Clean (dirty) wallpaper


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Clean (worn) wallpaper

Got tired of the screenshots with way to much stuff on, so I made a dirty one with a clean layout :)

Hope you like it. Click here to view it
Looks good, I would describe it more as Scratched or Worn than dirty since there doesn't appear to be any dirt or grime on it though.
Wouldnt be cool if wallpapers could move like somesort of gif animation! I would be son entertained to see that HL2 spinning logo at the beginning of the videos on my desktop!
That looks pretty good actually. I'd rather prefer something like this then 10 different screenshots pasted into one wallpaper.
Originally posted by jhero
Wouldnt be cool if wallpapers could move like somesort of gif animation! I would be son entertained to see that HL2 spinning logo at the beginning of the videos on my desktop!

create a webpage with that and enable active desktop :thumbs:

and about the picture, nice job :cheers:
Originally posted by righte0us
create a webpage with that and enable active desktop :thumbs:
Yup, add some PHP or Javascript and your friends will be amazed! Never allow idle proccessor time.
just make a big flash thingy, like a spinninh hl2 logo and set it so it takes the width in 100% by 100%.. so it takes up the whole screen.. then set the webpage with the flash thingy as your wallpaper. pretty cool imo. dont use images in your flash only verctor or it will suck up resources like a teen hussy on crack
I'd love to see a moving background with the HL2 symbol rotating, just like the very beginning of the E3 movie. If anyone here makes one somehow, I'd love a link.
Im pretty sure I could make a full screen flash with rotating logo that would work for what you're talking about... Ill post it in a new thread when I do.
thats a really nice background :) *impressed*

edit: i tried to do some wallpapers myself, but it alwas ends up with me getting mad with myself. :)