Are the finales damn hard in comparison, or what?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Today I had my first game of the full version of L4D. As I played the demo, I knew, more or less, what I'm capable of, so I decided to go with the "Expert" difficulty - No Mercy campaign; I played with some random people.

We did relatively OK. though we had to restart chapters a few times. But when we got to the finale on the rooftop, the difficulty went... through the roof. I think I played that damn chapter over and over for like 2 hours, with people changing as I played, bored of trying to beat that part. We were lucky if we managed to get to the ETA: 10 minutes part; we got as far as ETA: 7 minutes. Eventually I gave up.

A bit frustrating - I played the whole campaign through and the finale was like a brick wall at the end, MUCH more difficult than the previous chapters, and prevented me from finishing the campaign. Is that common?

it's called a finale for a reason...and it's called expert for a reason.

you'll get it eventually with practice though so don't give up.
plus you were playing with people you didnt know. its always better with friends and if everyone has mic support that can really make a difference in the outcome of the game.
From my own experience, Expert can be cracked if you've the team mates you've played alongside with game after game after game AKA close friends, regular gaming buddies, people from here, etc. I've recently started doing Expert with two friends and whilst very tough, we get way further than we would if we were to jump onto Expert with random people.

I find Advanced fine with random gamers, but I only play Expert when I know I've got mates who won't quit out after one attempt, basically.
Yep thats what usually what happens although last night i surived all of blood harvest plus the finale without being killed or incapped though for the first time ever.
I understand Expert is the hardest difficulty setting, and that it would be easier to play through it with friends, but still, I finished all the chapters on Expert with random people (so we weren't crap), but the finale was much too hard for us.

Oh well, time to play some more.
Yeah the Finale is often a big stumbling block for teams that can breeze through anything else.
Yeah i flew through no mercy last night without getting killed(got incapped quite a few times though i felt like the special infected kept singling me out.)I made it to the finale got killed then turned it off in anger.
The finales are a bitch. Me and a couple of mates breezed though no mercy on expert with no restarts although i died alot. Yet once we got to the finale we kept getting owned over and over no matter what tactics we used. Eventually, we just camped under the ramp and just sent one person to deal with the tank in a suicide mission, we would have won except the last survivor jumped right though the heli and died so we all ragequit.
The finales are a bitch. Me and a couple of mates breezed though no mercy on expert with no restarts although i died alot. Yet once we got to the finale we kept getting owned over and over no matter what tactics we used. Eventually, we just camped under the ramp and just sent one person to deal with the tank in a suicide mission, we would have won except the last survivor jumped right though the heli and died so we all ragequit.

Lol how do people manage to jump off the other side of that helicopter?
Both doors are open, man.
I swear they aren't on the 360 version. Even if they were, are you guys jumping into the helicopter then jumping again? I just casually stroll in and... stop. :|
I swear they aren't on the 360 version. Even if they were, are you guys jumping into the helicopter then jumping again? I just casually stroll in and... stop. :|

Ive just never managed to do it nor have i seen anyone else do it.
And i play the 360 version i cant say ive really noticed if they are open both sides either.
He just jumped in, there was another tank on his ass so he wanted to get in quick. When he jumped he just went straight though the other side, he didn't jump in then jump out the other side. It was funny watching from the dead cam overhead.
He just jumped in, there was another tank on his ass so he wanted to get in quick. When he jumped he just went straight though the other side, he didn't jump in then jump out the other side. It was funny watching from the dead cam overhead.

Lol so he basically just dived right through the helicopter without touching the floor of it?