Bioware game for 360 - Mass Effect

Did they make Icewind Dale? That was one of my earliest PC game expiriences... besides Lemmings on the school Acorn.
They made Neverwinter Nights, and had a large part in the first KOTOR. Good company, great games.
I don't think so, Reginald, but it used their Baldur's Gate engine (could be wrong here)


along with KOTOR and NWN they made Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 and Jade Empire. All are fantastic games, especially Baldur's Gate :)
Warbie said:
I don't think so, Reginald, but it used their Baldur's Gate engine (could be wrong here)


along with KOTOR and NWN they made Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 and Jade Empire. All are fantastic games, especially Baldur's Gate :)

Ah right. I remember playing Icewind Dale and then going to my much older cousin's house and seeing him playing Baldur's Gate and thinking it was the same game.

Either way, I really enjoyed NWN and BG.
A few screenshots:



Check out the small trailer though, it looks much better while moving.
Looks like a cool game. Hope it comes to pc.
Reginald said:
Ah right. I remember playing Icewind Dale and then going to my much older cousin's house and seeing him playing Baldur's Gate and thinking it was the same game.

That's understandable, they looked very similar. Planescape Torment used the same engine too (and that's the best rpg ever - imo :)).

I'd love a return to these hand drawn style rpgs - much of the magic was lost in the move to 3d. NWN was a good game, but never gave the same sense of fantasy that BG provided. Ho hum :/
Yea, hope it comes to PC, looks pretty cool.


I'd love a return to these hand drawn style rpgs - much of the magic was lost in the move to 3d. NWN was a good game, but never gave the same sense of fantasy that BG captured. Ho hum :/

NWN had an awesome storyline though!
DreadLord1337 said:
Yea, hope it comes to PC, looks pretty cool.
Great, now all the console gamers can finally complain about games being messed up because the devs had to make it to port to PC too.

I would have much rather heard about a new Baldur's Gate game, even if it is in 3D :(.
Yes! This game looks to be like kotor, i might buy the xbx360 just for this title o_O!
VictimOfScience said:
Great, now all the console gamers can finally complain about games being messed up because the devs had to make it to port to PC too.

I would have much rather heard about a new Baldur's Gate game, even if it is in 3D :(.

Hardly, ever played KOTOR? PC users got screwed because it was made for Xbox, movement sucked.
And some parts for no reason at all my FPS would go from a solid 60 to like 10-20. Really pist me off.
KOTOR worked alright on PC. I do hope they port this, as I am interested in anything Bioware makes. Pretty much the only way I'd be able to play it though is if it gets ported, because there's no way I'd buy a 360 for one game.

Do they have an exclusivity contract with MS? Pretty much all their games are exclusive to the X-BOX and sometimes get ported to PC. Just wondering, would be nice to see them make some PS3 or PC games.
Wow, looks very nice. They're calling it an action-RPG. It has guns so would it also be fps-ish? I hope this gets ported.
VictimOfScience said:
Great, now all the console gamers can finally complain about games being messed up because the devs had to make it to port to PC too.

I would have much rather heard about a new Baldur's Gate game, even if it is in 3D :(.

By the time those games come out the pc will be more powerfull. PPU us coming out soon. Which evens the pc with the multi core processor of consoles.
Cool. Thanks for the new info...I can get to Bioware's door..I can't get inside though..I know where their office is, it's well hidden...but they will not let me in :(
DeusExMachinia said:
Aw, its an action/rpg? I was hoping for a full on sci-fi RPG :(.

I wouldn't worry about that - this is still a full on rpg, it just happens to contain squad based fps elements (which is all good imo - assuming its done right)

We'll be able to play as goody hero types, or evil villains, and have to deal with the results of our choices (reputation, story paths etc) - all the usual Bioware stuff.

I've high hopes for this :)

A pc release may not be as likely as we hope, though :/ It seems MS have a deal with Bioware at the moment. KOTOR 1 & 2 were both made for the Xbox and Jade Empire never was released on the pc. Fingers crossed, it'd be a shame if everyone couldn't play it.
bioware action rpg on a next gen console!

i need a tissue
Raziel-Jcd said:
By the time those games come out the pc will be more powerfull. PPU us coming out soon. Which evens the pc with the multi core processor of consoles.
Haha! I left my sarcasm tag off of my previous comment :p .

There's always the talk of developing with ports in mind as ruining the original experience, but with specs as high as the consoles' specs will hopefully be, then porting to the PC should be a good thing.

And yes, PPUs will rule the day and I can't wait to get mine. I think the new Ghost Recon is going to be the first game to truly take advantage of that type of unit--should be a way cool, even unimaginable experience!
Looks cool. Bioware's never failed me in the past, so I have faith in this.

I'd still like them to return to the KOTOR universe a put a proper resolution on everything.
Looks like it could be good. I have liked every Bioware game that I have played so I have high hopes for this one.
I just read the small preview on GameSpy and I'm really intrigued by this title. Need me some more videos!
Same here - it's sounding very cool.

Any hope I had of holding out on a 360 has pretty much vanished now. Damn you Bioware!