CS:S Beta begins August 10th?

that email made me think.... how many of those emails are totally made up? we have no way of verifying them
Gah...I guess it won't be something to do before Doom 3 comes out :(
lol funny they didnt mention the YEAR it will be released
I hope this is true....august 10 isn't that far away. I wonder how long the beta will last.
TheUnkillableDot said:
I hope this is true....august 10 isn't that far away. I wonder how long the beta will last.

august 11th
Valve is going to need to make one hell of an announcment about this posthaste before all of the CZ owners start to complain on the 28th when the preload doesn't start.

Announce something on the steampowered.com news area not just in an email. So far it's been very misleading that the preload will begin on the 28th. By that previous statement it sounded as if ALL preloads would begin then. *Simply shakes head* They need to be more clearcut in the future.
haha..preloading begins the day doom 3 comes out. that'll be a good day for gamers :)
Fantastic news :smoking:

Cheers for the update, and thank god it starts after my mates wedding! Wierd hows its also a day after my first physio appointment:) Been waiting for the physio about the same length of time as HL2!!
And i was hoping for it to start sooner.
my new comp will be here by then, and then i will get Doom 3, so I don't even care anymore. As long as I have something to hold me over for a month or 2 it wont bother me. At least I can thanks id!
oh no the beta is delayed... wasnt it supposed t be out around the 28th? lol j/k, Gabe said it will last for 2 weeks, then they get feedback and fix everything for the release with hl2... well, just hope they dont spend too much time on the bug fixing and delay hl2 a few weeks again...
28th for the PRELOAD. This is no doubt the preload for Cyber Café owners. Following that logic, August 2nd release for Cyber Café
CZ = later = August 5th preload = August 10th release
wow.. that.. SUCKS..

VALVE better have somthin GREAT up their sleaves for HL2 considerin that its most li kely not going to be out at the earliest for a MONTH have DOOM3 comes out..
VALVE better have somthin GREAT up their sleaves for HL2 considerin that its most li kely not going to be out at the earliest for a MONTH have DOOM3 comes out..

It's all planned.. Doom 3 will hype itself into infinity, then Hl2 will be released :p
Six Three said:
It's all planned.. Doom 3 will hype itself into infinity, then Hl2 will be released :p

Half-Life is going to kill Doom 3 in sales and gameplay..lol I'm a sucker for physics :)
Awww yeahH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like i have nothing to do before Doom 3 is released :(
Zips said:
Valve is going to need to make one hell of an announcment about this posthaste before all of the CZ owners start to complain on the 28th when the preload doesn't start.

Announce something on the steampowered.com news area not just in an email. So far it's been very misleading that the preload will begin on the 28th. By that previous statement it sounded as if ALL preloads would begin then. *Simply shakes head* They need to be more clearcut in the future.

Why should they do that?
The 28th wasn't mentioned on Steampowered.com either.

Also as already mentioned this is probably the date for CCP owners.
Well when we have all calmed down from the heart racing singleplayer that im sure doom3 is gonna provide for its time, we can despell the mood with a day or two of ye- oldy 4 player deathmatch and complete disgust ourselves with its classic yet out dated lack of players, and then be totally fresh and ready for CSS! as the first chance to finnally see a publicly released source build, !!! ooo it makes me shiver.
This sucks ballz for me, I won't be around my house during that period. Damnit I want to play the beta!!
I was hoping it would be released sooner too, I was just about to buy CZ but then thought against it. Looks like it's going to be a long 13 days until Doom3 is released, but that should hold me over until retail hl2. Both games will be beyond excellent, so I'm not too worried about it. Doom 3 is going to be awesome, so all we gotta do is wait until August 3...
I want to know how long the beta will last before I go and buy CZ...especially since Doom III is being released.
10th of august is good..i smell a day off work coming.... but if they miss this! this is the 2nd time (i think) valve have given a firm release date (other being 30th sep of course)...but i guess releasing a beta cant be hard, seeing as youre allowed bugs :0 bring it on baby!

PS: smsKONG what you having physio..just wandering cos i recently spent 4 months in physio after a knee operation...
pk1209 said:
10th of august is good..i smell a day off work coming.... but if they miss this! this is the 2nd time (i think) valve have given a firm release date (other being 30th sep of course)...but i guess releasing a beta cant be hard, seeing as youre allowed bugs :0 bring it on baby!

PS: smsKONG what you having physio..just wandering cos i recently spent 4 months in physio after a knee operation...

I mashed my back up at work, and since my doctor is a waste of space I've been waiting for physio to even find out what's wrong with it! Still it's not all doom and gloom- been off work playing CS for 4 months :)