Combine forcefields


Jul 4, 2008
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I don't understand how does the combine forcefield work. Why cant people go through it, but combine soldiers, objects and bullets can? There are only two forcefields in highway 17 where nothing can pass through it. Can someone explain that or just write your opinion? Please. Thank you!
I have been led to believe soldiers , metro cops and citizens all have some sort of code on their suits or implanted in their skin that makes the force field identify them and allow them to pass and objects are not picked up at all by the fields. The reason why Gordon cannot pass is because he arrived at C17 without recieving said implantation or access codes.
It does not work that way (it was explained in the unreleased content). Citizens are part of some system (probably something to do with genetics). That's how forcefields idenfity citizens/combine units.
Ah , I stand corrected. Serious there is your correct answer. I wasn't terribly far off though...
Obviously it's a design gimmick to make level design far easier (it's a linear game, for god's sake). But the other explanation is also good.
Nothing at all. I much prefer linear, focused games to non-linear/open world.
Ah , I stand corrected. Serious there is your correct answer. I wasn't terribly far off though... have a real good theory there. Apparantly what you said is way off, but what you said rephrased is correct. LoL
Maybe Gordon cannot go through the Combine forcefields because he got the HEV suit.
What's so bad about linear games?
Nothing. Usually they have less flaws than open games too. And you don't find yourself staring at a map for 20 minutes in linear games. have a real good theory there. Apparantly what you said is way off, but what you said rephrased is correct. LoL

What? Are you saying I am correct or incorrect? You just sort of flip-flopped between the two. But you did say I was way off which isn't exactly true because I got the general concept right.

Nothing. Usually they have less flaws than open games too. And you don't find yourself staring at a map for 20 minutes in linear games.

I've figured out and maybe i know why Gordon can't walk through the combine forcefields.
Because Gordon hasn't reported him self as volunteer for the general service of City 17.

What do you mean with that?

With that i mean that when we start half life 2, the G-man is putting Gordon on the train, some how you haven't report or register your self as normal citizen in the City 17, and no one knows you.
Because you are not registered/reported in some kind of ''Registration Room'' in the City 17 to be normal citizen you can't walk through the combine forcefields.

I've figured this when the ''can'' scene starts and Civil Protection unit orders to Gordon to “pick up” the can and “throw it” into the trash can, then about 10 seconds he is saying this: reporting citizen summoned to voluntary conscription for general service public detail T94-322.
Nothing at all. I much prefer linear, focused games to non-linear/open world.

Agreed.. i like linear game play... i dont have all day to run around a fake world.. I want a direct game with a good story line.. hate running around a huge world not knowing what i need to do or where i need to go :/
It's so obvious. It just makes game more linear. No big theories needed.
Yeah, fair enough there is a simple explaination.
I'm just saying I like the way that Dr. Freeman thinks :D
Hehe okay :p

Update: Ah I see..... wait what was I supposed to be finding out?
The most obvious explaination is that the game programming wont let you *DUH* :p
Well it makes sense, I mean Gordon just teleported there he hardly has time to go to the combine office before and say "Yeh hi, I want to sign up for general service of City 17"
Well it makes sense, I mean Gordon just teleported there he hardly has time to go to the combine office before and say "Yeh hi, I want to sign up for general service of City 17"

Exactly, you are thinking like me.
This confuses me. Citizens can pass through the barriers, they do in the first chapter when your in the square.
So combine and Citizens can go through, yet you, nor Alyx or any other rebels can. Maybe there's a registration?
This confuses me. Citizens can pass through the barriers, they do in the first chapter when your in the square.
So combine and Citizens can go through, yet you, nor Alyx or any other rebels can. Maybe there's a registration?

I believe that those were checkpoints for movement between different sections of the city, and that citizens that live in that section could go through these only. Gordon technically doesn't have a file or housing assignment or anything, so this wouldn't work for him. Alyx and members of the Resistance that have been identified or have never been in City 17 aren't going to be on the database for this type of thing either.
We're trying to look beyond the MST3K Mantra here.