Best multiplayer weapon ever?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
This has probably been posted but what hasent??
Rank you top 5 fav multiplayer weapons!

Okay, I havent used it yet but from what I've seen the manipulator takes the #1 spot.

Followed closely at #2 is Duke Nukem 3D's shrink ray gun. Shrink the opponent then splat them with your shoe lol! Back in thoes days we had to connect directly to each others modems...ahh the good ol' days...

In at #3 would have to be Duke Nukem 3D's pipe bombs. I remember filling a whole room with thoes pipe bombs just waiting for the poor chum to walk in and get blown to bits! A few years later I was doing this in Half-Life too!

#4 would have to be the BFG in the Doom serries. That big green ball of light liquifying all that stand before it!

#5 The trusty rocket launcher...borring by todays standard, but what the hell, things that go boom are just fun!
Ahh..brings back memories..

Dont really have a favorite, but the BFG 9000 sure was a blast to use. I also liked the plasma rifle in doom2..

Watching players reactions to snarks made for some good times as well.

The nuke launcher in Turok: Dinosaur hunter always kept a special place in my heart.. ;)
I like the 'Post threads in the right forum' weapon :p
I'd say Shadowwarriors' nuclear bomb :)

always had lots of fun on homelans with it :bounce:
I don't really have a favourite, whatever makes big holes to the enemy is fine by me.
sniper rifle....hehe so kewl to snipe ppl from a distant then run ,:eek:
Counter strike usp has to be my favourite weapon in any game of all time, not the most powerful gun but a solid backup weapon and so much fun taking on people when you are out gunned and have to rely on the trusty usp.
Shotgun from HL1 (great feeling when you use secondary fire). The trip mines/etc were good too.

Ripper from Unreal Tournament.
Personally, I love the mines in RTCW: ET. Something else than the common nade. Only thing is, even though its marked with a bigass flag AND on the map, people still RUN from enemy grenades, but walk over friendly mines :p
Originally posted by dawdler
Personally, I love the mines in RTCW: ET. Something else than the common nade. Only thing is, even though its marked with a bigass flag AND on the map, people still RUN from enemy grenades, but walk over friendly mines :p

I can remember doing that, I see how mindless it seems only now that you point it out. :dork:
Onos devouer is a great attack but my favrate has to be

SoF2 Knife: I love SoF2 death match just for this, while noobs run around with pistols iv got my knife out and im beating the crap out of them all. I LOVE KNIFES! and sof2 is the only game to make them a practical weapon instead of a sowing off thing.
All time fave has to be the M3 shotty from CS. Never has a weapon felt so satisfying to fire, the boom followed by the reload sound rawkz my w0rld0r, even if it was a pretty redundant weapon. Shame I haven't played CS for about a year :(
The Team Fortress Classic sniper rifle. Thats the way a sniper should be. Find a good position and just wait for the target. Btw! Haunted must be one of the best sniping maps of al time.
In no particular Order:

Doom II - Super-Shotgun
Quake I - Rocket Launcher
Blood - Voodoo Doll
Rise Of The Triad - God/Dog mode(s)
Unreal Tournament - Flak Cannon
I love my sniper rifle to BITS....but hmmm...

a shrink gun would be so funny.

nuke gun. makes ground shake and kill all that is in the wave at a time!

teleport gun (like in UT)


Best Multiplayer weapon ever ? ..... hmmm




*Runs off !! *
The thread is BEST WEAPON, not coolest

edit: and its multiplayer weapons, max payne dont have MP
a crowbar only server!! come on guys you all so know you would play it at least once!! prob end up loving it! LOL.

OOOOOO what about in HL in SP you had these little creatures. which were so fast and DEADLY! man they scared me! well how about them in HL2 MP! haahahahaha loads running around.

A boiler room. someone goes in to pick up a gr8 gun. up press the button from outside. and then watch them BURN.

ice gun... it basically freeze's a player for about 10seconds. but a different player can smash him to pieces. ((takes time to charge up the gun though LOL))
hehe, most of those guns were all in this UT mod i was playing for a while. I cant remember the name, found it on a pC PowerPLay cd:p
Nah, you're all wrong.... ;)

The greatest multiplayer weapon is UT2003's Shock Rifle (with crazy combo)

I know it was in UT as well, but the 2003 version is prettier and sounds more meaty....

There's nothing I like more than setting up a map with the Arena Mutator so it's just Shock Rifles.....but that's because H-L2 isn't out yet....
hl's rocket launcer, perfected, love it :)
DOD's M1 Carbine
Jedi Knight 2 LIghtsaber
Any sniper Rifle
Minigun in UT
Ok, this is by no means a real top-5 since then I would have to go through and remember all the multiplayer games I've ever played, but here are 5 good ones at least. ;)

1. BFG of Doom
2. Quake shaft, in water filled with people ;)
3. EMP in TFC
4. The old automatic Axis sniper rifle in DoD
5. Gluon in HL
Enjoy the Natural - Selection Shotgun.
Unreal Tournaments Redemeer.
Originally posted by commando
a crowbar only server!! come on guys you all so know you would play it at least once!! prob end up loving it! LOL.

OOOOOO what about in HL in SP you had these little creatures. which were so fast and DEADLY! man they scared me! well how about them in HL2 MP! haahahahaha loads running around.

A boiler room. someone goes in to pick up a gr8 gun. up press the button from outside. and then watch them BURN.

ice gun... it basically freeze's a player for about 10seconds. but a different player can smash him to pieces. ((takes time to charge up the gun though LOL))

Crowbar! Or anyother melee weapon u gotta love them
#5 - Quake 1 Super Nail Gun - The high-speed repetitious thudding sound it makes is most satisfying. And wickedly deadly when it connects, especially with Quad

#4 - Half-Life Mines - only you and a friend on a server? Pass the time by filling a room with mines!

#3 - TFClassic Spy Backstab - Oh the humanity! You though I was your friend!

#2 - Original TF Sniper Rifle - If you love it, it loved you back. (F11 Ultra Zoom back in the day if it was personal)

#1 - Quake 1 Rocket Launcher - "When it absolutely has to be there" to quote the manual. Classic, perfect for killing or performing death defying stunts.

Honorable mentions -
GoldenEye's slap fest
Duke's Shrink Ray
JK's Force Blind
TFC's Triggered Grenade Launcher. WooHooHooooo! Lookit that sucker fly!
Egon gun in HL
Black hole generator in Unreal 2 - last level
have you forgot about the Farsight in Perfect Dark on n64?? Seeing and shooting thru walls... doesnt get any better.
BFG9k is definititly the most powerful gun evor :p it doesn't just kill, it inverts. :)

I love it. gluon gun is also insanely powerful, but cheap. Flamethrower in RTCW rocks :D I just love setting a room on fire. so satisfying. sometimes you can just slaughter a bunch of guys. burnination. manipulator, though, when HL2 comes out, takes the cake. nothing like propelling a steel bar at 600 MPH into a guy's head.