like the first Half-Life Death Match, You wont even ask for a mod...

Half-life's original death match has the best character control, best movement, most superb weapons and special items, which equaled huge skill ratio's among players. HLDM is by far the best FPS-OLG ever made.. Dont believe me??

Watch this 20 min HLDM demo, which was taken a few days ago:

IF HL2 has a death-match and if it sticks to the same prinicipals as the first one, which it looks like it does, then I will be one happy man. I never liked cs or dod, so boring and it doesent even come close to showing what the original HL engine can do.

Watch the demo, thats the shit valve really has in mind...

So dont over look the Death Match, because I know Thousands of you loyal CS and DOD players did in HL1 and you missed out on what really made HL, Half-Life...
I hope there is a second microphone voice mode.. where your character can talk and people near by in the game (from either deathmatch side) can hear him/her. Imagine seeing someone talking, having their characters mouth move with what they are saying and their voice changing depending on if they are in a hallway or big open area.

Mmmm... it'd be possible but hard as hell to make your voice change depending on the room you were in.
I'm not sure the voice change thing would be that difficult (It's very simple to do in Worldcraft/Hammer for HL1 single player maps). Getting the voice and the lip synch to match up convincingly over an internet connection would be the tricky bit.
Didn't Valve say in an preview somewhere that the mouth physics are so powerful, they can synch with any voice.. I believe thats true, but I think it would be difficult considering the vast amount of "voices" which would be using it. Would be great though! :)
Shows this syncing on a vid were the G_man talks english then at a touch of a button Japanise lyps entirley synced.:eek:
Ahh, that was it, I read about it on Gamespot, havn't seen the video for it though.
Yah, very cool stuff. But I think you'd need a near-zero ping for it to work properly online.
Originally posted by Kyle
Mmmm... it'd be possible but hard as hell to make your voice change depending on the room you were in.
If you have a soundcard that supports EAX it would be simple.

Originally posted by GOoch
Shows this syncing on a vid were the G_man talks english then at a touch of a button Japanise lyps entirley synced.
I haven’t seen this video yet but I’m sceptical about how well this lip sync with languages other than English would work. Speakers of different languages (and accents) produce similar sounds sometimes in completely different ways this is one of the reasons it’s easy to spot a non-native speaker even when they speak a language to a very high standard. For instance, if you have the opportunity listen to a German saying ‘Boot’ and an Englishman saying ‘boat’. Watch their lips. The long vowel is produced very differently although it sounds very similar to a non-linguist. The lip sync software would either have to use a different set of rules for each language, or be really shit hot at identifying different sounds.
Maby we get TFT2 as HL2 multiplayer to make the game really the best ever
Originally posted by Shockwave
If everything is destructible in multiplayer like single then 9800pro wont even do the job with all details maxxed out in multi.

*note..the 9800pro did run hl2 fine at e3 from what we saw, but there are about 10 different times you can the card having problems with the game, a few times it probably dropped down to about 20fps)

The 20 minute videos on Gamespy were capped at 30FPS, the game probably was running 40, 50 fps, but all we saw was 30 because of the video itself.
Originally posted by
Mmmm... it'd be possible but hard as hell to make your voice change depending on the room you were in.

If your soundcard could do DSP effects it would be very simple. They did it in HL1. Remember when you would crawl inside the air vents and would hear that metal 'reverberation' hum when you fired you gun? Same principle, you have the same gun fire sample just add DSP effects.
Only problem is the lip synching is based on having the text that is being spoken to time it to. Without it, they don't know exactly what letters you're saying, and can't form the mouth correctly. While it'd be neat to see, I doubt it'll be there.

Only news I've heard on multiplayer is from the Japanese interviews over the weekend saying it will be special.
Don't resurrect 4 month old threads, please.
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