Bethesda gains rights to STALKER, proceeds to turn it into horseshit

Although I'm frightened that you used the godawful snobby aspergronym "ITT," I agree with you, DEATHMASER. Bethesda/ZemiMax is probably the best fit for a STALKER IP buyout.
The best fit was perhaps the poor way of phrasing things. The best fit amongst those publishers that have the money to buyout intellectual properties and gamble on them.

...though nothing would have really been more sugary-sweet than an EA buyout. Oh the nerd tear feasting. Mmmm
Fallout too easy? ITT people who've never heard of realistic weapons damage mod.

I don't see how this news is particularly terrible, considering STALKER 2 just got scrapped.
Because Bethesda are a shit company with zero talent in the way of making a good game. Todd Howard is a moron. It would be better in the hands of Obsidian provided they aren't forced to use that absolutely f*cking horrid Gamebryo engine.
Because Bethesda are a shit company with zero talent in the way of making a good game.

Yeah. Bethesda games are bad. Nobody plays them. They don't sell. They aren't appreciated by critics and players. They are totally unsuccessful and aren't remembered after years. Yeah.
Yeah! Additional logical fallacy!

Bethesda is the Bulk Barn of... no, wait - Bulk Barn is the Bethesda of food stores. You get a lot for your money, but it still leaves you feeling empty.
Yeah. Bethesda games are bad. Nobody plays them. They don't sell. They aren't appreciated by critics and players. They are totally unsuccessful and aren't remembered after years. Yeah.
Haha. Yeah. Because a game selling well means its good. Just like Call of Doot Doot.

I'm sorry, but I can't enjoy anything that requires twenty mods just to make it mildly enjoyable. Todd Howard is a f*cking hack.
Haha. Yeah. Because a game selling well means its good. Just like Call of Doot Doot.

I'm sorry, but I can't enjoy anything that requires twenty mods just to make it mildly enjoyable. Todd Howard is a f*cking hack.

I played through Oblivion without any mods and loved it. Your argument is invalid. Bethesda are a crap company because you didn't like their games? Hmm.
Nah. They're a crap company because they insist on allowing Todd Howard to continue making games using an outdated and horrible engine, below-amateur programmers and animators, terrible writers, zero QA, zero bug testing, boring and lifeless worlds.

Shit. I can't forget his golden egg. Infinite quests and Radiant AI.





No Todd. I alright bought Molyneux's lies, but at least the disappointment he delivered was over ambition rather than a lack of talent. I WON'T FALL FOR IT AGAIN.



That said I did enjoy New Vegas a bit. I wonder why that is? Todd, did you.. nah, that's right. You were out of town for the rest of Season 3 when your big brother Obsidian took over the lead role.
And subsequently went broke for not breaking an 85 on metacritic. Had to layoff a third or more of their employees.
at least dark souls exists that makes me think video games aren't dead and everyone haven't just completely lost their sense of what good video games are like
Speaking of Dark Souls, I've heard that the PC version is going to be internally locked at 30fps and sub-720p. it is FROM Software's first PC title, and a PS3 port at that, so it could be legit...

But enough about good games. We're here to talk about Bethesda. And the fact that New Vegas only got shit reviews because it was released so soon after Fallout 3 and wasn't anywhere close to the technological and gameplay jump from 2 to 3. The story was amazing and the writing was spectacular, but that sort of quality is worthless when your metrics aren't "how good is this game" and "how consistent is it from beginning to end", but "how much stuff is in this game" and "how much more stuff is in this one than the last" and "how much does it look like a movie".
Oh yeah. no. Dark Souls is great.

The pc port, on the other hand, is a pile of rabid dog shit.

Console master race wins again.
I could mention another game that had a shitty PC port.

But it'd be redundant in this thread.

Really, really redundant.

Because it's Skyrim.

