Best Overall Gun?


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Whats the best overall gun for CS:S. I've been playing it and I've noticed a drop in accuracy of the ak47. Im always like 2 feet away. I unload and not one shot hits him. Its just very frusterating after hours of playing it. Especially when ive been playing CS since it went retail in 1.0..



I dunno I'm def liking the galil right now
I suppose it depends on who you're asking, but personally I think the Famas (Clarion) is the best overall gun. It's good at close range and long range, has an automatic mode for spraying groups of enemies, and the burst mode makes it a headshot-o-matic. I also find it to be deadly accurate, and it kills quickly.
If you're finding the accuracy of the weapons to be poor, then I suggest (in an attempt to beat ne0_shiny's post)

lol. But Im being serious, I just want to knwo waht the best overall gun people think, is
i like the steyr aug
but it punishes you so bad if you go auto
gotta be disciplined
Yeah maybe thats why im soo bad with the ak, becuse i was 2 feet away from this guy, i just unloaded and nothign hit him...
when you unload with the ak which is an automatic response instantly crouch and aim at the upper chest and let the recoil give you a headshot
but always start shooting with the ak and drop into a crouch
Yeah I did that like 50 times, and well i think i was aiming at the mid stomache, but still not a shot went into him. Ill give it another try
Spray walls untill you can get all the bullets to land in the same spot, do it with the ak and colt as they are the best weapons in the game
You're playing CS since 1.0 and you're asking these questions?

The m4a1 and ak47 are the most played weapons from what I see.
Sg552, the matchup to the bullpup.
My Fav gun.
Steyr Aug( Bullpup ) Has a good rate of fire and nice damage, plus it has a scope. The only bad thing about this gun is the longer recoil time, so have the deagle ready when you don't have any cover....

Also, the m4A1 is a nice gun. My vote would certainly go here if not for the aug.
My favs the bullpup cuz it functions as an assualt rifle and doubles as an auto with a single zoom level and is automatic! :E Best weapon ever!

But since that breaks the bank all the time, the FAMAS rocks cuz it has low recoil and a really fast firing rate and has a burst fire option which spits three bullets really fast, and it has a unique look, so use it as an alternitave if u don't have $3500.

I prefer the deagle or p228 as a sidearm, the p228 is a faster but weaker deagle, and the deagle's vice-versa.

I suck with the m4, only used it like 3 times ever...I'd prefer the FAMAS.
It's hard to say, ak is more refined you should just crouch and fire bursts for 3 while aiming at his chest otherwise your bullets will literally be shot into the sky and not hit a thing.
The m4 is a bit easier to use and 4 bullets is usually a kill.
Pump shotty it lethal up close but you gotta make each shot count and make sure you have a deagle ready for secondary cuz reloading the shotgun takes some time.
famas is pretty decent and the basic model down from the ak the assault is good for more controlled shots but lacks the power of the ak.
I'm too lazy to talk about the pros and cons of each gun, just find a good combo which you're used to but atleast be able to mix it up every once and awhile.
p228 for me.

I can use the AK/M4/Galil/Famas, etc, but overall, I do better with the p228.
Dual Berettas. They're cheap, they have a high rate of fire and can be pretty accurate. The only real downside is the longish reload time.

Best beretta replacement ever. - Just in case you're interested.
The AK has actually gotten more accurate since 1.6, it's the extra lag that makes it harder to hit anything. It would be my favorite gun if it was that accurate in 1.6, and it is even if it isn't. Nice and powerful, easy to spray the hell out of someone mid to close range, and is a sexy weapon to burst with at long ranges.
The AK seems to be just a spray-and-kill weapon to me...
I just hold down the trigger andd get a kill :)
The Steyr Aug is my favorite. It has elegance and a mean punch all together. I love how it's an assault rifle but doubles as a semi-sniper with the sight option.

But I rarely use it because it's so damn expensive...the M4 has great accuracy with a relatively low price tag and so is the MP5. ( The latter is a little weak in power though.)
It really depends on the map, side you are on, number of players, and how much money you have (and how well your team is doing and thus what role you are playing).

