Best Enviroment in game?

Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
What do u think is the best Enviroment in any game you ever played. For me it had to be World of Warcraft in Mulgore.
Anything that looks like Far Cry's outdoor areas.
Um. Oblivion? :|

You mean like nature and stuff, right? Not "Hell's Kitchen Noir Film" environment-like right?
Level Design in Hitman: Bloodmoney was pretty cool...
Oblivion for all around environments.

I thought that DOOM 3 had awesome environments. I loved the dark, gritty, hollow feel of the game. The levels in Hell were also superbly done.
Oblivion. The main city (its name slips my mind, for whatever reason) to be specific.

Thunder Bluff in WoW was amazing, too.
oblivion all the way!! how can you say Wow looks better?

Because as great as Oblivion is, doing a 30-minute flight route across Kalimdor in WoW is one of the most breathtaking journies ever.
I think Guild Wars is near the top on this one. Pre-searing was awsome. Well, so was the rest of it. :D
Company of Heroes. The environment changes through the course of the battle, going from a relatively intact zone to a completly war-torn hell. Great stuff.
shadow of the colosus

open wide enviroments that make you feel like a ant
I think Guild Wars is near the top on this one. Pre-searing was awsome. Well, so was the rest of it. :D

True, best looking MMOG on the market. I like WoW's approach, trying to be artistic and all...but to me it failed.
I don't play enough different games to really pick a good one :(

I played the Hitman: Blood Money demo on 360 and thought that level was really well made. If the rest of the game is like that then Hitman:BM would be near the top of my list for sure...
But that's only for a realistic environment...

The best fantasy/sci-fi environment I've ever experienced would be like HL2:Episode 1 or some areas in Guild Wars.
But I know there must be some really amazing game environments that I haven't played yet, some already mentioned in this thread. I just don't have the time to play them all D:
Half Life games notwithstanging...

Quake IV. Lots of detail; dust shaking out of the ceilings, war torn sections, and eventually realizing that you are traveling into the bowels of something alive when you shoot the tubes in the ceiling and you hear it roar in the background.

Painkiller (including Battle out of Hell) had some good environments I thought, but that's probably because they were so insane with the textures. Hell was neat, with the frozen battle scenes from different eras.

Unreal II - the living (skinned?) planet and the alien world just looked neat.

My WoW char is a mage.

Plus I had engineering, so I could teleport to gadgetzan for aq40.

My point is, those retardedly long flights that leave you afk when you finally get to where you wanna go get old somewhere around your 20th day played. I have 90.
Condemned: Criminal Origins, the feel of the places were just great, all unique and detailed.
City 17 in the midst of an uprising was good. Havn't played Episode 1 yet. Bruma in Oblivion was probably my favourite city...
The times in gaming the environment in a game has "wow'ed" me would be the first time I stepped into Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time, the first time stepping into a good, dense forest seeing the trees and foliage sway, and a few other things I just can't think of right now.
There's lots of great environments ...

City 17
Black Mesa
Shadow Moses
Liberty City
San Andreas
Area from Shadow of Colossus
KOTOR, no one planet in specific but the game as a whole had many diverse envrionments
Carcer City (Manhunt - unrelentingly brutal atmosphere)
Blood Money, again no level in particular just consistent excellence
Far Cry

I'm sure I'm missing some.

I don't know why all you guys are saying Oblivion ... I found it unimpressive. The whole thing had a very "random map generator" feel to it. The graphics were good, but the design of the land and cities wasn't special at all. When it comes to environments like this San Andreas beats it hands down, huge amount of detail and much more diverse.
I agree about Oblivion. It was good, especially for the size of the world, but not really the most amazing...
I don't know why all you guys are saying Oblivion ... I found it unimpressive. The whole thing had a very "random map generator" feel to it. The graphics were good, but the design of the land and cities wasn't special at all. When it comes to environments like this San Andreas beats it hands down, huge amount of detail and much more diverse.

I agree that the environments in Oblivion aren't varied enough and definitely had that generated feel but I think my comment stands. The first time I went into a forest was cool.

GTA:SA was alright if you ask me. The rural kind of areas felt very out of place. The cities felt too much like the other two. I guess the same gameplay with the same kinds of cookie-cutter missions didn't do it for me in SA so the environments weren't as fun (barring the set of missions you do with the char James Woods voices - those were kickass).

I do really like the environments in Company of Heroes. Lots of WW2 games are just terrible and completely unoriginal, but when a good one comes around it's really cool. Then again I'm one of those people that have seen Band of Brothers countless times and watch anything WW2 on the military channel or the history channel.
Then again I'm one of those people that have seen Band of Brothers countless times and watch anything WW2 on the military channel or the history channel.

Same :(

I might add Pearl Harbour from Pacific Assault. Sure, it was just one large scripted sequence, but I felt those couple of missions to have great atmosphere, visuals and really captured the area well. The ending on top of the West Virginia (?) with all the Japanese planes flying back out to sea is one of the most vivid images that I can remember from any game.
Syberia 1 & 2. By far. Amazing games. Google some screenies.
The greatest fun i've had with a game environment would have to be the third island in GTA 3. That island was ****ing awesome. I've played all the GTA games but nothing matches that island.
Off the top of my head, one of the environments I really enjoyed was in GTA Vice City.

Cruising up and down the beach front by the art deco style hotels, 80's classics on the radio, the sun setting... man it doesn't get much better than that.
WoW has some of the most aweinspiring vistas in games imo. The graphics might be dated by today's standards, but those environments ooze with atmosphere.

Playing the FarCry demo for the first time was pretty impressive too.

And I agree with Sebastian that Company of Heroes offers some pretty impressive changes of environment during the course of a battle.
The world in Outcast; Adelpha. And if that doesn't count as a single environment, it gets harder all of a sudden. Probably.... Okasankaar, although it's such a close call that picking one over the others seems almost meaningless. :D