Battlefield 2 1.41 released


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score

Things continue to move within the Battlefield Universe. Today we are releasing the 1.41 patch for Battlefield 2 that resolves an intermittent crash that affected game servers. Although this is a small update this improvement will greatly improve the stability for players. This patch will be available beginning at 8:00am PST.

We are also continuing our Beta Testing for the Battlefield 2142 1.05 update while adding further enhancements to our Master Server systems to help eliminate the disconnect issues affecting some players. These updates were introduced during Tuesdays maintenance and do not require any updating by players. As we move closer to the 1.05 release we are also stepping up our enforcement of policies against players who exploit the stats system.

With over 100 player accounts already wiped our support staff will continue to address the accounts of players who use exploit tactics to advance themselves. We will also be announcing policy changes regarding player cheating and stats exploit in the near future.

For all players who are interested in hosting their own Battlefield 2142 server the new Server Provider Page is now live. Please check out this page in order to easily locate a Ranked Server Provider in your region.

As always keep your eyes to this space for all your Battlefield Updates,

-Your DICE Live Team



And no, there is no incremental patch. It's the full. 500+ meg for 1 fix on servers.....wee.
Indeed, got it a couple days ago. But why doth thou not playeth anymore, Pitz? :(
Lazy EA, I don't feel like downloading something so huge. Its like the size of Forgotten Hope mod, well not exactly lol jk; but still I only have like what, 6.77GiG's of freespace on my HDD left, this is a 105GiG HDD total. D:
You know after a while it feels like they should start from scratch because it feels like I'm downloading the entire game even on cable internet. :hmph: I never play BF2 anymore in fact the only person who I see who plays something by Dice is Unfocused with his 2142. :rolleyes: CyberPitz saw me play my last BF2 game that I decided to just randomly play. It was bad. Every sniper drops a clay, rockts constantly fly at your feet, it's just........terrible. Maybe I will play. Maybe I will play more if they fixed lots of things. And maybe I will come back if more people come back as well. Maybe. :sleep:
500MB to fix a crash?

Oh wait...maybe they are installing spyware on our PCs. Wee!
Why do they release full patches that contain the new maps? Wake and Jala would be a rather large part of that 500mb. Incremental kthnx.
They learned from their mistakes I am assuming..every time they released an incremental a shit load of peoples BF2 broke..they figured they would just release the big patch as to not **** everything over again :p

And I don't play because the game lost ALOT of appeal to me with 1.3 and 1.4 Road to Jalalashit is horrible IMHO. The obvious AA problem, J-10 pah. Stupid shit like that...really turned me off.
I played the game again today and remembered why I hated it so much.

'Copter and Jet whores.
Eh, copter and jet whores really aren't that horrible imho. It's just the whole game now..maybe I'll replay today, see if it's still horrid.
OK, for all that time spent patching and downloading, they still haven't fixed the network stutter. Yay.
Here I was thinking Jala was a great map due to the lack of copters and jets. Any map without copters and jets wins, period!