Brokenoath Stargate shots

Wow! Cool! A stargate mod! I hope they won't get into any copyright issues.
lets hope we dont

i have attempted to contact them more than 20 times :)
[sarcasm]No, they won't.

You see, they're using the magic " : " symbol after the word "Stargate", which means they're not breaking any copyright.

Damn thing cut my sarcasm tags off the end.
Yeah its wonderful, i used to when starting my corporation, "The McDonalds:CocaCola Corp."

Still, it aint not Fenric but its alright...
As much as I love all things Stargate I don't see any mod getting away with copyright for long, especially now with several official games being developed.

On another note

/me peruses website

No tacluchnatagamuntoron or transphase eradication rod?

pfff heathens.
there will be just not on the site yet, i have like 10 pages of ideas to format for the site some time.