it might as well be a port anyway
If you'd done any research on the pc version of Dark Souls you'd know exactly why it is being called shit universally prior to release. There's bad ports, but then there's shit that should not happen at all.
Really all I can find are technical and graphical problems. It's locked at 30fps and has a 1024x720 res. Two problems everyone is bitching about. Two things I could not give less of a shit about. As long as that 30fps is consistent, than who cares? Sure it isn't as smooth as a 60fps, but like I said, if it's consistent then I'm fine with it. If it's the only way I can play this game on PC, then whatever, it really isn't a big deal at all to me. And the game being rendered in 'low res'. The console versions were rendered in the same way, so it is literally no different from the console versions. So people are calling it a shitty PC based on the fact that it looks exactly like the console versions did and it's not being 'upgraded' for PC. You can still change the res to fit your monitor. Although that doesn't change how it's rendered, like I said, it still looks and is rendered the EXACT SAME WAY AS THE CONSOLES. I don't know about you, but I'm just happy it's coming to PC. It's coming to PC based on a fan petition. It shouldn't even exist anyways. So it's either play the console version on your PC or don't play it at all. Seriously, all stupid superficial problems. PC gamers are a bunch of whiners.
How can you not give a shit about a PC game being completely unable to run in any resolution other than 1024x720? Even the FPS lock I can grudgingly forgive, but the resolution? Come on. The ability to switch resolutions isn't even a feature on the box. It hasn't been a feature on the box since the advent of the GPU. It's a ****ing requirement.

I don't see how the Dead Souls' PC port shitshow makes PC gamers "a bunch of whiners" when what we're getting is the equivalent of HL2 being ported to 360 where it runs at 1-5fps, doesn't support 640x480 or 1080p, and requires a keyboard and mouse to play.
You're basically getting a port from people who have zero experience with pc games and admitted they have no f*cking clue what they are doing with porting Dark Souls. A good dev, but they haven't got a clue what the hell they are doing. Not only that, but the game apparently shoots people back to the main menu for no reason too. There's no telling how many bugs this shit has.

No, Dog--. There is a difference between the pc and console versions in terms of graphical quality. It's blatantly obvious you haven't actually seen what it looks like because it does not look nearly this bad. Here's what you'll be looking at. Click the image to bring it to full size Dog--. See the knight? That's what the game is going to look like and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. This isn't a matter of which looks better, either. I'm not trying to make it into that. I'm just saying there's a difference and the pc version is getting the shit covered end of the stick because of incompetence.

Yeah that looks notably worse than the console version and I played it in 1920x1080, which looked great.

Also GFWL.
I don't even want to argue with Dog-- about this. I'm just trying to warn you so you don't end up wasting your money on a seriously awful port until shit gets rectified.

I don't even know what the hell this god awful thread is about anymore.

In the immortal words of RJMC

"What the crap happened here?"
Whaaaaaaat. That can't be what it actually looks like, my ****ing PS1 looks better than that shit. I mean I'm no graphics whore, most of the time I don't give a shit about graphics, but THAT?

Damn I thought it was a bit lower res so it looked a little bit worse maybe. I didn't realize we were looking at a N64 game here. Shit.

Sorry for arguing guys, I am pissed now. Didn't realize it was THAT bad.

And no I'm not being sarcastic, that looks like diarrhea. Minecraft is more advanced than that shit.
Yeah that looks notably worse than the console version and I played it in 1920x1080, which looked great.
Please show me unaltered comparison shots of the same area in the PC and console version and I'll believe you. Things often look very very different from a still screenshot and in full motion.
I don't know man, I've taken my share of screenshots and have never had a current gen game look like that. Jagged edges, super low res textures, etc. The console game doesn't look like that, does it? I am asking because I can't find a decent screenshot (of actual gameplay) to look myself surprisingly.
Dark Souls on PC isn't even released until the 24th, though.

Heh, judging products before they have been released (or even announced for that matter) seems to be the theme of this thread though :rolleyes:
I'm still trying to be optimistic, because I still really really want to play this game. I don't want to play on a console.
It uses GFWL
even though it's on Steam
and by that I mean it uses GFWL for both authentication and online matchmaking
but I'm probably still going to get it because, hey look, a game with decent design post-2007
Unless you have a gamepad I wouldn't even touch the pc version, even if it were properly ported. mouse and keyboard + Dank Souls = asking for never getting anywhere in the game.
I have an XBOX controller for my PC. If I didn't, I completely agree with you and would not even think about buying it. I bought this controller especially for situations like this. RE4, Dead Space, etc. Terrible controls in pretty much all PC ports.

EDIT: Forgot to mention Devil May Cry 4.

That was a ****ing horror show with mouse and keyboard.
The 360 controller is great, I'd probably get one if I needed a gamepad. Thankfully I still have some eight year old piece of shit Generic Gamepad something or other with two clickable joysticks and six shoulder buttons, so I think I'll be okay. And it doesn't even smell like wine-logged vomit from three years ago anymore! Bonus~
DkS had framerate issues as is with blighttown and anything that had to do with crystals (not to mention just LOOKING at the new londo ruins) so honestly I can only imagine how that game would look if they had developed it primarily for PC- it's pretty as hell, but horribly held back by console restrictions.