"Clean Language" Servers


Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I saw some interesting threads about this on the official Steam forums and the ubercharged.net forums, but I'm not on either of those and anyway I'd like to hear some of your opinions. :)

[Don't read the next few paragraphs if you don't care about my opinion, or skip to the tl;dr section.]

Here's what I think: server admins can do whatever they want. If you play on their server, you play by their rules.

But that doesn't mean I have to agree with them, so I try not to play on those servers.

TF2 is an M-rated game, even with sillygibs on. Furthermore, the ESRB always warns that the gaming experience may change online. Both of these should be red flags to parents who want to shelter their kids from mature material.

Now of course, there are some adults who play on clean-language servers because they don't want to hear some guy spewing verbal diarrhea constantly.

And see, here's the thing. Who's most likely to be micspamming the f-word every five seconds? That's right, people under the recommended age of 17 for M-rated games.

I know different kids mature at different rates - there's probably plenty of you under the age of seventeen posting here who actually contribute posts of value. I'm not saying M-rated games should be banned for those under 17. I'm just pointing out that maybe clean-language servers wouldn't be needed if twelve-year-olds who have just discovered the f-word would get off my lawn. Er, I mean game. "This is why we can't have nice things" and all, though thankfully there are plenty of servers with no language restrictions.

(Not that I even really personally care about twelve-year-olds swearing constantly in chat, I just know it bugs plenty of other people.)

TL;DR - I'm a grown woman and I can handle adult language. Hell, the characters themselves don't keep it G-rated. It's an M-rated online game. People should be able to speak however they damn well please - it's not like it's a job interview. What say you?
I say, if grown men and women want to be uptight easily-slighted pompous douches, then let 'em, and I'll play with people who like to have fun.

Slight exaggeration.