Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
We've heard from a reliable source what the next two Call of Duty titles will be about: one will focus on the Normandy Breakout campaign in WWII, while the other moves into the modern age, taking the fight to Middle Eastern terrorists. Yikes!

The big release news is that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and the other WWII-themed game will be released for PC, PS2, PS3, Xbox, and Xbox 360--and they will be released only 3 months apart from one another. This would follow the pattern of releases for Call of Duty 2 on the PC and 360 and Call of Duty 2: Big Red One on current-gen consoles, only this time both would be released on both generations of hardware (minus the GameCube and Revolution).

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, as we stated before, moves the Call of Duty franchise into the modern era, where you'll serve as part of the U.S. Army, U.S. Marines, and British S.A.S. to take on terrorists loyal to an aggressive Middle Eastern dictator. This war on terror must be fought all over the world--in locations as diverse as vessels at sea in the North Atlantic, secret terrorist cells in London, the urban streets of Eastern Europe, and, of course, the Middle East--as you try to stop a terrorist coalition from using its deadly chemical arsenal.

As a pilot in an Army attack helicopter, you'll fly over cratered urban environments--with rocket-propelled grenades to boot--before you rope down as part of a Marine platoon to engage in close-quarters combat in a very different (yet oddly familiar) sort of environment from Call of Duty 2. It's in this door-to-door implementation of battle that similarities to Rainbow Six 3 and Splinter Cell start to become apparent as you fight in squads, rappel down walls, and clear rooms with silenced guns, tear gas, flashbangs, and various specialized goggles. That doesn't prevent you from utilizing all manner of authentic modern weaponry, however, including automatic grenade launchers, mines, and machine guns.

Modern Warfare will also feature deformable environments, where you can kick down and blow up doors, or take it to another next level with destructible walls, roads, buildings, and bridges. You'll also be able to block doors with heavy obstacles like vehicles or furniture and block windows from grenades with a little chicken wire. But you're not just limited to shooting what's within your (fire)arm's reach: you can call in and laser-sight air strikes to knock out those pesky enemy tanks and sniper's nests, too. Now that's what friends are for.

I was hoping for varied gameplay ...maybe a sandbox battlefield where you do what you want ..but this does sound pretty good although it'll probably be scripted as all hell

the ww2 game sounds cool too:

"The next Call of Duty World War II-based title will return gamers to the battlefields of Normandy as the Allies take on Nazi Germany to drive them out of France once and for all. This time around, American and British forces are joined by Canadian troops, Polish tanks, and French freedom fighters in a reenactment of the bloody Normandy Breakout campaign spearheaded during the summer of 1944. In the push to Paris, you'll get to choose how you approach each mission, free of menu screens and jarring non-interactive cut-scenes."

yes finally canadians fight in ww2
Sweet, both sound pretty good. Still, after alot of watching Platoon and Full Metal Jacket over the last few weeks I do wonder what a Vietnam COD would be like. I can't think of any good Vietnam war games to date really.
TheBleeding, out of the modern ones, there's always Vietcong 1, which was decent.
Out of ol' ones, I loved the strategy/RPG/arcade hybrid Lost Patrol for the Amiga, there's a DOS vers there but it's vastly inferior with no mouse-support and no sound.:)
Well I hope it is better than previous attempts.

COD was really fun. COD2 was repetative, CRAPPY REGENERATING HEALTH and really short gameplay, oh and CRAP regenerating health.
If they aren't linear, heavily scripted and on rails then I might go so far as to read a review about them before outright forgetting about them. Knowing Call of Duty games however, that's probably not going to happen.

Does anyone remember a game from a year or so ago? It was sort of "Flashpoint-esque" with regards to the more open ended nature of it. I believe it was a WWII themed game and at least part of it was in North Africa. I believe one mission was to secure and hold an airstrip or something like that. You had a squad and had to hold off the enemy using whatever means you thought necessary. If anyone can remember the name of the game I'm talking about I would appreciate it.
CptStern said:
Hidden and Dangerous 2?

it came out a few years ago though ...highly overlooked game

Thank you. That is definitely the game and the exact level I butchered the description of. Great game and I agree, nobody ever talks about it. Of course who am I to talk, I couldn't even remember the name. Thanks again.
Mutley said:
Well I hope it is better than previous attempts.

COD was really fun. COD2 was repetative, CRAPPY REGENERATING HEALTH and really short gameplay, oh and CRAP regenerating health.

I thought it was a nice feature, you still die quite frequently and it makes the game more fun because you're not worrying about saving the game with no health and getting stuck. It's no more silly than collecting magic health powerups.
Fishlore said:
Thank you. That is definitely the game and the exact level I butchered the description of. Great game and I agree, nobody ever talks about it. Of course who am I to talk, I couldn't even remember the name. Thanks again.
H&D2 owns, i have the expansion pack Sabre Squadron too, really good fun in coop...:sniper:
I never finished H&D2 cuz I couldnt ...seems a bug that prevented you from stealing a german uniform stopped me from completing the game ..never bothered seeing if there was a patch to address it
CoD:Modern Warfare sounds sweet. Maybe it will be a little more open-ended ala MoH:Airborne. We'll see I guess....
Jangle said:
I thought it was a nice feature, you still die quite frequently and it makes the game more fun because you're not worrying about saving the game with no health and getting stuck. It's no more silly than collecting magic health powerups.
Agreed. Its actually a very nice feature imo. It also adds to immersion, especially after a few seconds the details of your current clip and gun fade off your screen. It was very nice and having just the radar really put me in the game.
French, Canadian and Poland playable ftw!
Lack of playable German side ftl.
IW keeping with the idea that the entire British forces are nothing but Paras and SAS and excluding regulars ftl.
lets hope they improve the AI
nice to see canadians being represented finally :)
cod 2's main problem was the seeminly unendless waves of clone nazi's that you had to continuously shoot.
i like how i the new ww2 game there mkaing thier including canadian forces :D
What pisses me off is that this is one of the first games to include Polish soldiers. The Polish armored cavalry was one of the most feared armies in the war. So much happened like The Uprising, the defeat of France, and the invasion of Poland (which took the Germans 400 million bullets, 2 million artillery shells and 70,000 bombs - twice the amount used to take over France) to name a few. The Polish army was the fourth largest army in WW2 and people don't have the decency to even acknowledge that it fought at all. I mean, Canada gets more respect.
Seems a little bit weird, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? I guess I just need to let it grow on to me.
Hazar said:
cod 2's main problem was the seeminly unendless waves of clone nazi's that you had to continuously shoot.
So wait wait wait!
Shame on you!!
*Just kidding*
Bah...another NORMANDY ****ING GAME?

Honestly, it has been done to death. Same with the European theatre in general. Why can't do they do something like parts of the pacific? (look, Pacific Assault itself is a bad example). If people are worried about jungles it doesn't matter. Phillipines, Iwo Jima (just one barren wasteland), Burma (For British) and others that don't include jungle yet are in the pacific.

Oh and Modern warfare sounds good.