BiA multiplayer info


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Brothers in Arms multiplayer info

"Instead of just running around shooting at one another at random, in Brothers in Arms, each player will control a fireteam of artificially intelligent soldiers, almost like in the single-player game. The main difference is that in the single-player game, you're the squad leader. Consequently, you can issue commands to a fireteam (whose job it is to pin down the enemy) and an assault team (whose task is to maneuver to close range to destroy the enemy). In multiplayer, you'll only have command of a fireteam or an assault team. You can play as the Americans versus the Germans in a head-to-head game, or you can go two versus two, with each player controlling a team of his or her own"
Horrible idea. Having computer controlled bots mandatory in MP is preposterous. I play online so I can play another human opponent, not a few computers mixed in with a few humans.
seinfeldrules said:
Horrible idea. Having computer controlled bots mandatory in MP is preposterous. I play online so I can play another human opponent, not a few computers mixed in with a few humans.

Hey, it worked in Ghost Recon on the Xbox.
now if you and other players can have 1 squad and do single player missions.. that would kick ass.
Sounds good :)

Assuming the AI is competent (which will probably be their biggest hurdle *remembers H&D2 and shudders*) there could be some real tense and tactical battles. 2 vs 2 sounds particularly appealing :)

I'm all in favour of new experiences (the last thing we need is another WW2 online shooter in the vein of RTCW/ET/COD/MOH/RO etc) and this does sound like a pretty decent and original idea.
this might actually make me not buy BiA :( although I probably will anyways because of the SP, but I hate playing with bots of anykind intellegent or pantylicking. I play mp for replayabilty and HUMAN contact.. forget commanding squads I like killing them myself
I think the MP sounds great from the preview, give me this now!;(
Its been long known, like half a year and more back...

I will only appreciate it if that AI team members are replaceable by a real player. I am not a commanding type, never will be. I'm a follower and a grunt. If I cant be in that fire/assault team as a soldier following another players command, its utterly worthless.

And on another note, its probably a cheap trick to make multiplayer appear bigger than it is, and customize it for the Xbox.

The PC is capable of much more than this.
seinfeldrules said:
Horrible idea. Having computer controlled bots mandatory in MP is preposterous. I play online so I can play another human opponent, not a few computers mixed in with a few humans.
Dont play it then and go back to CS:S.
I hope the pc version is a little more robust ..more players ..I too would like the option of mixed team of human and bot ..but I'm getting tired of the same old stale dm, ctf etc so this is a nice change

edit: when did you make mod gh0st? ......ummm congrats?
It's been known about for a good while now, but I think it's an excellent decision; something to differentiate it from all these arcade DM WW2 games. It'll actually force you to think about tactics instead of running straight in.
Axyon said:
It's been known about for a good while now, but I think it's an excellent decision; something to differentiate it from all these arcade DM WW2 games. It'll actually force you to think about tactics instead of running straight in.
Yes, but why the limitations? Head to head or two vs two...

Well maybe I'm just thinking on it in the wrong way. Its not an FPS really, its an RTS in 1st person.

I still hope the PC version is better though.
I think too many of you are thinking it's much like Full spectrum warrior ..but watch the video, it's a fps ..just with bots like in a sp game like rainbow six
dawdler said:
Yes, but why the limitations? Head to head or two vs two...

Well maybe I'm just thinking on it in the wrong way. Its not an FPS really, its an RTS in 1st person.

I still hope the PC version is better though.
Because that's the way it is - a suppression and assault team, just like in the Single Player. Yes, maybe they could have made each squad out of humans instead of AI, but they chose not to. I personally don't mind either way.
It's a neat idea, but not if that's the only way to play MP...
Sorry for bumping, but I was poking around the forums a bit, came up with this. Heres some new info on BiA's MP

Gearbox is deliberately making the multiplayer this way to differentiate it between the other games on the market. Its about innovation, not immitation. The multiplayer won't appeal to everyone, but then again, neither would a Call of Duty rehash. They could simply rehash Call of Duty's MP and call it a day, or, like they have, come up with a new way of doing things and innovate. I think its an interesting take on things, and should lead to not only a battle of who can aim better, but who can lead better as well. Leading your squad is the key to victory, and I think this is what will make this game so much different than the others. Game mechanics from single player put into multiplayer, tactical, fun, and authentic. Should be interesting.

I think its also important to point out that:

a) The game can support more than 2vs2, as in, 3vs3, 4vs4, maybe even 8vs8 (with squads). They experimented with higher human player numbers, but the fire and manuever gameplay really broke down once they broke the 2vs2 barrier, and;
b) The game can, theoretically, support deathmatch, team deathmatch, etc. gametypes. (hell, in theory there could be single player cooperative online)

The reason I bring this up is, depending on how moddable Gearbox allows the game to be, the mod community will most definitely be adding a deathmatch-style gametype to the game.

Hopefully, in the end, we'll all end up being winners, with the new type of MP and the oldschool way of doing things.