collision model help needed


Jun 2, 2005
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I made this simple container with the textures i decompiled out of hl2:


when i use this container in css i cant get in the container and it's actually meant as a little hiding place so this is how the collision models looks like now:


the small line represents where its blocked.

Has somebody a good tutorial on how to create the collision model for it.
I use 3ds max BTW
Do you want the players to be able to go in it?

If yes then you have to make a box for each side. So for the top make a box that fits round most of the top. For the sides, bottom do the same and for the doors too. Don't weld them together or anything though, keep them as seperate objects (or elements if you attach them all into one object).

Bit hard to expain without pics. I might try and write a tutorial one day when I get the time. Don't know of any good tutorials ATM.
yes i want plauers to be able to go into it

i already tried it like that but for some odd reason it wouldn't work.
I selected those boxes and exported them as a smd. mayby i should do it differently. I just dunno
Perhaps the best thing to do will be to copy what Valve did. There's a model similar to what your trying to do. The bits that show up as solid colours are parts of the phys model.


They all seperate from each other as in detached but still part of the model. Try decompiling some models and having a look. The model in the pick is "models/props_wasteland/cargo_container01c.mdl"
thats a great idea i'll trie it when i've got time. to much work for school:(
If you want to make your own physic's model so you can go inside, just centre the container at 0, on the x,y,z co-ordinates make sure you have a bone and apply the physique modifier to the model, select the bone to attach it then save it (you probably already know this).

Now create seperate box's fairly accurately traced around each wall and door, make sure they are editable mesh and attach the new box's till they are one object using the attach tool, apply the material and its correct ID to the new model, and delete the actual container model your used as reference for your new model (not the bone), attach the new model to the bone and 'save as' "container_phys" or something like that, aslong as your same texture is applied to it and its ID in smoothing groups is correct.. you can now use that new model to export a custom physic's model for compiling.

I hope that sorta help's.
just make make 7 cubes making up each wall of the container and the doors.