But in general I find I like the M4. Very little recoil. Knock down power for up close, but good enough to use crouching for distance if given a chance. Go go with a sound supressor to sneak up.

The key is to be discplined. Aim at the head, and shoot in small bursts. And only spray when right next to someone. I get burned when I try to spray, especially on the gun.

The cheapest CT SMG is pretty good also for tight corners. It has a high ROF and if you aim for the head you can take someone down before they know it.

If money is an issue the IDF and Clarion are nice guns. I actually prefer the IDF on most maps if T.
My fav is MP5, its so cheap ($1500) and has a high rate of fire whilst it doesnt have a bad recoil. Also its decent stopping power, but not so good long range. Because its cheap il normally buy a deagle as well, for long shots.

Other than that , il buy the P90 for the extra 20 rounds that allow you to clear out whole rooms whilst every1 else is reloading.
I'd say that overall the AK is the best all round weapon. Used well it's very accurate at long range, it's a monster at short range and it's only $2500. For a cheap all rounder the prise goes to the MP5 hands down, it's an insanely good weapon for $1500. My favorate has always been and will probubly always be the Ingram MAC 10 though. .45 ACP rounds, 1250 RPM, light weight and all for only $1400? It's must have! And, according to everyone i know it has the amaizing head seeking ammo.
pistol: deagle --> used to pwn with it, today I'm ok with it :p
shotgun: pump shotgun --> teh n00b cannon!
smg: mp5 --> see Bob_marley
rifle: galil / m4a1 --> Galil : Spray and Own! M4a1 : Exact opposite of galil, but still with 'Own' in it :p
Why does everyone like the pump shotgun??? I think the auto shottie is way better...

I still don't know how you people own with a m4 ;(
ricera10 said:
Why does everyone like the pump shotgun??? I think the auto shottie is way better...

I still don't know how you people own with a m4 ;(

Click Click... pause... Click Click... pause... Click Click...

If you get 20ft from a wall with the M4 and shoot a whole clip at one point without moving a mouse you will see how the first 3 bullets are pretty close, but then it trails up a bit and then is a huge group up high.

So if you are going to long burst start at the chest and stay aiming at the chest. But try not to do a long burst.

Instead aim for the head and double click in a stead pattern. Do not rush it... just be steady.
One nice example of where the auto is better is in the vents, especially if the other person has an automatic. One shot from the pump does not necassarily kill the guy, then u need to pump. By the time its done rechambering, you will be dead. With the auto u can kill him with 2 shots. Quickly.
ricera10 said:
It recoils horrendoulsy...

Put the supressor on and take longer pauses. It can be done. I wondered how others did it too, but if you single or double click and then pause the recoil is actually very good (comparatively). Just keep practicing :)
I'll keep trying....

To those of you who think the aug is a better m4: It's not. They're different. The m4 is suited best toward short-to-medium (as evdenced by it's recoil technique) and the aug is better for medium-to-long range (it fires right on the crosshair when crouched [do you see its crosshair? one pixel firing area], has a weak scope, and little recoil).

I prefer the aug because I prefer medium-to-long range combat than pumping 5.56 natos at point-blank range.
It really depends.
I always take the SOCOM (usp) as a pistol :p, its accurate, fairly powerful (for a pistol), and has a moderate rate of fire.

With the rifle i choose depending on what im doing.
If im in short to medium range i use a M4 for its average accuaracy and stopping power.
From medium to long i use a FAMAS because when in burst fire mode it should hit dead centre first shot.
I used to be god with the pump shotty, but now it seems I can't do much with it. Seriously, I'd have 8 shells... come around the corner. Two guys. Two shots. Downed. Another corner. One Guy. One shot. Downed.

GOD I tell you, GOD!!one1.
Q_onfused said:
I used to be god with the pump shotty, but now it seems I can't do much with it. Seriously, I'd have 8 shells... come around the corner. Two guys. Two shots. Downed. Another corner. One Guy. One shot. Downed.

GOD I tell you, GOD!!one1.

Two shots to kill two guys???!!

Noob :)